Showing posts with label Catholic Sharia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic Sharia. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Jewish / Jesus View on Abortion vs. Fairytale Catholic Bishops View

Rep. Lisa Brown in the Michigan State House voted against a draconian anti-choice Abortion Bill.  She used a word “Vagina”, forbidden, censored to be used in that legislative body and the cunt Legislature censured her for expressing her first amendment right to freedom of expression.
Below her words and the curious Jewish view of Abortion, a view that a Jew like Jesus might have held considering the interpretation of Jewish Law it is based on. Curiously, it is 180 degrees opposite of what the Fairy-tale Bishops of the RCC church said it should be.
Jesus was no fairy, he was a real man. Real too were his beliefs in humanity and the rights of a mother over the unborn in cases of life crisis, unlike many in so-called shady moral authority in these end days of western civilization.
I'm Jewish. I keep kosher in my home. I have two sets of dishes. One for meat and one for dairy, and another two sets of dishes on top of that for Passover. Judaism believes that therapeutic abortions, namely abortions performed in order to preserve the life of the mother are not only permissable but mandatory. The stage of pregnancy does not matter. Wherever there is a question of the life of the mother or that of the unborn child, Jewish law rules in favor of preserving the life of the mother. The status of the fetus as human life does not equal that of the mother. I have not asked you to adopt and adhere to my religious beliefs. Why are you asking me to adopt yours?
Michigan is now in Catholic Sharia Law territory?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nutjob Rick Santorum Defines Strategies of Satan at the Ave Maria University

Ave Maria University, centerpiece of the gated pure white Catholic town of Ave Maria in Naples Florida, in 2008, was ground zero in Rick Santorum’s holy war, catholic sharia jihad, against Satan.

No porn on cable in Ave Maria, or condoms or contraceptives at the pharmacy, and no chocolate ice cream served. Only Vanilla! The town that Domino’s Pizza built.

Santorum was using the devil-tinged language after explaining Obama's position on abortion.  He quoted Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo, North Dakota, who said at the time, “Catholics who support so-called ‘abortion rights’ support a false right, promote a culture of death and are guarded by the father of lies."
"This is not a political war at all, this is not a culture war at all, this is a spiritual war," Santorum said, according to a recording of the speech on the university's website. "And the father of lies has his sights on what you think the father of lies, Satan, would have his sights on.  A good, decent, powerful, influential country, the United States of America."
The speech gained a new life this week when it surfaced on the website Right Wing Watch and was then picked up by the Drudge Report and a host of media outlets.
"If you were Satan, who would you attack?" the former U.S. senator asked the students.  "There's no one else to go after other than the United States, and that's been the case, for now, almost 200 years."
Santorum went on to explain how he thought the devil had attacked the United States in several areas: its foundations, academia, the Protestant Church and government.
Satan had relatively little success attacking the founders and the foundation of the country, said Santorum, who is a practicing Catholic.  But time, like an acid, wore away America's great institutions, "using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition," he said.
Santorum said Satan was first, and most successfully, attacked academia.  Once academia fell to pride and its own truths, he said, the Protestant Church fell next in the United States.
"We look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country, and it is in shambles, it is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it," he said.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Doctor Nicola Riley of Utah – Victim of the American Politics of Vagina and Christian Sharia

Doctor Nicola Riley of Utah

In America, Doctors who operate within the law or have to use loopholes in laws to perform female medical procedures such as abortion will continue to be harassed and even killed by Christian Sharia fanatics who stalk and lobby for some pure state of religious excellence.

I shall not comment on some of the aspects of this case, but I do know Doctor Nicola Riley personally.  I have known her since she was a young teen and can remember when she went off to West Point in those days when females at the Point were a novel thing.

I don’t know anything about her legal problems in the military but she left prison to start a new life and entered Medical School in Utah.  Her services to the elderly and the poor were needed there until such services got commoditized on some big corporate spreadsheet thing in Utah.

She had been working with the elderly and Medicaid crowd as I understand it, before that human level of care got turned into a business racket by perhaps religious institutions looking to the future on spreadsheet graph sheets and seeing only the piles of money to be made in giving aging Boomers minimum care at maximum government rates in shitty nursing homes, now seemingly the standard in Utah.

