Showing posts with label Carl Anderson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carl Anderson. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cardinal Dolan Endorses Banker Carl Anderson K-of-C Supreme Knight’s Marketing Plan to Sell Catholic Burial Insurance to Undocumented Illegal Aliens?

Licensed (?) NYS Insurance Salesmen Tim Dolan and Carl Anderson

Fresh from a “Free Get Out of Jail” Card from Federal Judge Randa, Catholic Bush 41 appointee, who signed off on Timmy’s Cemetery Fund Scam to cheat Clergy abuse victims in Milwaukee, his holiness Cardinal Dolan’s latest blog is an unqualified endorsement of the Knights of Columbus Insurance business and plans to sell cheap life insurance to immigrants, the great non-white hope of the American RC church to survive depleated membership among Generation (M) Millennial.

All of us are gratefully aware of the “K of C,” as we call them, observing them with admiration at parish, community, and archdiocesan events.  We especially appreciate their unflagging devotion to pro-life work, Catholic schools, vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, physically and mentally handicapped, and youth work.  As most bishops and parish priests will tell you, “If you want something done, go to the Knights of Columbus.” 

In addition to all of this work — they are the largest volunteer organization in the world! — they run the best insurance program around, loyal to the goal of their founder, Father Michael Mc Givney, to care for the widow and orphan of poor, immigrant Catholic workmen.   

To promote the dignity of the immigrant was especially appropriate with the K of C.  Why?  Well, they were founded precisely to offer fraternity and care for Catholic immigrant workers of 130 years ago, who were then, as now, the victims of prejudice, and whose families were so vulnerable if the breadwinner died or was injured; and two, the Knights themselves are of all nations and ethnic backgrounds, so are naturally free of the nasty nativism that sadly characterizes anti-immigrant sentiment today.

That was some gathering in San Antonio with Cardinal Wuerl celebrating Mass and Cardinal George giving the homily and Supreme Chaplain Knight Archbishop Lori looking on and seeing to VIP guests such as Cardinal Dolan and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

The blog gives the usual boilerplate explanation on the origins of Knights of Columbus insurance and as the only social safety net available in the nineteenth century for Irish immigrants. Of course with modern government social safety nets making some insurance needs redundant, the idea of “Burial Insurance” as we used to call it in the Irish ghetto because it was usually only a few hundred dollars, was only enough for a cheap funeral and train tickets for mom and the kids to move to grandma’s in the next state for the sake of survival.

With an industry as deregulated as insurance, not paying income tax on life insurance benefits etc., I can only assume that it is not illegal to sell Knights of Columbus Life insurance to undocumented illegals etc. 

(NY Archdiocese members (those left) - Hide your Kids and just try and ask for an Audit of the NY Archdiocese Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund. LMAO)


Sunday, July 21, 2013

BJs, Sexual Blackmail and Nazi Gold – The Heart of the Vatican Bank? – Pope Francis and his Prison Hall Dining Companions

The best way for a crime boss in prison to keep up with every little detail of control inside and outside the prison is to blend in with the Prison population.  While the cafeteria at the Pope’s hotel is hardly a prison dining hall, a lot of strange and perverted characters can get close to the boss, pass on a signal or written note on two and nobody would be aware of it as opposed to being in the traditional big papal apartments and being on video tape from cameras or having to sign in and out of restricted areas near the pope.
On one level Pope Francis is the sweet simple man he pretends to be. On another level the former archbishop of Buenos Aires was not aware of Monsignor Battista Ricca in the Papal Nuncio’s Office across the mouth of the River Plata over in Montevideo Uruguay when he Monsignor brought along a lover, a Swiss Guard, when he was conducting financial stuff at the Nuncio from about 1999 to 2001. Of course the Fire department finding the Monsignor getting a blow job in a stuck elevator from his Swiss Guard probably was an exaggerated story that the Archbishop of Buenos Aires never heard about. But they did ship Ricca off to Trinidad and Tobago and he recently showed up in chow hall at the Santa Marta B&B favored by the pope and the pope put good ole Battista Ricca on the board of the Vatican Bank in a seat next to board member Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus etc.
I am beginning to think that Ratzinger stayed on to tie up the loose ends of Wojtyla’s boys and buggery scandals. That Francis is staying on the tie up the loose ends of the Vatican Bank’s finances.
That considering the source Argentina, maybe the Vatican Bank is not merely trying to cover up and tie up the loose ends of the JPII era when the Vatican Bank was a clearing house for the CIA.
Maybe the ratline of the Odessa and Pius Xii’s gold bug obsession is at the heart of innocent Pope Francis appointing a notorious bugger cleric to run the Shadow end of the Vatican Bank etc. ??? Maybe the heart of the corruption of the worldwide RC church imploding right now has to do with the inability of a corrupt few from letting go of all that Nazi gold, Vatican accounts held in Argentina by former Nazis, gold pried out of the teeth of millions of dead Jews rather than the mere paper billions the CIA ran through the bank for arms and destruction of the Soviet Block?
Pope Francis is perhaps not as innocent as he appears in the Media to be.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson’s Salary at $1.5 Million for Tax Year 2011 – Pay Package up from $1.2 Million in 2008 - Knights of Columbus

