Showing posts with label same sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label same sex. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Church of England Stays Gay - Just Like the Roman Catholics - Same Sex Only For Bishops

A saddened Cameron told MPs: "I am very clear that the time is right for women bishops; it was right many years ago. The church needs to get on with it and get with the programme." 
Parliament had to "respect individual institutions and how they work, while giving them a sharp prod", he added. "I think it's important for the Church of England to be a modern church, in touch with society as it is today, and this was a key step they needed to take." 
His remarks were designed to put pressure on the new church leadership to return to the issue more quickly than a strict interpretation of the church's rules allows.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Catholic Sharia Upheld Wash.,D.C. - Cardinal Wuerl Lawsuit - Separation of Sexes - Discrimination Muslims

Interesting article about a discrimination lawsuit down in D.C. regarding separation of the sexes:
The D.C. Office of Human Rights (OHR) has dismissed the complaint filed by George Washington University law professor John F. Banzhaf III in response to The Catholic University of America’s single-sex housing policy, affirming the University’s position that the law does not require men and women to be housed together in residence halls. 
and discrimination against Muslims at Catholic University.  Yeah their tuition money is good but they just don't understand that minorities in America are supposed to keep their heads down and suck it up.
Banzhaf’s complaint about single sex residence halls is the first of two that he has lodged this year against the University. He filed a second complaint in October against Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington and University chancellor, charging that Catholic University has been engaging in discrimination against its Muslim students. The University has yet to receive any official notification from the OHR that it intends to move forward with adjudicating the second complaint.
Like Bishop Lori has said, this "Religious Liberty" culture war to establish Catholic Sharia in the U.S. has come into the legal stages of the battle of that war.


Have a nice day.