That I hear it is getting near close to impossible to find a major nursing home enterprise in Utah that is headed by minorities, or non-Mormons, male or female. They have all been shown the door.  When such care and profits from it were marginal, services from out-of-staters, minorities and non-Mormons were needed.  That has all changed in free market deregulated capitalistic Utah.

That young green inexperienced female Mormon doctors from the U of U are brought in to sign off on anything the accountants recommend in these for profit only nursing facilities.  Ethics is out the door not unlike what I witnessed in Wall Street where green kids out of college were told how to steal the national treasury etc. – the public be damned.

These young green rubber stamps now head these money making business enterprises and are now in charge of the elderly there.  If I had a choice between a nursing home in America or suicide, I would gladly choose suicide rather than rot for years in my own urine and feces and depend on care from minimum wage, low or no benefits attendants and illegals at pre-morgue care nursing homes, Utah style.

Getting back to the politics of Vagina and male right-wing politicians wanting a show trial in Maryland to prove once and for all that all women have no rights in the use of their body or a free choice in medical care regarding female medical procedures – I am now reading my bible to find a passage in that noble book to prove that prostate care or surgery is a sin against the Almighty and that all Catholic and Christian Sharia law should equally condemn it with birth control and abortion.

This culture war in America on the human Vagina is getting ridiculous.

No doubt Doctor Riley, squeezed out of the Utah medical work previously available to non-whites and non-Mormons, had to supplement her income in Maryland or New Jersey to pay her student loans to become a doctor. No doubt that is how she came to become a doctor that performed abortions.  And no doubt, as a human being, she is capable of making a mistake in her desired profession.

I know Nicola’s family that has its roots in good, wholesome, working class, middle class Harlem and a Roman Catholic Church that used to care about people and not the bottom line of spreadsheets.

I wish her well and no doubt after being stalked and harassed by the Right Wing Lobbying Industrial “Morality” Complex, she will emerge, vindicated, stronger and run for office and become the first female minority senator or governor of that great state of Utah. Much reform is needed there regarding the human condition.

You are in my prayers Nicola. And don’t let the hate bastards get you down!

Via con Dios!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Catholic Sharia Upheld Wash.,D.C. - Cardinal Wuerl Lawsuit - Separation of Sexes - Discrimination Muslims

Interesting article about a discrimination lawsuit down in D.C. regarding separation of the sexes:
The D.C. Office of Human Rights (OHR) has dismissed the complaint filed by George Washington University law professor John F. Banzhaf III in response to The Catholic University of America’s single-sex housing policy, affirming the University’s position that the law does not require men and women to be housed together in residence halls. 
and discrimination against Muslims at Catholic University.  Yeah their tuition money is good but they just don't understand that minorities in America are supposed to keep their heads down and suck it up.
Banzhaf’s complaint about single sex residence halls is the first of two that he has lodged this year against the University. He filed a second complaint in October against Cardinal Donald Wuerl, archbishop of Washington and University chancellor, charging that Catholic University has been engaging in discrimination against its Muslim students. The University has yet to receive any official notification from the OHR that it intends to move forward with adjudicating the second complaint.
Like Bishop Lori has said, this "Religious Liberty" culture war to establish Catholic Sharia in the U.S. has come into the legal stages of the battle of that war.


Have a nice day.


Monday, October 10, 2011

The Real Housewives of Vatican County – USCCB

Archbishop Dolan’s New Committee of Religious Safety is starting to take shape.

Catholic Bishops Target Obama on Religious Freedom in the US

“…US Catholic bishops recently formed an ad hoc committee specifically aimed at addressing religious freedom in the U.S. The decision to challenge the president this way is a historic one, as this is the first time bishops in America have formed such a widespread group to address religious freedom in the country.

Among the religious liberty issues the group is unhappy with the Obama administration include: county clerks facing legal action for refusing to participate in same-sex unions; the administration's attack on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA); and the attack on the “ministerial exception,” which protects the right of religious institutions to choose their own spiritual leaders and teachers regardless of anti-discrimination laws.