With the very rich national $8.10 per hour average wage at WalMart as goal for the lower wage slave/serfs to aspire to, Knights of Columbus Grand Dragon Carl Anderson’s Religious Business Tax Free Cult is doing rather well these days or at least in 2011 on IRS990 forms.

Carl Anderson – Supreme Knight - $1,488,682 Salary, Bonus, other compensation.

This does not of course cover salary and expenses as a Board Member of the Vatican Bank, a sideline so to speak to help earn a few extra bucks for the electricity bill at home etc.

Some interesting contributions outside the USA for the Knights of Columbus

Form 990 Schedule F Part II – Grants or Entities Outside the United States

Vicarius Christi Fund - $1,583,500 – Gift to the Pope

North America (Canada) “Rise Up” Conference - $19.668 - Youth Evangelization In Canada

Organized by the Companions of the Cross, an Opus Dei type sounding organization

A definition of the beliefs, practices and goals (highlights) of the Companions is:
To give God permission to use the members however He wants.
To seek God's will and follow it.
To surrender fully to Jesus as Lord and Saviour
To regard Eucharist as the source and summit of their Catholic faith, and promoting its Exposition and Adoration.
To be loyal to the Magisterium.
To submit to local bishops.

Funds Distributed in United States


Papal Nuncio Wash DC - $25,692 – Party celebrating anniversary of papal election of Benedict XVI

Beckett Fund - $275,000 – for “Religious Liberties”

Archdiocese of Philadelphia - $70,000 – Operating expenses

Archdiocese of New York - $52,000 – subsidy for the “Catholic Channel” on Sirius Radio

Connecticut Food Bank New Haven - $10,000 – Holiday meals

Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund - $500,000 – Support…Initiative that defines Marriage

U.S.C.C.B. - $583,675 – Pro-Life Education

U.S.C.C.B. - $255,531 – Defense of Marriage

EWTN TV - $17,500 – Production Costs

K of C Charities USA - $1,900,000 – Improvement of Rome playgrounds (Rome NY?)



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Knights of Columbus and their Underwriting the Age of the Rockstar Papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI

I caught a glimpse of a video sound bite of a very tired, very old Benedict XVI doing his last Mass at Saint Peter’s Basilica on Ash Wednesday. 

His planned retirement for after his last birthday at 85 last April was delayed to tie up the loose ends of the brewing Vatileaks scandal which is still going on, on the back burner in that the Banking scandal is still being handled mostly behind closed doors amongst European Banks and European Bank Regulators. 

No doubt it is good to have a vicious political back street fighter like Carl Anderson of the Knight of Columbus on board, literally on the Board of the Vatican Bank, to exert the last influence of the bankrupt American Political Empire to save what is left of the ambitious shards of the glory days of John Paul II, the Cold War and that Rockstar Papacy of JPII.

2008 - Carl Anderson - Second fm Left - Benedict XVI NYC Visit
I started this article wanting to exercise my memory of Paul VI’s first 14 hour visit to the New World, to New York City on October 4, 1965. I wanted to confirm the itinerary of that day before making a memory thing in writing that might in fact contradict the facts.

I was going to go into more detail about the Mass at Yankee Stadium with an audience of 90,000 live for a papal mass and a TV audience of the tens of millions because the liberal (Jewish) east coast media was only three TV networks back then, no hundreds of channels on cable for you youngsters to comprehend the stone age in television land.

No doubt on that date, many Protestants and fundamentalists turned their forced view of a Roman ceremony off the TV and sat around the parlor and or on the porch as I can remember when I was a child and the Political Conventions every four years wasted a weeks worth of summertime TV viewing pleasure on politics. 

