Feedback on Tea Party Creep Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, Pennsylvania – and other Holier than Thou Burb Bubble Land People just Like Him
We have this problem here in America Lately. The press gives free rides to people like Ted Cruz or idiots in the Pennsylvania State (H8) Legislature like Rick Saccone and Daryl Metcalfe who pass this feel good Guido stuff that plays well in their bubble world existence in the Burbs.
That they are thinking that what they feel good with on lily white green lawn suburbia is what I want which it ain’t. They claim, most of these Tea Party shits to be Christian, but they do not have a clue about life or people, empathy or compassion. That many in fact if you look at them closely have lived in the burbs all their lives or they are lifers in the military and then come out and get elected to cushy little jobs to backwater burbs.
They are building the new Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School in Cranberry Township Pa. which is the home base of Daryl Metcalfe, there in a rich burb of Pittsburgh. That the old North Catholic there had to climb further into the burbs to escape the blacks in the inner city that want to get a better education etc. No doubt Cardinal Wuerl will be proud of the new WHITES ONLY BURB catholic high school.
Mission of the RC in America of late seems like it is to sell off all the old immigrant built inner city real estate and locate to the white safeness of the burbs. Many of the best inner city schools and high schools in America have bit the dust in favor of locating to the burbs to escape the reality of diverse 20th century America etc.
Mission of the RC in America of late seems like it is to sell off all the old immigrant built inner city real estate and locate to the white safeness of the burbs. Many of the best inner city schools and high schools in America have bit the dust in favor of locating to the burbs to escape the reality of diverse 20th century America etc.
Cardinal Wuerl -Newt Gingrich's Third Catholic Marriage is Morally Right – Gay Marriage and Gay Adoption is a Sin
Cardinal Wuerl of Washington D.C. and his privileged church institution states by its words and actions that:
This man's third marriage to his mistress is the only morally acceptable marriage before God. (That Serial Adultery is OK ! so long as you pay $$$)
And that Gay Marriage and Gay Adoption is an abomination before God. - Oh really?
Where there is Love - Where there is Life - There is GOD
And your church calls Bigotry/Hate - "Religious Liberty" - that's all so fucked up Cardinal Wuerl !
Jesus only ate with whores - not certified holy whores like the Gingrichs.
What is wrong with you and your church???
What the hell is right with your church???
Raymond Burke - Pope Pius XIII ?
Perrhaps this is all petty on my part. But I have to say something.
Joe the Pope has just named 24 new cardinals, bishops to the red hat. Two Americans, two bureaucratic hacks, Archbishop Wuerl of Washington D.C. and Archbishop Raymond Burke of the equivalent of a Vatican Supreme Court have scored an appointment.
Wuerl’s witch hunt for gay spouses, domestic partners, on healthcare for diocese employees and Burke’s remarks, demands, cold steel in John Kerry’s back during the 2004 Presidential campaign have not gone unrewarded. Burke as “Scalia of God”, possibly changing the outcome of an election.
I called Wuerl’s witch hunt “creative hate” as directed to a minority that has no sanctions with the church. Those are strong words but I felt them at the time of the incident in March. I still do.
I don’t see anything happening for Donny on the Pope scene. I do see a behind the scenes American conservative plot to get Latin mass Burke elected as an ultra-conservative and first American born pope.
Ray and the Vatican hierarchy only represents themselves and not the vast majority of all shades of Christianity, myself included.
Part of the Abuse scandals in the RC church began and ended with Vatican procedures which did or did not exist over recent decades. Where was Donny or Ray? Unity of doctrine is a necessary part of any institution but the church fumbled every step of the way on the abuse issue and is still fumbling.
I fear great damage to or the end of Christianity as we know it if Ray Burke ever gets elected as Pope, a Pius XIII.
Catholic Sharia Upheld Wash.,D.C. - Cardinal Wuerl Lawsuit - Separation of Sexes - Discrimination Muslims
Interesting article about a discrimination lawsuit down in D.C. regarding separation of the sexes:
Have a nice day.
The D.C. Office of Human Rights (OHR) has dismissed the complaint filed by George Washington University law professor John F. Banzhaf III in response to The Catholic University of America’s single-sex housing policy, affirming the University’s position that the law does not require men and women to be housed together in residence halls.
and discrimination against Muslims at Catholic University. Yeah their tuition money is good but they just don't understand that minorities in America are supposed to keep their heads down and suck it up.