He writes: “We are now committed regarding the urgent need we face to safeguard religious liberty inherent in the dignity of the human person.”

“I wrote to President Obama to object to the continuing threats to religious liberty in the context of the effort to redefine legal marriage promoted by his Administration. 

…If we do not act now, the consequences will be grave.”…

Bishop William Lori, who was selected to chair the new committee, says the bishops are serious about the new campaign and will seek the help of lawyers, added staff, lobbyist and experts in the area of religious freedom. …” 

The Archbishop of NYC in his role with the USCCB is determined along with his rich fat cronies to protect the rights of the Religious running the scam to continue to do so in an unheeded and entitled form forever.  A new instant Sacred Tradition, American style?

We need new laws to protect the sacredness of religion. Yeah, right.

In other words, in an ideal future, if you accuse bishops of protecting pedophiles, and it is printed in the New York Times, the NYT can be shut down or penalized to the point where nobody will talk about Church subjects in the press anymore ever again.  Great deal.

It would appear to me or my Cultural Christian sense of the decent that this Bill Donahoe PR style campaign to suppress all negative news about religion in America is not unlike the Blasphemy Laws that the Muslims keep trying to get the United Nations to adopt to suppress all criticism of Islam worldwide.

While Americans object to Muslim Sharia Law being brought to this country from a foreign source, they have little idea about how catholic or Christian Sharia from overseas is constantly being pushed incrementally in this country through the GOP/FOX NEWS culture wars agenda to make the secular state and human rights and democracy obsolete for the sake a few entitled church monarchists and GOP oligarchs.

“Modo Verum” (only truth) Laws – the new catholic sharia law coming our way in the next decade of the ongoing culture wars to reduce America to a pale version of the ideal catholic state – Franco’s Spain. (bow your head)

And brought to you by the Real Housewives of the Vatican, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  If ever there was a more useless bunch of hypocrites on the planet, it is they.

What!?  If Christ is the groom and the Church is the bride, surely the bishops are the housewives of God.  And then there is the unimportant etcetera, the children, the rest of us???

Timothy Dolan has passed the bottle torch onto the infamous Bishop/Inquisitor Bill Lori of Bridgeport Connecticut to head this Religious Safety Committee to protect and force respect for sacred truth.  If anybody can whip the media into shape to bow down and worship the pope, it is he.

He and his four man committee came up with the PR gem “Zero Tolerance” to clergy abuse policy embraced by Big Daddy - Joe the Pope.  It has been a PR success.  Clergy abuse has ended.  Right?

Anyway, Bill Lori gets his Robespierre like reputation from dealing with some flaming liberal Catholics down in Washington DC on his way to his kiss ass promotion in Connecticut. His infamous three day Inquisition with a tape recorder running in 1997 is well documented.


“…Last night, William Lori, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Washington, Bernard Gerhardt, chancellor of the archdiocese, and another diocesan priest conducted the first of a series of interviews with committee chairpersons and parish staff. They are investigating alleged "liturgical abuses" at the parish. The "visitation" was supposedly occasioned by an incident that occurred during the Octave of Christian Unity when an Episcopal priest and a Presbyterian (I think) [editor's note: actually, she was a Lutheran] minister, both women, preached at a liturgy at Trinity and were later invited (it isn't clear by whom) to distribute communion.

With this opening, the archdiocese has begun a comprehensive review of the parish's liturgical practices and has forbidden the use of the Canadian bishops' lectionary and other inclusive language text, and the practice of allowing lay people to preach at non-Eucharistic liturgies such as vespers and reconciliation ceremonies. (A practice I believe is explicitly okay by canon law.)

She requested that the pastor of the parish, Father Larry Madden, be allowed to attend the interview with her. This request was denied. She requested that, since the archdiocese was tape-recording the interview, she be allowed to have a tape recorder in the room as well. This request was denied. When the proceedings began, she was required to take an oath.
I think all of this is a lengthy pretext for firing a few Trinity staff people whom conservatives in the archdiocese have been gunning for some time…

…As you know, the battle at Holy Trinity described on my web site has heated up with Bishop Lori's three days stay there last week heading a "canonical visitation" team gathering evidence of God knows what all. The liberals are in an uproar, seeing the Inquisition lurking everywhere. The HT web site has a discussion group that is most interesting (but, of course, for I have several postings on it).