It was the convention or the porch or playing outside in the dark off the porch to entertain oneselves in those days.

And since I am on memories and tangents, I can remember waiting in the rain, having taken a day off from work in full time work, full time college schedule up at Columbia to study for midterms, waiting for the Rockstar John Paul II to cruise by on his way to Madison Square Garden to some youth rally that I waited there in the rain only to not see John Paul II with his torso through the roof of a limo in a clear raincoat waving to the crowd but just as he approached my spot on the sidewalk, he did a full ninety degree turn and waved to the folks on the opposite side of the street and my only view was his back side so to speak. 

So much for a wasted investment of my infatuation with the media rock star from Rome.

Well anyway, trying to nail down the hour by hour itinerary of Paul VI in 1965, I came across some interesting financial flows and as it turns out remote causes of JPII’s super stardom and Benedict’s imitation of such in his royal progresses since.

As you may remember the Beatles did a Concert in Shea Stadium in August 1965. They got 55,000 in attendance, no doubt a world record for the entertainment business but the Beatles were groundbreakers in so many ways in terms of the new global dismensions of entertainment and raking in literally tons of cash profits from a business that even Elvis could not have dreamed of a decade earlier.

I was looking for the hour by hour itinerary of Paul VI in NYC which I still have not found. Oh, I know he went here and there but I only found LBJ’s Official White House Diary to see when Paul VI make it to the Waldorf Astoria with a private meeting with LBJ and other senior members of Congress in the plush rooms along the plush hallways of that icon of American Luxury hoteliers.

Then the thought occurred to me why do Yankee Stadium and not Shea Stadium which is near JFK airport and a more convenient spot for a pontiff that does not even want to sleep in the New World though he deigned to briefly visit it once. Papal Jet might turn back into a pumpkin at midnight? LOL. That or sleep in Franny's Pink Bishop's Palace. ;~) 

BTW Paul VI, besides the LBJ meeting, he got to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral, make a speech at the United Nations - "war no more, no more war..." and checked on the royal property of Michelangelo’s Pieta Statue on loan to the Papal Exhibit at the extended by one year 1964 World’s Fair which I did not get to see. Another story sometime on that.

So now you have Yankee Stadium in this brave new world of Rock and Roll entertainment squeezing 90,000 into a stadium with an official capacity of 57,000 odd, same as Shea Stadium’s same official 57,000 odd capacity.

Further research put me into reviewing the visuals and my conclusions were that the Beatles in Shea only sold tickets for the official stadium seats.  John, Paul, George and Ringo performed on the grass of the baseball infield.

Yankee Stadium on the other hand had something like 33,000 extra seats on the grass around the papal Mass Platform, a platform no doubt not unlike a boxing ring in other stadium, arena settings. 

I can only imagine that every folding chair from every school hall of every Catholic Parish in the city had contributed those folding chairs and make sure you stencil your school’s name on the seats if you want them returned etc.

So you have this evolution in less than two months of super rock stardom entertainment jumping from 55,000 seats at Shea to 90,000 at Yankee Stadium.

Then the thought occurred to me that the Beatles’s concert was no doubt limited in seating of screaming teenage girls behind barriers and also in consideration of liability insurance of such a unique strange event on the American Landscape.

Then I have to wonder why Yankee stadium and not Shea Stadium as the staging area for Paul VI’s very crowded papal staging of the Roman Mass.

Then I found out why or at least found a path of least resistance in logic to find out that the Knights of Columbus owned the land on which Yankee Stadium Stood. 

Then from there is the logical leap of who would be crazy enough to underwrite such a probably very expensive Insurance Policy on an event that probable needed a total waver of most city safety codes in existence at the time. Who else, the Knight of Columbus.

When Pope Paul VI delivered his homily at Yankee Stadium in 1965, he was actually speaking on ground owned by the Knights of Columbus. At the time, the Order served as the Yankees’ landlords. In 1953, some 30 years after the stadium opened, the Knights bought the nine acres on which Yankee Stadium was built. The decision grew out of Father McGivney’s vision — not as a lifelong baseball fan, but as the founder of a fraternal order to help provide for members’ families. 

To continue fulfilling that vision in the mid-20th century, the Order began purchasing the properties of some large corporations and “leasing the properties back to the original owners at a rental that will give the Order an adequate interest return for the money invested,” wrote then-Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart in a letter to members. “We gave them a 100-year lease for the ground at what turned out to be a reasonable, low rent,” explained Dechant. 