Banzhaf’s complaint about single sex residence halls is the first of two that he has lodged this year against the University. He filed a second complaint in October against Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington and University chancellor, charging that Catholic University has been engaging in discrimination against its Muslim students. The University has yet to receive any official notification from the OHR that it intends to move forward with adjudicating the second complaint.Like Bishop Lori has said, this "Religious Liberty" culture war to establish Catholic Sharia in the U.S. has come into the legal stages of the battle of that war.
Have a nice day.
Hide the altar boys! Cardinal Hoyos is in Town.

Hide your altar boys. Cardinal Hoyos is in Town. Wanting to celebrate a fifth anniversary mass in Latin of Benedict’s reign at the American Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C..
He does anything he wants to in the Vatican. A lot of abuse victims here are insulted by the presence of this bureaucratic hack, pig of a human being, coming into an American Temple to contaminate it by his presence.
Cardinal Hoyos has a track record of praising bishops who protect pedophile priests. Why has the Vatican sent this low life to America to insult all the better parts of our humanity?
Father Wuerl, I mean Bishop Wuerl is like some doormat for the Vatican. Some people will do anything including sell their soul for that red hat.
Mothers, hide your children. Altar Boys, call in sick come Saturday.
Marriage is Union - Father Wuerl

Did Jesus piss on lepers? No. He embraced them with love and the Holy Spirit.
The mean spirited fundamentalist Sharia RC hierarchy in Washington D.C. is threatening to toss out the homeless onto the streets out of their temporary shelters. How Christian of them!
They in essence want to pull some morality clause in their contract with the city to take money for administering certain charity functions. They are in essence saying that the city government, with recognition of same sex marriages from other states, is not somebody with whom they want to do business with.
They are threatening to toss the poor if the city government continues to recognize any same-sex marriage as valid - if it was performed in any U.S. State that gives it recognition.
The District of Columbia with the federal city of Washington within is that unrepresented place for its permanent citizens and being the one last Slave like Territory left in the Untied States. (most of its citizens are black and without rights if you count representation as a right and or entitlement)
The Washington City Council did the one practical thing a territorial government would do. It decided last May to do what would be a diplomatic solution regarding Same-Sex Unions of people newly arrived or already a resident. They recognized legalized same-sex marriages from other nearby countries – The States. Not good enough for the Catholic Sharia!!!
The Sharia wants a ballot initiative in an election and with backing of millions of dollars of the political/religionist conservatives. PR companies make a lot of money lately off of what is basically hate.
The ballot initiative would basically define Marriage as between one man and one woman.
I hate to get technical here seeing that I don’t have a Doctor of Divinity and all that. Even when I was a RC, marriage was defined as a sacrament and contracted between the two parties making the marriage.
When I was active as a Lutheran Catholic, Marriage was not considered a sacrament. The Lutherans only define Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as sacraments as defined or found in the words, documentation of the New Testament. Even then, the Lutherans still considered marriage as between the two contracting parties. The minister only officiates as a couple declare vows to one another.
Marriage is a Union of two people, two souls joining together in body and spirit and agreeing to be faithful to one another until death. That is my definition of marriage.
Why all the Stalinist micromanaging of what goes on in somebody’s bedroom Father Wuerl? I think that the hierarchy of the RC church should be the last persons on earth to define marriage based on sexuality considering the very closeted nature of their own (?) sexuality.
This non-stop far right coup-attempting to control the mind of mankind - to get everybody to memorize and quote exactly from the little red book of fundamentalist sharia bullshit – it is getting old – very old.
If the Archdiocese does not want charity handouts from government – then get out of the people business.
How do you define people? I don’t know. Let’s hire some PR firms, form political actions committees, put an initiative on the ballot and most importantly of all - ship in some suitcases of cash from Rome and Tulsa!!!
American CEO Failure Management 101 - or - Pennsylvania Grand Jury Kiddie Abuse Dump - 2018
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RC Pennsylvania Bishop's CEO Mission Statement (dedacted) |
Last week a news dump from Harrisburg Diocese and the rest now to cover all eight dioceses more or less in the past few years of gross mismanagement from bishops and ruling archbishops who not only lack compassion not only for children but for people in general I would imagine. What kind of two faced local church CEO gets away with ignoring the cries and hurt of the least of us, the defenseless among us. etc. Well American Business CEOs can get away with taking away benefits, stripping jobs and trashing treasuries (pension funds) without legal or social consequences and still get bigger and bigger bonuses for protecting the shareholders at home and or Rome?