I, along with about 30 others, was summoned to be interrogated by the Bishop, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese, and by a young priest (there just so they'd have their needed third witness should any grounds (euphemism for dirt) sufficient for excommunication spill out). I am furious with their process…”

Timmy, good luck with your new Real Housewives’ committee on PR improvement, changing the subject on the sex abuse stuff etc.? (wink, nod)

How is your BFF Jameson doing these days?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Philly Crime Boss Rigali Quits Amid Abuse Scandal, GOP Operative Denver Archbishop Brought In to Sway 2012 Election

In a critical move to sway the 2012 election, the cynical monarchists in the Vatican are bringing in a RNC favorite to bring order to the chaos left by crime boss Big Frank Rigali in the Philadelphia archdiocese.
Gay hating Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput is being brought in to tow the church party line of total innocence in face of the massive abuse scandal in Philly.  A man who does not supposedly believe in the separation of church and state except when the state pays his way tax-free.
A bureaucrat, who gets tax free status on his parochial school system but can reject the innocent children of a lesbian couple in his schools, a move by him and Father Bill Breslin of Boulder that is not being Christian but purely Catholic. (Nothing personal you damned to hell souls etc.)
Great going Chuck.  You reek of the redneck Jesus thing!  Who are you going to endorse – god nutter Rick Perry or Opus Dei Rick Santorum?  (Has to be a man you know – women do not have souls – do they?)

Aging Rigali is moving to his newly built retirement Mcmansion in Tennessee (not pictured above but perhaps similar).   Can’t cry poor in the abuse settlements thing and live like a king in Philly anymore in the Bishop’s mansion.
Father Bill Breslin of Boulder is no doubt crying today as Chaput leaves his Colorado archdiocese.  Who can he blame his gay hate on now except himself? His enabler is leaving town. 

GOP is delighted that the plan moves forward to turn blue state (2008) Pennsylvania back into RED.  With Chaput in the pulpit ready to get rid of Senator Casey, a tolerant, weak, human being, Rick Santorum, the only good Catholic man on woman left, will gladly deliver the Commonwealth back to Catholic Jesus Sharia Law.

Group of Bishops Using Influence to Oppose Kerry 
Galvanized by battles against same-sex marriage and stem cell research and alarmed at the prospect of a President Kerry - who is Catholic but supports abortion rights - these bishops and like-minded Catholic groups are blanketing churches with guides identifying abortion, gay marriage and the stem cell debate as among a handful of "non-negotiable issues." 
To the dismay of liberal Catholics and some other bishops, traditional church concerns about the death penalty or war are often not mentioned. 
Archbishop Chaput has discussed Catholic priorities in the election in 14 of his 28 columns in the free diocesan newspaper this year. His archdiocese has organized voter registration drives in more than 40 of the largest parishes in the state and sent voter guides to churches around the state. Many have committees to help turn out voters and are distributing applications for absentee ballots. 
In an interview in his residence here, Archbishop Chaput said a vote for a candidate like Mr. Kerry who supports abortion rights or embryonic stem cell research would be a sin that must be confessed before receiving Communion. 
"If you vote this way, are you cooperating in evil?" he asked. "And if you know you are cooperating in evil, should you go to confession? The answer is yes."
You may call me nuts!  But you can’t make this crazy religious shit up.  It is too strange for fiction.
And so it goes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Marriage is Union - Father Wuerl

Did Jesus piss on lepers? No. He embraced them with love and the Holy Spirit.

The mean spirited fundamentalist Sharia RC hierarchy in Washington D.C. is threatening to toss out the homeless onto the streets out of their temporary shelters. How Christian of them!

They in essence want to pull some morality clause in their contract with the city to take money for administering certain charity functions. They are in essence saying that the city government, with recognition of same sex marriages from other states, is not somebody with whom they want to do business with.

They are threatening to toss the poor if the city government continues to recognize any same-sex marriage as valid - if it was performed in any U.S. State that gives it recognition.