But in the early 1970s, when representatives of the City of New York decided to renovate the stadium, they also wanted to own the land under it. “It was not our wish to sell it, but we had no choice,” Dechant said. “We were proud to own it.”

That the capacity to make big media statements and big media like events involving the Pope as modern Rockstar in a modern age, you need sponsors as in the form of an insurance company like the Knights of Columbus to underwrite worldwide the big stadium entertainment events that helps you push and sell the product, whatever that happens to be. Etc.

That media stardom changes the scope of centuries old tradition and the mere fact of global fame gives so many the illusion and or false perception that the star on stage is a good or honorable person. Anybody ever hear of Papal Knight Jimmy Savile? Whatever. 

I had also done some research in the recent past to find out that 90,000 in Yankee Stadium for a Mass was not a record.

I think the record might have been set in 1926 with something like 200,000 at a mass in the newly built for the Sesquicentennial Municipal Stadium in Philadelphia.

I wonder who wrote the liability insurance policy filed with the city of Philadelphia for that event?


Friday, December 21, 2012

Three Most Influencial American Roman Catholics in the Global Arms Race – Wayne LaPierre, Antonin Scalia, Carl Anderson?

Wayne LaPierre NRA - Antonin Scalia SCOTUS, Carl Anderson Knights of Columbus/Vatican Bank

Seeing the recent death of the toxic piece of American History aka Robert Bork reminded me of Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus/Vatican Bank and his salad days in the Reagan White House as the Catholic (Vatican) go-to guy and exclusive handler of Bork’s failed nomination to the Supreme Court.

Carl has gone on to head one on the past’s great benevolent Catholic organizations aka the Knights of Columbus, now the monied arm of the GOP and with all of it’s indifferent coded Pro-Life rhetoric. Sadly, the charity work of misguided American Catholics makes it to the Vatican Bank care of a kind and stupid American Public allowing tax free status on the K of C despite its current toxic domestic and global political activities.

Antonin Scalia is Antonin Scalia. SCOTUS. Get over it. He has the Second Amendment as a cheap mistress to interpret, slap her around, beat her up, according to the money laundering needs at the Vatican Bank/Knights of Columbus “Charity” financing global arms dealers along with servicing financial needs of the South American drug cartels making heavy contributions to their local bishops? Wink. Nod.

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA does not list his religion in his Wikipedia Bio. Agnostic? Or he does not want his redneck Baptist base to know that an undercover Pape is pulling their strings along with pulling in their fear based paranoid donations? Wayne went to two private RC colleges btw.

All in all the top three RC men, American men, who  might be the most influential and powerful men in America and globally when to comes to the lives and safety of children worldwide and have an interest as well as conflict of interest when it comes down to money, politics and guns, armaments, drones over the benefit of living human beings like kids, with instructions and daily PR talking points coming out of Corporate Tax Haven and HQ Vatican City, Rome Italy? 

In any case, hide your children. LOL


Have a nice day.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson – Ronald Reagan’s Go-To Guy on Catholics, Abortion, Contraception, AIDS, Catholic SCOTUS Nominees

I don’t hear Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore complaining about Obama's war on religious freedom regarding the very private Catholic practices of Monsignor Lynn of Philadelphia or Coach Jerry Sandusky, a Knights of Columbus Awardee, of Penn State.  

No doubt the secular end of reality has beaten poor Bill Lori down to a frazzle. But luckily he has a friend not in Jesus but in Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus Catholic charity cult.

Doing some reading, I have found on the Ronald Reagan Library site a list of files in the Carl Anderson section of that archive.

Carl A. Anderson is named in that site as Ronny Reagan’s go to man on all things Catholic. Talk about the pope in the basement of the White House thing with the John Kennedy Presidential Campaign, the church did not get the pope in the White House but it did get –
ANDERSON, CARL: Files, 1985-1987Office of Public Liaison (Domestic Policy, Catholics, Family Issues)
Carl started out life as working as “an assistant to John Svahn, Assistant to the President for Policy Development (OPD). The Reagan Library does not currently have a Carl Anderson collection for his time in OPD.” 

The lack of files is explained away as the files moved over in his promotion to Office of Public Liaison (Catholics Etc.) or he didn’t do any paperwork in the brief stint under John Svahan. (how do you spell paper shredder?)

John Svahan, by the way, has since moved on to senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank founded by two uber-catholics following the fallout of the Nixon Watergate scandal.

