Showing posts with label Manhattan Declaration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manhattan Declaration. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Heterosexual Oath of Loyalty Now Required for Employees of Chick-Phil-A

Company Memo
From: On Top
Subject: Employee Oaths, CONFIDENTIAL
With the guarantee at Chick-Phil-A that no queer chicken is sold at our pure Christian franchise outlets, employees, besides being forced to the sign the Manhattan Declaration of Christian Bigotry pledge to gain or retain employment, must now sign a Heterosexual Oath of Loyalty to the company. ...
...blah, blah, blah, etc.
In other words you must now swear:
… I have always been 100% of my time since birth of the Heterosexual persuasion…
… That I have never engaged or fantasized about non-Heterosexual activities…
…And that if I am not now engaged to or married to a Heterosexual Christian, that I will save my body juices for the Honeymoon coupling without birth control on my Christian wedding night….
…That I will spy and make notations of all movements of fellow employees and customers into and out of our Heterosexual Only bathrooms…
…so help me, the one true pure white meat Christian Chicken god!
(Sign in ink, blood optional.)
“This in order to best serve our 100% pure white meat luvin Christian Heterosexual customers with only the best hand-made artisan raised, killed, plucked and cooked chicken.” As currently updated and noted in our Chick-Phil-A employee manual.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Footprints of Jesus - Gay Marriage in New York

On this official first day of New York State’s Equal Rights Marriage Law for same sex couples, I ran into this document, perhaps guided by the great spirit.

Apparently, long before the Christian Right Haters got together with their manufactured  “Christian” Public Relations Sharia document of the Manhattan Declaration, there were some divinely inspired souls out west, ahead of the humanity curve, who came together and write The Phoenix Declaration.

No Longer Silent: Clergy for Justice

The Phoenix Declaration

“We stand in solidarity as those who are committed to work and pray for full acceptance and inclusion of GLBT persons in our churches and in our world. GLBT persons are condemned and excluded by individuals and institutions, political and religious, who claim to be speaking the truth of Christian teaching. This leads directly and indirectly to intolerance, discrimination, suffering, and even death. Political and religious rhetoric has monopolized the public perception of the stance of Christian persons on this issue. This stance continues to cripple the spirit of innocent people. The Christian faith compels us to be part of the healing for the souls wounded by this tragic, violent, and destructive hatred. Therefore:

We stand with the countless Christian ministers, scholars, and laity who, from prayerful study of the scriptures and Christian tradition, find no rational biblical or theological basis to condemn or deny the rights of any person based on sexual orientation. The essence of Christian life is not focused on sexual orientation, but how one lives in relationship with God with compassion toward humanity….”

Long before there were words on any paper, there was Jesus in the flesh, preaching and practicing his special humanity. 

You cannot fit Jesus’ heart onto any piece of paper or into any book(s). It is just too big.

(Sadly, the American culture war, or war on humanity, continues.) 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Confused Sexuality - Archdiocese of Denver

The DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) said two things. It says that no state had to recognize marriages recognized in other states. It also went on say that the federal government, inside the beltway that is, defines marriage as between a man and a woman. That was 1996 and Clinton signed it because the polls said it was what prevailing opinion was at that time.

There no is DORA (Defense of Religion Act) whereby tax free religions can discriminate against a pre-school aged child from enrollment in Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic school in Boulder Colorado. The child has two lesbian parents.

Last week the school singled out the child and told the parents that the child could not attend the school next year once the sexual disposition of parenting was discovered. No other parents must pass a morality test as to adultery, single parenthood with child out of wedlock etc.

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, a signer of the Manhattan Declaration, proudly enforces this discriminatory policy. Some of us are no doubt more equal in God’s eyes than others.

Groups protest decision not to re-enroll child of lesbians
Gay and lesbian groups are attacking a decision by the archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, not to re-enroll a child in a Catholic school in Boulder, Colorado, next year because the child's parents are lesbians.

The issue centers on the Sacred Heart of Jesus School, where the pre-schooler is currently enrolled.

"The Archdiocese of Denver has acted very unjustly in singling out this child for exclusion," said DignityUSA Executive Director Marianne Duddy-Burke in a written statement Monday.

"Until every student's parents are tested on Catholic teaching, this action by Catholic officials cannot be understood as anything other than discrimination on the back of a child. At a tender age, this child has learned that Catholic officials are willing to inflict pain on children and families."…

"To allow children in these circumstances to continue in our school would be a cause of confusion for the student in that what they are being taught in school conflicts with what they experience in the home.
I think the key word here is “confusion”. I do not think that a child would be confused by the reality of having two presumably loving parents. The confusion would no doubt come when the child would realize the hypocrisy and Confusion of Sexuality and Confusion of all things Sexual which is the present day hallmark of the Roman Catholic Church.

