Showing posts with label Knight of Columbus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knight of Columbus. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dominionist “Dave” Brat Beats Eric Cantor in GOP Primary - Eric BTW Who Was Not White Enough or “Christian” Enough for the Ruling Elites of States’ Rights Virginia

With a half-assed Masters in Theology from Princeton – a real Theology degree is a Ph.D. btw imho – and preaching the obscure political agenda Orwellian like “economics”of Libertarian politics, the Tea Party is far from dead and its candidates are far less “Kook” like in a push for “States’ Rights” and the coming theocracy, the media is scrambling for dumbed down explanations of why Eric Cantor lost to "Dave" Brat.

Myths of David brings down Goliath with a minimal budget to beat mainstream GOP soldier Eric Cantor are being pumped out by the lamestream media with ignoring all the free network of Christian foot soldiers stuffing and mailing political propaganda, like with Dave Brat’s local chapter of the Knights of Columbus located and sponsored in his rich burb Richmond Virginia Roman Catholic church of St. Mary’s.

A convert to Catholicism (?) and after a Ph.D. at American University, a traditionally linked Methodist institution. Go where the power and money is. And the RCs always have the big global bucks?

Apparently mixing religion with economics is the new politics of the new Right and or Orwellian Big Brother visionaries that put Ronald Reagan in power via the vision of the Liberty Fund.

A quote in Liberty Fund Publishing Economics, of obscure voodoo economist Paul Heyne’s manifesto like quotes in a letter to “David Brat”, the same as in the Cantor Brat Primary Race? [1. ] Paul Heyne, letter to David Brat, 31 July 1998.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cardinal Dolan Endorses Banker Carl Anderson K-of-C Supreme Knight’s Marketing Plan to Sell Catholic Burial Insurance to Undocumented Illegal Aliens?

Licensed (?) NYS Insurance Salesmen Tim Dolan and Carl Anderson

Fresh from a “Free Get Out of Jail” Card from Federal Judge Randa, Catholic Bush 41 appointee, who signed off on Timmy’s Cemetery Fund Scam to cheat Clergy abuse victims in Milwaukee, his holiness Cardinal Dolan’s latest blog is an unqualified endorsement of the Knights of Columbus Insurance business and plans to sell cheap life insurance to immigrants, the great non-white hope of the American RC church to survive depleated membership among Generation (M) Millennial.

All of us are gratefully aware of the “K of C,” as we call them, observing them with admiration at parish, community, and archdiocesan events.  We especially appreciate their unflagging devotion to pro-life work, Catholic schools, vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, physically and mentally handicapped, and youth work.  As most bishops and parish priests will tell you, “If you want something done, go to the Knights of Columbus.” 

In addition to all of this work — they are the largest volunteer organization in the world! — they run the best insurance program around, loyal to the goal of their founder, Father Michael Mc Givney, to care for the widow and orphan of poor, immigrant Catholic workmen.   

To promote the dignity of the immigrant was especially appropriate with the K of C.  Why?  Well, they were founded precisely to offer fraternity and care for Catholic immigrant workers of 130 years ago, who were then, as now, the victims of prejudice, and whose families were so vulnerable if the breadwinner died or was injured; and two, the Knights themselves are of all nations and ethnic backgrounds, so are naturally free of the nasty nativism that sadly characterizes anti-immigrant sentiment today.

That was some gathering in San Antonio with Cardinal Wuerl celebrating Mass and Cardinal George giving the homily and Supreme Chaplain Knight Archbishop Lori looking on and seeing to VIP guests such as Cardinal Dolan and Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

The blog gives the usual boilerplate explanation on the origins of Knights of Columbus insurance and as the only social safety net available in the nineteenth century for Irish immigrants. Of course with modern government social safety nets making some insurance needs redundant, the idea of “Burial Insurance” as we used to call it in the Irish ghetto because it was usually only a few hundred dollars, was only enough for a cheap funeral and train tickets for mom and the kids to move to grandma’s in the next state for the sake of survival.

With an industry as deregulated as insurance, not paying income tax on life insurance benefits etc., I can only assume that it is not illegal to sell Knights of Columbus Life insurance to undocumented illegals etc. 

(NY Archdiocese members (those left) - Hide your Kids and just try and ask for an Audit of the NY Archdiocese Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund. LMAO)


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Chief Outtatown" Chaput of Philly is Out of Town and Out in Space Claiming People are his, I mean, God’s Property

Charles Chaput, current temporary archbishop of Philadelphia

PEOPLE grant FREEDOM to themselves in a Democracy Archbishop Chaput - not you.! Never "people" like you. 

You desecrate this American Holiday – Holy Day – July 4 – with your German Nazi style USCCB rhetoric, you sons of Satan.

It’s the Fourth of July and everybody is at a barbeque and the Bishops are out gathering bodies for their new world order.

"Chief (from) Outtatown" Charlie Chaput of Philly is preaching at the Knights of Columbus cult national Goddess Center in Washington D.C. telling all good Catholics how to think in the twenty-first century. 

They get Bishop Lori to organize the pagan rallies, bonfires, spiritual cross burnings against Obamacare.

Then they get the drunk in charge "narrowback" Bishop Dolan to buy the New York Media. Hic!

Now Archbishop of Philadelphia fresh from a victory, per the Catholic League and Bill Donohue, of the Monsignor Lynn Child Rape Trial in Philly - Chaput begins to emerge as high priest of Philadelphia and wanna be usurper of its sacred Secular Freedom history, a re-interpreter of Freedom and History.  We don’t need any cheap Johnny(Red) come lately American Bishops trying to re-imitate the perfection of the founding fathers Jack! They got it right the first time round. 

To paraphrase the late Senator Lloyd Bentsen in his Vice Presidential debate with Dan “Potatoe” Quale – I know the founding fathers archbishop Chaput. You are no founding father type – Far from it.

What a bunch of Puntch Hall losers.

His core message was that people don't belong to their government, they belong to God, and only when they live by God's plan are they truly free. Hence they are obligated, like the martyrs of the Church, to defy government acts that the Church calls unGodly.

And indirectly, we all have to listen to God’s Overseers, the American Catholic Bishops. Yeah, right.

That sounds like good old fashioned King George III tyranny and slavery to me!

Well Fcuk You Charlie Chaput and fcuk the mangy horse (probably stolen) that you rode into Philly on!

Get a real job you parasite.  You bum!

If you don't like living here in America, go back to Rome.

Bishops' favorite Nag - "Religious Liberty"