Co-founder of the Heritage Foundation is Edwin Feulner, whose pet project outside of American politics is the Fundacion Burke , a political education organization for young Spanish men to learn Conservative values and even get into Internship programs in conservative think tanks stateside in the United States. 

Getting back to Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, some of his Reagan White House files are available in the Reagan archive. Half of about a dozen and half “Abortion” files are available, the rest are probably not imaged and would probably only be available through a Freedom of Information request.

All four files on AIDS are listed as available.

The sixteen files on Reagan Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork remain sealed.

In fact, Carl Anderson’s usefulness or worn out welcome at the White House came almost exactly with the Senate shooting down Bork’s nomination in October 1987.  No doubt sneaking Opus Dei parishioner Anton Scalia into the Supreme Court in 1986 was too much of a lucky thing that Reagan / Anderson and Company had to push the limits of credulity, greed, Senate gullibility, so much so that Teddy Kennedy, who was not always a stupid man, had to put the full force of his political prestige against the Robert Bork appointment.

Carl went onto a decade of grand knight in charge of the Washington D.C. Knights jurisdiction before becoming Supreme Knight in 2000 just in time for George W. Bush’s election and “Faith Based Initiative” handouts to the Catholic Bishops among other dying member base religious organizations.

One other Supreme Knight laurel not mentioned in Wikipedia is as Vice President and Board Member of the money pit appendage of Catholic University, the shadowy John Paul II Institute (front for the CIA?/Opus Dei/Legion of Christ), an organization that seems to be a clearing house for Spanish speaking priests that need some American language, political orientation, PR polish before being put into lower echelons of future power in Catholic Church Institutions such as Seminaries, Schools, Universities in the decades to come.  I think Archbishop Chaput is someone, one of several, now in that process of recycling Legion of Christ members into future positions of American Catholic power. It is a big job. So many loyal priests and so little time to place them strategically elsewhere. 

Have a nice day.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Knights of Columbus – Tax Free Catholic Cult – Fronting a Multi-Billion Dollar Insurance Company

K of C Fish Fry - Tax Free Cash for Charity and the Vatican Bank?

Bishop Lori, Chaplain of a tax free 501(c)(8) “fraternal organization” that does not have to pay taxes on:
…their support for the Church and local communities, as well as for their philanthropic efforts, the Order often refers to itself as the "strong right arm of the Church". The Order's insurance program has more than $80 billion of life insurance policies in force, backed up by $15.5 billion in assets, and holds the highest insurance ratings given by A. M. Best and the Insurance Marketplace Standards Association, though Standard & Poor's downgraded the program to AA+ in August 2011.
Tax free American dollars that:
The Order funded the first renovation of the façade of St. Peter's Basilica in over 350 years. (your siphoned off tax dollars at work)

Charity begins at home or St. Peter’s Square.  The Knights distribute over $150 million in “charity” annually like its construction project in Rome. (No bid contracts to Bertone's crony family?)

Of course all this fraternal organization stuff started with the immigrants and no government social safety nets.  Life insurance was the only guarantee that your family might eat on a regular basis after you died back in the good old days…

But that was a century and more ago. Now you can get IRAs and a 401(k)? through this catholic fraternal order/financial services company, structured on a management level much like the Masons with its secret ritual ceremonies, exclusion of women from first class membership in the organization, and various degrees of rank. The Catholic Masons?

And the organization is protected from that mean old putty tat government by its tax status.

The cult part is over a million members doing volunteer community service work to qualify the organization as a fraternal group, the members not being paid and let's not forget to mention the low paying, few benefits, female jobs processing the insurance end of the tax scam.

Bishop Lori and his Fortnight of Freedom campaign is organized around the K of C membership in 15,000 councils nationwide including the infamous college council 1477 organizing other groups on campus and working so hard to snub Obama at Notre Dame in 2009.

Of course, the Knights are not funding political activities in Bishop Lori’s and the USCCB’s two week rant against Obamacare and if the local bonfires of the bishops’ vanities with Bishop Lori's GOP political activities take place at Knights of Columbus weekly Steak Frys or Fish Frys for “charity” it is only coincidence. Yeah right. LOL

Cult. Cult. Cult. Cash. Cash. Cash. (Tax Free. Tax Free. Tax Free.)

And one other thing.  The Knights of Columbus Insurance/Tax Free Cash Machine is joined I believe at the hip to the Vatican Bank.