The revised John Jay Report on Systemic Abuse of Children of 2011 suggested that priests ordained in the 1940s and 1950s lacked social skills and could not on a micro level deal with the social revolutions of the 1960s with it social explosions of sex (birth control), drugs and rock and roll.
That the explosion of demand of the upcoming Boomer Generation being banged out by returning GIs and their mates was a demand on in two cases, a visionary building plan for more schools and seminarians / convents to fill the traditional cheap Medieval slave labor based on the wonderfully corrupt concept of celibacy, one of sacrifice at the vocations crowd at street level and more gold cups, champagne, limousines and caviar at the management level of all this. And who but dinosaurs like Spellman and Dougherty and Cushing of the old school of kiss the pope's toe and then go home and do whatever the fuck you want to or what sticks to the wall that you throw on it and it sticks like in cooking pasta? A new sacred tradition?
With massive building programs to teach the next expanded generation of Catholic boys and girls, like the confusion on any building sites, personnel always coming and going and any collateral damage to the building sites and or children is to be expected?
And if you were too focused early in your career in getting elected pope like John Krol of Philadelphia, you might in order to secure your domestic legacy be trying to patch up the mess in personnel that happened during your salad days as archbishop.
Bishop Joseph McFadden
On May 16, 1981, McFadden was ordained a priest by Cardinal John Krol at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.[7] His first assignment was as a parochial vicar at St. Laurence Church[8] in Highland Park, where he remained for one year.[3] From 1982 to 1993, he served as administrative secretary to Cardinal Krol.[3] He was named an Honorary Prelate of His Holiness on May 29, 1991.[2]
So using a timeline thingy, Monsignor McFadden was personal secretary to Cardinal Krol both as an active archbishop and into the first five years of his retirement.
And we all know that Krol did not move out of the Cardinal's suite of rooms in the main, 1880s portion of the Cardinal's residence. The new archbishop Bevilacqua (between the lines - a name not mentioned once in McFadden's Wikipedia bio btw) had to do with carving out a new archbishop's suite with the remaining 30-40 rooms of the Great Gatsby1920s addition to that mansion. (Bought at a bankruptcy fire sale btw in 1935 for 350k by Cardinal Dougherty, that's less than 5k a room and ten acres too. This all in the Depression and after Dennis's trip to Rome and the Pope's blessing on his Fatwa against the Hollywood controlling Jews with a Catholic boycott in the AD of Philly against all cinemas. Gave the Vatican prestige and further leverage in delicate political negotiations between holy mother church and the new German regime. Wink. Nod.)
I can only imagine that half the priest personnel files of the archdiocese in Philly were scattered around the Krol end of the mansion and not available to Bevilacqua and his crowd even if he was willing to reform the priesthood and weed out the buggerers. etc.
Bevilacqua: "I want you to tell your boss that he has to move out. It is not traditional to stay in the Bishop's palace once one has retired."
McFadden: "His Eminence wishes to remind your Excellency that if you do not like the present living arrangements, please refer it to his Holiness in Rome. A pope who owes so much to his Eminence's good will in the second papal conclave of 1978..."
That the dysfunction at the Archbishop's mansion in Philly was no doubt a microcosm on the Vatican fantasy land of the waning days of the long reigning and ailing John Paul II and his gatekeeper, the future Benedict XVI. And reflective of a lot too no doubt little niche turfs in all the little duchy dioceses in PA.
So Cardinal Wuerl's hemming and hawing in charge in Trumpland DC can say he cared about all the little people in Pittsburgh on his way to the top to the CEO perks of Archbishop of Washington DC, a bit of a yawn here.
Yawn (again)
Cardinal Dolan Endorses Banker Carl Anderson K-of-C Supreme Knight’s Marketing Plan to Sell Catholic Burial Insurance to Undocumented Illegal Aliens?
