Showing posts with label Pittsburgh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pittsburgh. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Allegheny City Hall – Federal and Ohio Streets Pittsburgh – 1863-1938 – Architect Colomb Gengembre

Present site of Buhl Planetarium

Little has been written about the fifteen years Gengembre spent in Allegheny except for reports concerning the commission that turned out to be his last.  Gengembre provided the designs for the Allegheny City Hall pro bono, delivering the plans sometime between 1862 and 1863.  Donating his talent to create the city hall of his adopted home was a grand gesture on his part that was met with an offer from Allegheny Government cronies to share in the graft from inflated costs that they planned to build into the project.  Gengembre was said to be so appalled at the American lack of morals that he swore off speaking English for the rest of his life.  He died in 1863.

 Gengembre’s daughter, Sophie Anderson, was an artist who specialized in portraiture and her work is most often classified as Pre Raphaelite.  She married British artist Walter Anderson and enjoyed a successful career.   Her brother, Philip, changed his last name from the unpronounceable Gengembre to his mother’s maiden name of Hubert.  As Philip Hubert, he moved to New York City where he designed buildings that supported cooperatively owned apartments, a concept credited to him.   The Hubert Home Clubs were designed for middle class workers and owed much to his father’s brief stint working for Utopian thinker, Charles Fourier.   Hubert’s cooperative designs included the Navarro “Spanish Flats” Apartments as well as the Chelsea Hotel.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Feedback on Tea Party Creep Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, Pennsylvania – and other Holier than Thou Burb Bubble Land People just Like Him

We have this problem here in America Lately.  The press gives free rides to people like Ted Cruz or idiots in the Pennsylvania State (H8) Legislature like Rick Saccone and Daryl Metcalfe who pass this feel good Guido stuff that plays well in their bubble world existence in the Burbs.

That they are thinking that what they feel good with on lily white green lawn suburbia is what I want which it ain’t.  They claim, most of these Tea Party shits to be Christian, but they do not have a clue about life or people, empathy or compassion. That many in fact if you look at them closely have lived in the burbs all their lives or they are lifers in the military and then come out and get elected to cushy little jobs to backwater burbs.

They are building the new Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School in Cranberry Township Pa. which is the home base of Daryl Metcalfe, there in a rich burb of Pittsburgh. That the old North Catholic there had to climb further into the burbs to escape the blacks in the inner city that want to get a better education etc. No doubt Cardinal Wuerl will be proud of the new WHITES ONLY BURB catholic high school. 

Mission of the RC in America of late seems like it is to sell off all the old immigrant built inner city real estate and locate to the white safeness of the burbs. Many of the best inner city schools and high schools in America have bit the dust in favor of locating to the burbs to escape the reality of diverse 20th century America etc.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pittsburgh Bishop Zubik Jealous of Carnegie Mellon Art Pubes

One man’s Trash is another Man’s Art Treasure.

Or more accurately, Bishop Zubik’s toupee nicknamed “Little Tony” by his flock in Pittsburgh, is jealous that a cross shaped pube of a half-naked female art student at the annual CMU Art School Festical wearing white and a white bishop’s hat and handing out condoms would dare be the best looking rug in Pittsburgh. (the real crime here I think is handing out condoms free – might start a trend like in Catholic Africa)

It is a slow news day in Pittsburgh. (Every day is a slow news day in Pittsburgh. lol)

Bishop David Zubik, best known in the his youth as a right hand man and personal personal secretary to Philly Catholic Crime Boss “Big Tony” Bevilacqua that got his kicks transferring kiddie pervert priests back and forth to parishes in the Archdiocese of Philly, wants to get a closer look at the artwork, shaved pube in the shape of a cross of a Carnegie Mellon female art student and maybe look at the pubes of a few male art students while he is at it in God’s holy work and:

Bishop Zubik says the incident must be addressed. “What I do want to have happen is for this person to learn  an important lesson,” Zubik said. (kinky?)

Same lesson as with crime boss Big Tony Bevilacqua or with Bill Donohue over at the Catholic League and his preferences regarding Brazilian Waxing for Real Catholic Men and Heart shaved pubes for their sugar daddy employers?  

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

This whole non-story, I file under the There is no Such Thing as Blasphemy Category.


Have a nice day.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bishop Zubik – Martin Luther was a “man of conscience” – You are not!

Martin Luther - Man of Conscience

The administration recently reaffirmed a position that means that, for the most part, religious universities, hospitals and charities that serve the general public would be expected to comply. The rule has sparked outrage among a number of conservative religious groups, with several Catholic bishops calling on their parishioners to refuse to comply with the law. 
This is Bishop David Zubik, leader of the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, speaking to NPR. 
DAVID ZUBIK: We can't comply and we won't comply. There's no way we can. It's a matter of conscience.
Bishop Zubik, right hand man of former Philly Crime Boss “Big Tony” Bevilacqua cannot talk about “conscience”.  He is like what Jesus used to call “hypocrit”.  Will call him in person on judgment day.

Have a nice day.
BTW - Nice Toupee