As for Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, regarding his salary running K of C, I see this figure quoted on the Internet as $1,167,721. annual which was originally posted in 2008. That I don't think includes the Limo, Jet, Villa in Rome, which leads to a question only the pope knows. What is Carl Anderson's other salary as one the four board members overseeing the Vatican Bank? And is there any conflict of interest involved?

Have a nice day.

Vatican Bank West? New Haven, Connecticut


Monday, June 11, 2012

Is Lack of Transparency Without Accountability a Moral Question Anymore?

Is Europe Too Corrupt to Save? Can Transparency cure the corruption endemic to the southern tier culture of Europe, a Catholic culture except for the Greeks?  Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy all good Catholic cultures with blind fascist obedience to a Leader or Dictator or a Pope being the historic cultural background.  This is not anti-Catholic where I am taking this but it is part of my background argument.

Can a lack of transparency be the reason why RC bishops protect pedophilia? The Pedo State (Penn State) child rape and child trafficking ring trial is under way in Pennsylvania just as the Monsignor Lynn Child Abuse trial has been sent to the jury, also in Pennsylvania.

I for one am not eager to hear any more adult male penis in child mouth or anus testimony in a secular case as opposed to a religious pedophile trial.  No doubt Bill Donohue at the “Catholic” League will regularly be reporting to us and mentioning to his drinking buddy Cardinal Dolan on the daily jury trial activities of secular Coach Sandusky at Penn State – actually no, Sandusky is a good Catholic adult male and has been recognized as such with awards from the likes of the Knights of Columbus etc. …. (Can’t go there? Librul eastern media? Right?) 

The nuns have shot back across the bough at the anti-female Vatican quest to sack the nuns' American real estate holdings through trumped up liberal, progressive humanist charges with a simple idea within their June one response to the boys in the Vatican:
“The board members raised concerns about both the content of the doctrinal assessment and the process by which it was prepared. Board members concluded that the assessment was based on unsubstantiated accusations and the result of a flawed process that lacked transparency.”
"Transparency".  That’s the word Carl Anderson as board member of the Vatican Bank IOR (Institute for Religious Works) kept tossing around the librul press when their token part time consultant Gotti Tedeschi, President of the Vatican Bank, got sacrificed as a scapegoat(?) in the recent scandal over there.  

No transparency – real transparency – and European banks don’t want to deal with the Vatican Bank without a trustworthy rating regarding money laundering and terrorism funding.

If Carl Anderson ran his Knights of Columbus Insurance business like the Vatican Bank….(Let’s not go there.)

And let’s not forget – Too Big to Fail in America?

I keep running into the “T” word – TRANPARENCY – all over the web.  And the TRANPARENCY word seems not to have a SYNONYM like MORALITY.

TRANSPARENCY  -  just a word without an energy or force - MORALITY and or ACCOUNTABILITY

The secular world has broken away from the traditional superstitious world of religion in the west.  The west invented Christianity or remodeled Jesus stuff under Constantine in the fourth century and church fathers remodeled or plagiarized Aristotle, Plato and other concepts of morality from the pagan world.

Now that Christianity is on life support in the west, the most, best you can get in the public forum is a bunch of women hating closeted homosexuals running the RC church trying to preach morality without transparency or accountability in the day to day operations of the church. That and fundamentalist creationist political hack party evangelicals.

Businesses preach profit without morality and most importantly of all without transparency and definitely without any accountability whatsoever.

Government preaches democracy and law and order, verbal code words for morality, without transparency and or accountability for no-bid Bush Cheney type government contracts etc?

The simple truth is that a lot of corruption in western society lies with the separation of actions, any actions not tied to any transparency and or accountability.

That is why trillions have disappeared on Wall Street and nobody except Madoff is in prison.

Corruption equals Transparency minus Accountability minus Morality – all in the same category or all divorced from each other these days?

The end of western civilization as we have known it for thousands of years?

I give some credit for part of the idea of this article to the below article in Al Jazeera English which as an outsider  news agency of sorts is witnessing the meltdown of the West in mentioning some “Emperor Has No Clothes” observations ignored here in the west regarding the present Eurozone monetary crisis.