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Licensed (?) NYS Insurance Salesmen Tim Dolan and Carl Anderson |
Fresh from a “Free Get Out of Jail” Card from Federal Judge Randa, Catholic Bush 41 appointee, who signed off on Timmy’s Cemetery Fund Scam to cheat Clergy abuse victims in Milwaukee, his holiness Cardinal Dolan’s latest blog is an unqualified endorsement of the Knights of Columbus Insurance business and plans to sell cheap life insurance to immigrants, the great non-white hope of the American RC church to survive depleated membership among Generation (M) Millennial.
All of us are gratefully aware of the “K of C,” as we call them, observing them with admiration at parish, community, and archdiocesan events. We especially appreciate their unflagging devotion to pro-life work, Catholic schools, vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, physically and mentally handicapped, and youth work. As most bishops and parish priests will tell you, “If you want something done, go to the Knights of Columbus.”
In addition to all of this work — they are the largest volunteer organization in the world! — they run the best insurance program around, loyal to the goal of their founder, Father Michael Mc Givney, to care for the widow and orphan of poor, immigrant Catholic workmen. …
To promote the dignity of the immigrant was especially appropriate with the K of C. Why? Well, they were founded precisely to offer fraternity and care for Catholic immigrant workers of 130 years ago, who were then, as now, the victims of prejudice, and whose families were so vulnerable if the breadwinner died or was injured; and two, the Knights themselves are of all nations and ethnic backgrounds, so are naturally free of the nasty nativism that sadly characterizes anti-immigrant sentiment today.
That was some gathering in San Antonio with Cardinal Wuerl celebrating Mass and Cardinal George giving the homily and Supreme Chaplain Knight Archbishop Lori looking on and seeing to VIP guests such as Cardinal Dolan and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.
The blog gives the usual boilerplate explanation on the origins of Knights of Columbus insurance and as the only social safety net available in the nineteenth century for Irish immigrants. Of course with modern government social safety nets making some insurance needs redundant, the idea of “Burial Insurance” as we used to call it in the Irish ghetto because it was usually only a few hundred dollars, was only enough for a cheap funeral and train tickets for mom and the kids to move to grandma’s in the next state for the sake of survival.
With an industry as deregulated as insurance, not paying income tax on life insurance benefits etc., I can only assume that it is not illegal to sell Knights of Columbus Life insurance to undocumented illegals etc.
(NY Archdiocese members (those left) - Hide your Kids and just try and ask for an Audit of the NY Archdiocese Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund. LMAO)
Was Callista Gingrich once a man?
Was Callista once a man?
I am sorry but she does not do anything for me in a missionary fantasy or on her knees kind of way.
Sarah Palin, in spite of her GOP illogic and evangelistic dumbness, I could do.
In the spirit of the 1990s GOP civility standards set by Newt himself and judging if first ladies are murderers or not etc., was Callista ever a man? Inquiring minds want to know.
Where is his/her birth certificate?
So what does Newt see in his third wife? GOP Family Values are like so really phony, plastic and or closeted if you know what I mean.
I was surprised doing research on the Tiffany line of credit to see that it is also accepted by plastic surgeons in that they also accept gold, diamonds and platinum as payment.
Plastic surgery is a given. Massive amounts. Just look at her.
But what I found interesting is that sex changes are not only considered optional and not paid for by health insurance but they are also considered as cosmetic surgery. Is that a correct humanistic perception of the trans gender situation in life?
Since Plastic Newt has a Plastic Wife, does he also have the one and only Man-Man same sex marriage officially sanctioned by the RCC? Secular law recognizes gender change. The Church?
Did you check under the hood Cardinal Wuerl before you signed off on that marriage?
What did Newt Gingrich pay for his three Annulments? – Benedict XVI’s Chosen Catholic U.S. Prez Candidate?
(Look Callista. No tears. I am trading up to Monica Lewinsky.)
I may be dense (stupid) or lazy in my research but I cannot find out how fast or how much Candidate Gingrich paid to get the three annulments from Civil Marriage in order to marry his present Catholic wife in the RCC.
I get a lot of non-information in the Lame Lame Lame Street Media on this. I get the opinion that he doesn’t have to annul civil marriages not in the RCC? That has changed?
I did not marry in the RRC twenty odd years ago because the church wanted $2,500 to annul my wife’s previous ceremony at City Hall in NYC - a lot of money back then that we could not spare - that and time, months and months, perhaps years to annul what in Grade School, the Nuns said was not valid to begin with.