The District of Columbia with the federal city of Washington within is that unrepresented place for its permanent citizens and being the one last Slave like Territory left in the Untied States. (most of its citizens are black and without rights if you count representation as a right and or entitlement)

The Washington City Council did the one practical thing a territorial government would do. It decided last May to do what would be a diplomatic solution regarding Same-Sex Unions of people newly arrived or already a resident. They recognized legalized same-sex marriages from other nearby countries – The States. Not good enough for the Catholic Sharia!!!

The Sharia wants a ballot initiative in an election and with backing of millions of dollars of the political/religionist conservatives. PR companies make a lot of money lately off of what is basically hate.

The ballot initiative would basically define Marriage as between one man and one woman.

I hate to get technical here seeing that I don’t have a Doctor of Divinity and all that. Even when I was a RC, marriage was defined as a sacrament and contracted between the two parties making the marriage.

When I was active as a Lutheran Catholic, Marriage was not considered a sacrament. The Lutherans only define Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as sacraments as defined or found in the words, documentation of the New Testament. Even then, the Lutherans still considered marriage as between the two contracting parties. The minister only officiates as a couple declare vows to one another.

Marriage is a Union of two people, two souls joining together in body and spirit and agreeing to be faithful to one another until death. That is my definition of marriage.

Why all the Stalinist micromanaging of what goes on in somebody’s bedroom Father Wuerl? I think that the hierarchy of the RC church should be the last persons on earth to define marriage based on sexuality considering the very closeted nature of their own (?) sexuality.

This non-stop far right coup-attempting to control the mind of mankind - to get everybody to memorize and quote exactly from the little red book of fundamentalist sharia bullshit – it is getting old – very old.

If the Archdiocese does not want charity handouts from government – then get out of the people business.

How do you define people? I don’t know. Let’s hire some PR firms, form political actions committees, put an initiative on the ballot and most importantly of all - ship in some suitcases of cash from Rome and Tulsa!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Catholic Sharia Hissy Fit Over BHO at NDU

I like the secular laws of the United States. This witch hunt on the Catholic Blogosphere to trash President Obama and to punish the Administration of Notre Dame University sends shivers of fear up my spine. This Blogosphere Catholic Sharia hissy fit is sponsored directly by the Bishops of Rome close to seventy of them in the U.S. and indirectly by the cadaver Neo-Con wing of the GOP.

More than being a hissy fit, it is a blatant attempt to impose injustice and strange medieval laws back onto the books of America, pre-U.S. Constitution, a la Salem Massachusetts 1692 and good for hanging your neighbors, the people you do not like or agree with, as witches - in the name of GOD!. No Freaking Way! This is 2009, not 1509.

A perfect Teabag Party for Christ!

And interesting article by Robert Schrum:

Sharia politics at Notre Dame
Notre Dame’s decision to confer an honorary degree on President Obama has engendered resistance from a counter-reformation blessed by prominent members of the Catholic hierarchy. The fight against Obama is being advanced by a band of neo-Catholics who adhere to the radical notion that sectarian doctrine must be written into public policy. The former Archbishop of St. Louis, Raymond Burke, whose excoriation of John Kerry in 2004 was rewarded with a high Vatican post, has denounced the invitation to Obama as a “scandal.”

if Obama disagrees with Catholic doctrine, he must be condemned and silenced—even if he’s not a member of the church. This assertion of an almost limitless role for the church in public life comes perilously close to reviving a 19th-century pope’s position that “Americanism,” which values individualism and separation of church and state, is heresy

As someone who was raised a Catholic and is the product of 16 years of Catholic education, including Georgetown University, I am appalled to witness the rise of a neo-Catholicism at odds with American democracy and diversity. In particular, the Catholic hierarchy’s moral condemnation of gay Americans who seek the right of marriage comes with ill grace from the same people who for decades abetted and covered up for morally heinous predator priests…

I think Obama will be largely welcomed at Notre Dame. And I suspect that he will be reelected in 2012 with strong Catholic support. As Catholics themselves reject the hierarchy’s partisan directives, this Church—and any other—would be wise to avoid attempting to impose a version of sharia politics in the U.S.