          Just how corrupt is Europe?                      
The warning comes in a new report that says poor governance contributed to financial and political scandals in almost every European country during 2011. 
Greece, Italy and Spain are listed as among the most corrupt countries on the continent. 
Political parties, businesses and the public sector are said to be the worst institutions for corruption, while electoral commissions and state auditors performed the best. 
The report named Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain – the eurozone's most financially-troubled nations – as having deeply-rooted problems in their public administrations where officials are not accountable for their actions. 
Political lobbying is also seen as a major cause for concern. Out of 25 European countries 19 have no regulations on political lobbying. 
Party funding, with the influence of lobbyists on decision-makers remaining veiled in secrecy, is seen as ripe for abuse by big businesses. The report says Europe's political parties must do more to make funding transparent.
(Like regulations on lobbying could really provide any protection from corruption? – Look at Washington DC as an example.)


Saturday, June 9, 2012

ODESSA Nazi Connection to the Vatican Bank? – Financing the Fourth Reich?

This Vatican banking scandal has too many loose ends. Former President of the Vatican Bank Gotti Tedeschi has compiled a doomsday dossier in case his body gets found mysteriously hanging from a bridge in London.

Banco Ambrosiano, a Vatican as stock holder controlled bank, went belly up in 1982 made $1.5 billion in phony loans and or legitimate loans to dummy corporations in South America. "God's Banker" Roberto Calvi, President of Banco Ambrosiano, his body was found hanging from the Blackfriars Bridge in London shortly thereafter.  

In the present scandal and coverup of money laundering and corruption in the Vatican Bank, the Vice President Ronaldo Schmitz of the Vatican Bank wanted Tedeschi out.  Ronaldo Schmitz claims to have been born in Brazil.  What did it cost his parents to forge those documents?  Etc. Like the priests and nuns, working under unofficial orders of Pius XII, that forged Vatican visas or issued outright legitimate ones for SS Nazi officers to escape to South America, could not like forge a Brazilian birth certificate as well?

I smell a rat, like the O.D.E.S.S.A. possibly operating here with the Vatican bank in the middle of a second generation of Nazis trying to establish the Fourth Reich with the help of Benedict XVI?  Gotta pay back the players that put that tiara on your head? Right Joe?

Sounds totally plausible for a nonfiction novel?

The ODESSA, from the German Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, meaning “Organization of Former SS Members,” is believed to have been an international Nazi network set up toward the end of World War II by a group of SS officers. The purpose of the ODESSA was to establish and facilitate secret escape routes, later known as ratlines, to allow SS members to avoid their capture and prosecution for war crimes. Most of those fleeing out of Germany and Austria were helped to South America and the Middle East.
Ronaldo Hermann Schmitz (* October 30 1938 in Porto Alegre , Brazil ) is a German managers. 
After high school in Rio de Janeiro from 1958-1962 Schmitz studied at the University of Cologne Business Administration and Economics. In 1965 he received his doctorate there and earned an MBA from INSEAD in Fontainebleau . 
In the same year appeared in the Schmitz German trust company a year or two later, he joined BASF to Ludwigshafen . In 1980 he was in the Board appointed by BASF. When he is not the successor to the 1989 CEO Hans Albers was, he joined in 1990 as General Manager for Deutsche Bank, with its former spokesman, Alfred Herrhausen he was acquainted. In 1991 he joined the board of the bank one...
The board dismissed Ettore Gotti Tedeschi on May 24, a day before Vatican police arrested Pope Benedict XVI's butler for allegedly leaking sensitive papal documents to the press in an apparently unrelated case. 
Ahead of the board meeting, according to letters in the daily Il Fatto Quotidiano that could not be independently verified, the bank's vice president Ronaldo Schmitz threatened to resign if Gotti Tedeschi was not dismissed. 
Gotti Tedeschi "does not have the necessary qualities to guide the Institute," Schmitz wrote in the letter, referring to the bank's official name, the Institute for Religious Works, or IOR under its Italian acronym. 
"He has aggravated the situation with his inertia and his lack of loyalty towards staff and lack of transparency to the board," Schmitz said, addressing himself to the Vatican's powerful Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone. 
"I am confident that Your Eminence will immediately end president Gotti's mandate. I do not want to continue to serve with Gotti Tedeschi. I will present my resignation by the end of May 2012 if he is not dismissed," Schmitz wrote. 
His comments were backed up by Carl Anderson, another board member, who said: "I have reached the conclusion, after much prayer and reflection, that Gotti Tedeschi is no longer able to guide the Institute in difficult times.

( I could not write fiction stranger than the real spies, bankers and corruption stuff going on now with the Vatican and the USCCB. )