BTW, since Catholics are the only validly married Christians in the eyes of God, meaning to this day all Protestants are still Bastards because their parents did not have a Catholic marriage etc. – why should the freakin Catholic church even care if Gays and Lesbians will be satisfied by a civil marriage at city hall????
Since civil marriage does not count in the eyes of Holy Mother Church, why the f*ck so much fuss over gay marriage if after all the gays and us Prots are damned to hell anyway in their eyes, civil marriage or not?
Hypocrisy to the nth degree in the RCC?
Getting back to Newt. How fast and how much did Cardinal Wuerl? get to grease Newt’s marriage into heaven worthy status.
This is the kind of Religious Liberty only for the RCC that Bishop Lori keeps bitchin about on Capitol Hill.
Martin Luther had a word for this modern day equivalent to selling indulgences - quickie Annulments for the Rich.
This kind of shit started the Protestant Reformation.
Hey Newt. How big will the new Papal Palace on the Mall Ellipse, blocking the view of the Jefferson Memorial, how big and expensive and paid for out of the Pentagon’s budget will it be, once the RCC gets you into the White House?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Creative Hate - Wash DC Catholic Charities
It is a whole new world out there for creative hate. If you got the gold, bucks, non-profit and Madison Avenue Consultant you can do anything in America – including Creative Hate.
The Archdiocese of Washington D.C. is digging in, probably renting Cheney’s old bunker and will now be openly committing indirect “Civil Disobedience” as mandated by their multi-faith document, the Manhattan Declaration.
Washington's new Gay marriage law will not be tolerated by the RC Archdiocese on the feeding end of millions of civil tax dollars for helping the poor and homeless. It's inhouse specific charity program will now openly discriminate against all forms of marriage. Throw the baby out with the bath water. "Charity" does indeed begin at home.
"If I speak with the tongues of angels and men and have not Charity - I am nothing!" - Bishop Wuerl.
One has to wonder if Catholic Charities is self insured or this little brainstorm got cooked up in the a big healthcare insurance company to cut down costs?
Employees of Catholic “Charities” cannot add a spouse if one now marries either heterosexually or homosexually in the District of Columbia.
D.C. is not a state. It is a territory of sorts lost in legal limbo or at least in terms of one man, one vote on the federal level. To add to this old southern plantation territory is the RC church’s new get out of my house hate program toward it’s employees that would dare do what is legal and engage in a civil Gay marriage.
Where does the madness end???
To Avoid Funding Gay Marrieds, Catholic Charities Denies Benefits to All Spouses
The Archdiocese of Washington D.C. is digging in, probably renting Cheney’s old bunker and will now be openly committing indirect “Civil Disobedience” as mandated by their multi-faith document, the Manhattan Declaration.
Washington's new Gay marriage law will not be tolerated by the RC Archdiocese on the feeding end of millions of civil tax dollars for helping the poor and homeless. It's inhouse specific charity program will now openly discriminate against all forms of marriage. Throw the baby out with the bath water. "Charity" does indeed begin at home.
"If I speak with the tongues of angels and men and have not Charity - I am nothing!" - Bishop Wuerl.
One has to wonder if Catholic Charities is self insured or this little brainstorm got cooked up in the a big healthcare insurance company to cut down costs?
Employees of Catholic “Charities” cannot add a spouse if one now marries either heterosexually or homosexually in the District of Columbia.
D.C. is not a state. It is a territory of sorts lost in legal limbo or at least in terms of one man, one vote on the federal level. To add to this old southern plantation territory is the RC church’s new get out of my house hate program toward it’s employees that would dare do what is legal and engage in a civil Gay marriage.
Where does the madness end???
To Avoid Funding Gay Marrieds, Catholic Charities Denies Benefits to All Spouses
Today (March 1, 2010), Catholic Charities President and CEO Edward Orzechowski sent out a memo to staffers informing them of the change to the health care coverage, which will go into effect tomorrow.
In short: If you and your spouse are already enrolled in Catholic Charities health coverage, your spouse will be grandfathered in. Starting tomorrow, however, new employees (or newly married employees, hint hint) will not be allowed to add spouses to the plan. So: Longtime employees will receive the spousal benefits they’ve always had; Catholic Charities will get to keep its pool of covered spouses gay-free; only fresh employees and gays will feel the sting on this one.