Sacred Tradition since 1968 and the Confused Encyclical Humanae Vitae about sexuality and birth control sets the tone of these social issues spilling into the public domain to this day.

Morning Joe Scarborough said it best, that these social issues such as abortion and gay marriage are an obsession and have crowded the airwaves and political agendas at the expense of needed real government actions in unemployment, jobs, and economic recovery.

This obsession with sexuality and lack of your privacy is fueled by tax free dollars from all right wing Christian fundamentalists. The Mormons and their millions to pass Prop 8 against gay marriage in California, was to mask widespread, to this day, polygamy in Utah and several other western high Mormon population states.

The Catholics channeling money into hate non-profits with the Mormons and fundamentalists, in conjunction with the Manhattan Declaration covenant (Coven), in this case victimizing children of LGBT parents, masks the ongoing confused sexual identity of the clergy and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Creative Hate - Wash DC Catholic Charities

It is a whole new world out there for creative hate. If you got the gold, bucks, non-profit and Madison Avenue Consultant you can do anything in America – including Creative Hate.

The Archdiocese of Washington D.C. is digging in, probably renting Cheney’s old bunker and will now be openly committing indirect “Civil Disobedience” as mandated by their multi-faith document, the Manhattan Declaration.

Washington's new Gay marriage law will not be tolerated by the RC Archdiocese on the feeding end of millions of civil tax dollars for helping the poor and homeless. It's inhouse specific charity program will now openly discriminate against all forms of marriage. Throw the baby out with the bath water. "Charity" does indeed begin at home.

"If I speak with the tongues of angels and men and have not Charity - I am nothing!" - Bishop Wuerl.

One has to wonder if Catholic Charities is self insured or this little brainstorm got cooked up in the a big healthcare insurance company to cut down costs?

Employees of Catholic “Charities” cannot add a spouse if one now marries either heterosexually or homosexually in the District of Columbia.

D.C. is not a state. It is a territory of sorts lost in legal limbo or at least in terms of one man, one vote on the federal level. To add to this old southern plantation territory is the RC church’s new get out of my house hate program toward it’s employees that would dare do what is legal and engage in a civil Gay marriage.

Where does the madness end???

To Avoid Funding Gay Marrieds, Catholic Charities Denies Benefits to All Spouses
Today (March 1, 2010), Catholic Charities President and CEO Edward Orzechowski sent out a memo to staffers informing them of the change to the health care coverage, which will go into effect tomorrow.

In short: If you and your spouse are already enrolled in Catholic Charities health coverage, your spouse will be grandfathered in. Starting tomorrow, however, new employees (or newly married employees, hint hint) will not be allowed to add spouses to the plan. So: Longtime employees will receive the spousal benefits they’ve always had; Catholic Charities will get to keep its pool of covered spouses gay-free; only fresh employees and gays will feel the sting on this one.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Child Trafficking for Christ? Alleluia?

The new global equation as it now stands is not so crude to state that people, collectively or individually, are commodities to be bought and sold for profit. But in truth we are all grist for somebody else’s mill these days. Capitalism and its workings are the secret, sacred words of GOD that only a few rich people truly understand (natural law).

Case in point, Laura Silsby, a good Baptist Christian businesswoman with a long trail of stiffing employees out of their wages, civil lawsuits with customers on her online shopping service and even lawsuits with her own lawyers for non-payment of legal bills. They recently foreclosed on her home and official address of her charity for the poor children of Haiti. On her Facebook Page, she is a fan of “Politicians”: Sarah Palin – “Products”: Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience.

Last year she gets a vision of starting an orphanage in the Dominican Republic for the children of Haiti before the recent earthquake. She gets this vision not from her God but from her children’s nanny who is from Haiti. Cash flow was a problem in getting the orphanage off the ground. But the competition for bodies, I mean children, went ballistic with the likes of Bill Clinton and W started getting in on the Haiti charity thing etc. Onward and upward for “God’s holy work”.

You get some of your fellow Christians in the local Baptist church in Idaho all stirred up, who volunteer, and you start picking up small bodies in the devastated streets of Haiti. If you are the anointed of God like so many losers lately like, Governor Sanford, Senator Ensign, Sen.“Ricky Ricardo” Coburn and Sen.“Waterloo” DeMint, the laws of mankind and or Haiti do not matter. “We’re on a mission for God” as Joe Belushi said in his great movie “The Blues Brothers”.

Laura calls around, no confidentially is adhered to, gets hold of a couple in Kentucky already in the process of adopting some Haitian kids from a legitimate orphanage there when the Earthquake hit, and they tell her to bugger off – but oh no, she puts that particular orphanage on your hit list. You pose as the friend of a woman you have never met when you get to that orphanage to pick up their kids to save or ransom or whatnot.

The kids are already evacuated and then you ask the orphanage if they have any extras. Then you get parents to accept your spiel about a better life in the white world and they hand over their kids to the rich white lady and off you go - ten very odd “missionaries” and thirty three kids in a school bus - off to the border only to be arrested and rightfully so for “child trafficking”.

The rest of this grisly tale of faith, greed and insanity are illustrated in an excellent article from the Guardian by Ed Pilkington in New York and Inigo Gilmore in Callabasse.

Haiti earthquake: In God's name
What was it about the 10 Baptists that gave them the hubris to believe they would provide better care for Haitian children than those children's parents? The acknowledged leader of the group was Laura Silsby, 40, who since the arrest has maintained the line that "we simply wanted to help these children. We did not understand [Haitian] rules."

Richard and Malinda Pickett, to offer them help in extracting three children they were already in the process of adopting. She phoned three times, and on each occasion was told by the Picketts that on no condition should she try to move the children. Remarkably, she didn't stop then. Once in Haiti, Silsby turned up at the orphanage where the children were and asked to collect them. Richard Pickett told Associated Press that she had claimed to be his wife's friend. The three children had by then already been moved, so Silsby asked the orphanage managers if they had any other children she could have.

So what exactly were the Baptists up to? Were they guilty, as charged, of entering a disaster zone, when people, particularly children, are at their most vulnerable, only to exploit them? Or were they, as they have insisted, simply out to help Haiti's traumatised orphans?...

The first puzzling fact is that of the 20 children who boarded the bus at Callabasse that day, many were not orphans. They had loving, albeit desperately poor and struggling, parents. Maggie Moise, standing outside her home, described the moment she handed over her nine-year-old twin sons, Volmy and Kimley. She had been approached by Adrien, who told her some white people wanted to help her family.

"They said they wanted to go with our children. They put the names of the children on a piece of paper and asked me to sign it. A white woman told me, 'Don't worry, you will be able to access your children.' They showed me a ¬brochure of where the children would be going to live. I signed the paper."
Whether you are a giant hedge fund ponzi scheme or a lunatic entrepreneur, running around, kidnapping children for the purpose of trafficking them for charity cash flow or profit for the glory of yourself and of course for the God thing, you are still exploiting them. There are laws. There are nations. There are limits to what individuals and groups and governments can do to help the people of Haiti during this period of recovery after a disastrous earthquake.

Crazies, stay home!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Manhattan Declaration, a Christian Bilderberg Pact?

I often hear, in my mind, the last words of the American Declaration of Independence:
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.
Last Friday a bunch of right wing clerics signed a religious document to further the fight in the cultural wars in this country against the secular beliefs of the majority.

This declaration deals with three issues – sacredness of life – definition of marriage (for you stupid people out there) – and protection against attacks on Religious Freedom.

I respect the right to life. I will not impose my ethical standards on strangers, and in particular women, on how to manage their life and bodies.

I have defined marriage as union between two loving people taking vows to be faithful to one another.

I don’t for the life of me understand Religious Freedom beyond what has been practiced for two centuries in this country.

The first two I won’t talk about. The Religious Freedom to impose religious dogma onto the secular world is an abuse of Religious Freedom. If you cannot control the hearts and minds of your members inside your church building, do not try to abort my secular rights in favor of your slanted superstitious view of the world.

I keep hearing Sarah Palin testing the waters on this issue of attacks on “Christians” which fits into her myopic paranoid wingnut thing. No doubt we will be hearing that phrase or something like it en masse in the coming days of Health Care Reform debate and into the 2010 and 2012 elections. Michael Steele will no doubt be handing out to Fox News a daily talking point memo from the RNC to the Media and authored directly by this Christian Bilderberg group.

Be prepared to be asked to sign your secular rights away in the days and months going forward against separation of church and state and in favor of theocracy.

This “Manhattan Declaration” was not nailed to the door of a cathedral. It was “launched” at the National Press Club with Chuck Colson, a Nixon crook, leading the charge. This PR campaign is headed I am told by the DeMoss PR group which handled Mitt Romney’s PR problem with being a Mormon during his campaign. (Mormon money here backing this thing?)

The document is signed by a lot of right wing Catholic types, a genuine clique within the USCCB most of whom are waiting and wondering where their red hats have gotten to.

There are four signing Episcopalian Bishops who have broken with that group over women's and gay rights.

There are of course some evangelicals James Dobson and the like.

This, another money laundering, non-profit hate group will no doubt last a few years or at least until the 2012 Presidential election and the crowning of Romney or Huckabee as our next “Christian” (white) President?

Keep your powder dry in the days, weeks and months ahead. The far right religious wingnuts now officially join the ranks of the far right politcos hoping and praying to steal their country back from America.

Who’s Who and What’s Up with the Manhattan Declaration

The Right's New Manhattan Project

Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience