Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Last Prophet Tom Monson Considers End of Mormon Church While Reading Mark Hofmann’s Forged “Two Spade” Prophecy Letter

Rumors and or memes now reaching me how Mormon Prophet Thomas Monson is haunting the vault where the LDS church houses some of it sacred archives which in fact also house the so-called “Hofmann Archive”.

That the incompetence of Mormon cronies in the Utah State’s Attorney General’s office was the root of the recent week of legal Same Sex Marriage in Utah, now on hold per the Catholic U.S. Supreme Court. Monson is said not to have slept since the end of December.

An unknown document at one point attributed as a forgery by Mark Hofmann in the 80’s is being called into question.  

Sources also say that Hoffman is now denying having forged this particular document.

The document, the so-called “Two Spade” prophecy letter is a so-called eyewitness account of a vision or prophecy of Joseph Smith in a trance describing the end of his church when marriage becomes similar to symbols of “two spades” as opposed to marriage as a vision of  “spade” and “butter churn(s)”. 

That after the end of the Mormon church would see Mormons hiding in caves and cellars and eating “a bitter broth of dried roots”, (Prepper’s dehydrated soup mix?).


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bibi and Poldi call Quits to Marriage after 115 years

Breaking up is not hard to do.

Important news from Europe.  Bibi and Poldi, giant turtles, together for 115 years have suddenly decided to separate and no longer want to live together as man and wife.  No doubt marriage gets worn out a bit after a century or more.

Zoo management have called in animal experts to try and give the pair counselling - feeding them romantic good mood food and trying to get them to join in joint games - but so far without effect. Zoo boss Helga Happ said: "We get the feeling they can't stand the sight of each other anymore." 
Bibi and Poldi have been a pair since before anyone alive today can remember - they have been together at the Austrian zoo in Klagenfurt for 36 years and before that they lived at Basel zoo in Switzerland. 
Zoo boss Helga added: "They are both 115 years old - they have been together since they were young and grew up together, eventually becoming a pair.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

No Dolan-style Charity from the Vatican to Nuns who Talk about Shhh! (sex) – Sister Margaret Farley

The Vatican is attacking a retired theologian nun, Sister Margaret Farley, for her book on human sexuality published in 2006.

At Amazon.Com: 

Just Love: a Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics," by Sister Margaret Farley

Can’t have women let alone nuns define what the Vatican Penis Cult is only allowed to define in what to do with your naughty parts etc. 


Taking on the Council of Trent and a church that has taken a stand against pleasure, Farley asserts that procreation is not the only reason couples should have sex. 
Fruitfulness need not "refer only to the conceiving of children," she writes. "It can refer to multiple forms of fruitfulness in love of others, care for others, making the world a better place for others" rather than just succumbing to "an egoisme a deux." (“Love is a selfishness of two.”) 
The Vatican showed no mercy to the Sister of Mercy, proclaiming that "the deliberate use of the sexual faculty" outside of marriage or procreation, or on one's own, is wrong; that homosexual sex acts are "deviant," and that marriages are by and large indissoluble. Farley issued a statement that she did not intend for the book to be an expression or criticism of current official Catholic teaching, and academics and the head of her order rushed to her defense. 
This latest ignoble fight with a noble nun adds to the picture of a Catholic Church in a permanent defensive crouch, steeped in Borgia-like corruption and sexual scandals, lashing out at anyone who notes the obvious: They have lost track of right and wrong. 
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York blasted The New York Times after Laurie Goodstein wrote that, as the archbishop of Milwaukee in 2003, he authorized payments of up to $20,000 to sexually abusive priests "as an incentive for them to agree to dismissal from the priesthood." 
Dolan insisted through a spokesman that it was "charity," not "payoffs." But if you were the parent of a boy abused by a priest who went away with 20,000 bucks, maybe "charity" is not the word that would come to mind.Its crisis has made the church cruel. The hierarchy should read Farley's opprobrium against adults harming vulnerable children and adolescents by sexually exploiting them; respect for the individual and requirement of free consent, she says, mean that rape, violence and pedophilia against unwilling victims are never justified. 
"Seduction and manipulation of persons who have limited capacity for choice because of immaturity, special dependency, or loss of ordinary power, are ruled out," she writes. 
If only the church could muster that kind of clarity, rather than Dolan-style "charity." 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ann Romney - Mormon Women Have No Choice

Mitt and Ann Romney                
Ann Romney, like every other Mormon wife, is not allowed to work outside the house. 

Mormon women have no choice about anything except marriage and children and more children.

Ann Romney: I’m Running as a Mormon Wife For Pete’s Sake!


Monday, January 23, 2012

Adultery is Between A Man And A Woman - Defense of Marriage Act

Republican Family Values?  Ask Newt! 

Marriage is Sacred - For other People - the little people - not me.

It is despicable to ask me about my marriages.  I would lie anyway. Like I lied to them.  

Defense of Marriage Act? Adultery is between a man and many women.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Consubstantial = Marriage Equality?

Human Trinity - Man = Woman = Angel

I am so surprised that the English translation “Consubstantial” of the Latin word from the Greek “Homo-ousios” used in Latin literature and symbolic of, meaning = same, essense being equal, union, equality of body and spirit should be used in the new Catholic service. 

Marriage Equality is consubstantial with love, union and equality, just like Jesus and his Father.

Two males united - consubstantial.  Or two females united – consubstantial - in marriage, just like a man and woman - consubstantial -

this understanding of the beauty of love is long overdue and now wonderfully reflected in the new language of the Mass.  

A step in the right direction toward acceptance and tolerance of reality in the RC church, moving away from centuries of ignorance, misunderstanding and bigotry.



Friday, October 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

M. Bachmann – Welfare Queen – Iowa Hate Pledge - Christian Sharia

Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum seem to be having a love affair.  No. Not sex.  (Even if that was technically possible for these two.)  But I think she is tops in any case.
No. They have been the first Republican candidates in the Iowa Primary to sign some sort of pledge that I label the IOWA HATE PLEDGE.  Don’t let the word HATE scare you. The word is not actually mentioned – it is encoded in the message.  “Don’t be afraid” like what the average angel will tell you when he is about to deliver a shit filled message from God. You will get used to it.  They are only trying to protect us from reality and replace it with their own version of good old fashioned, American Town Square, reality.
This so called proper Christian Sharia Pledge (real name – encoded)  is an attempt by God fearing people to finally, once and for all,  define what really really is marriage. I have found it wanting in direct clear language.  
Is this declaration more GOP code talk?  Wink. Nod.  (Wide stance etc.)  You betcha.
Why don’t they just say what they really mean to these hick dirt farmers in Iowa who they are  really are dissing by their stupid, Hateful, Christian Sharia wish list of all things anti-secular, anti-human/humane.
I have a few editorial suggestions and additions to more correctly add the right flavor to this piece of literary garbage:
  • Since white people used to be able to act more decent in public, not shout into cell phones, not dress like whores, not slobbering on their sweats over slurpies at Sam’s Club, new rule books of conduct and dress codes in the new Christian world order are available at Bachmann/Santorum election headquarters.
  • There is absolutely no truth to the secular rumor that high fructose corn syrup causes divorce, that according to one of our agribusiness corporate sponsors.
  • Dusk to dawn curfews nationwide will begin shortly so people can stay home and read their bibles.
  • Poor people should just up and die.   Don’t they understand like how stupid they are for being poor?  Duh!  The poor will not always be with US.
  • Marriage is between one Arian man and one Arian female.  (on all other matters of a delicate sexual nature, ancient and sacred Nuremburg rules to be honored)
  • All Muslim Sharia Law is verboten.  Only Christian Sharia Law shall be imposed on this land, God’s country USA.
  • Online Porn does not sell more in red states.  Though a business discount to red state residents should be mandated in a Constitutional amendment.
  • The word vagina is to be erased from every dictionary in the land. If necessary, burn down the local library that offends thee.
  • Blasphemy laws must mandate death or deportation back to the land of their  inferior ancestors for all who question God and or the one true exceptional A-merican Christianity.
Any questions?  No. There shouldn’t be.  If you know what I mean.  

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Union (of Marriage) Certificate

When did we surrender so many rights to the state?

In the case of civil marriage by a Justice of the Peace or by a clerk in city hall, this is secular territory, whereby the civil authority by default, goes into the marriage business.

The ancient Egyptians had a house warming party for a couple moving in together – no ceremony- just house useful gifts – pots, pans, linens – and a party.

The Church married royalty. The peasants lived together. Marriage as a written contract has always had to deal with property.

In modern times, marriage has become the property contract and not the vow document of two joining together in love.

Indeed, in Pennsylvania, the family court system is still called Orphan’s Court. Family court is more like divorce court or a referee place to break up a contested marriage with children involved.

The idea of legitimate or illegitimate children is really referring to first right, legitimate property rights to parents under property contract or “marriage”.

With the religious right trying to impose religious standards in a civil secular setting such as civil recognition of unions is rather bizarre.

Marriage is what you make of it. No wonder so many people live together these days and children are born out of wedlock – no official marriage property documents.

If you don’t have property or children there is no need for marriage or property contracts.

Property Contracts are essentially what civil union or the like is about and has been suggested as the realistic path for same-sex unions. A civil union is a civil (property) contract. All the hoopla in the “gay marriage” thing is about the word Marriage.

Marriage is definable many ways. The religious meaning is lost to me. Since Jesus never bothered to marry or bother to mention it, I guess it was not on a top ten list of priorities in his ministry for social justice. The RC church says that marriage is a sacrament in that Jesus went to a wedding feast, got real thirsty for the drink, and made more – a miracle perhaps but I still do not see the connection to marriage. The only time or reason people in the stone age got together was for weddings or funerals.

Getting back to simplicity in days of yore, if you married in a church, you took vows in front of your common community. Your common community were your relatives and a few unrelated relatives in a farming community. Everybody knew you were married to one person and everybody knew that you were the parents of your children. No need for marriage certificates and registration through city hall.

I was very impressed seeing something in a museum at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. It was a Quaker marriage certificate framed and hanging on the wall of what I believe was once a Quaker farmhouse. The tour guide explained that since there is no traditional minister in the Quaker faith, the couple being married took their vows to each other and all adults present, male and female, signed as witnesses of this marriage. The document pictured above is one such document.

Would it not be nice if married people today could have a similar document with their vows written out, witnessed and have the document in print version be recorded at the local town hall not unlike a property deed or a will. It would be on public record. It would be a historic document for your descendants.

It is impractical these days with credit ratings, property, spousal health benefits, life insurance to go back to this old fashioned way of recording marriage without any civil authority involved.

Just a thought and sentiment I thought I would share with you.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Marriage is Union - Father Wuerl

Did Jesus piss on lepers? No. He embraced them with love and the Holy Spirit.

The mean spirited fundamentalist Sharia RC hierarchy in Washington D.C. is threatening to toss out the homeless onto the streets out of their temporary shelters. How Christian of them!

They in essence want to pull some morality clause in their contract with the city to take money for administering certain charity functions. They are in essence saying that the city government, with recognition of same sex marriages from other states, is not somebody with whom they want to do business with.

They are threatening to toss the poor if the city government continues to recognize any same-sex marriage as valid - if it was performed in any U.S. State that gives it recognition.

The District of Columbia with the federal city of Washington within is that unrepresented place for its permanent citizens and being the one last Slave like Territory left in the Untied States. (most of its citizens are black and without rights if you count representation as a right and or entitlement)

The Washington City Council did the one practical thing a territorial government would do. It decided last May to do what would be a diplomatic solution regarding Same-Sex Unions of people newly arrived or already a resident. They recognized legalized same-sex marriages from other nearby countries – The States. Not good enough for the Catholic Sharia!!!

The Sharia wants a ballot initiative in an election and with backing of millions of dollars of the political/religionist conservatives. PR companies make a lot of money lately off of what is basically hate.

The ballot initiative would basically define Marriage as between one man and one woman.

I hate to get technical here seeing that I don’t have a Doctor of Divinity and all that. Even when I was a RC, marriage was defined as a sacrament and contracted between the two parties making the marriage.

When I was active as a Lutheran Catholic, Marriage was not considered a sacrament. The Lutherans only define Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as sacraments as defined or found in the words, documentation of the New Testament. Even then, the Lutherans still considered marriage as between the two contracting parties. The minister only officiates as a couple declare vows to one another.

Marriage is a Union of two people, two souls joining together in body and spirit and agreeing to be faithful to one another until death. That is my definition of marriage.

Why all the Stalinist micromanaging of what goes on in somebody’s bedroom Father Wuerl? I think that the hierarchy of the RC church should be the last persons on earth to define marriage based on sexuality considering the very closeted nature of their own (?) sexuality.

This non-stop far right coup-attempting to control the mind of mankind - to get everybody to memorize and quote exactly from the little red book of fundamentalist sharia bullshit – it is getting old – very old.

If the Archdiocese does not want charity handouts from government – then get out of the people business.

How do you define people? I don’t know. Let’s hire some PR firms, form political actions committees, put an initiative on the ballot and most importantly of all - ship in some suitcases of cash from Rome and Tulsa!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

That Celibacy Thing

There is this nagging question at the back of my brain every time I read the NT. This thing about celibacy is a stated or a verbal contract, a vow promising not to marry. If you are not married, you cannot have legitimate children. Your bastards will have no claim on your estate. Your estate as a priest will go to the church. Any property temporarily in your name as head of a parish will not get confused with your estate should you die in between the time the widow gives you a deed and you record it in the parish church’s name.

Legitimacy used to matter a lot especially with royalty and in the old days. These days with DNA testing, even if Pops is a priest, you go for the estate claim.

Celibacy is not chastity. Chastity is a promise or vow not to have sex. I know this might sound confusing to some. The whole celibacy issue on the public stage uses one word with two entirely different meanings. Rather than get too technical, and God forbid there be allowed any in depth questioning of the religious clerics on stage that might be there to answer questions, a muddled cross connotation of facts is represented by the upfront PR word "celibacy" to describe the whole idiotic RC church thing about religious sexual and taboo practices.

Celibacy is more a general rule thing for priests. It is more for the local diocese thing.

Chastity is more a religious group or religious order thing. If so many men are living together in a monastery, then the no sex rule would hopefully mean no practice of sodomy.

Part of the demise of great numbers of Catholics and Parishes since Vatican II has been first and foremost the dwindling number of men willing to give up a normal life and put on a cassock and play the celibate / no sex game.

They say that Jesus did not marry. They say Jesus was in fact married to Mary Magdalene. Peter the so called first pope was married and had many children. Even though there is this proselytizing thing in scripture from time to time to give up everything and go out on the road and drum up new business, this life time withdraw from life, living, sex and family is not properly presented in the cut and paste gospels that were assembled decades or even rewritten in some parts centuries after the life of Jesus.

Jesus was most likely an orthodox Jew. At an early age he probably was wed in a marriage arranged by his parents. Whether he stayed married was another issue. Divorce in his time was a frequent thing and not unlike the Islamic thing in a traditional sense.

In any case, while Jesus was on the road he did not want his mostly male followers to say that they could not go on the road because the kid was sick etc.

Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law. Marriage was not necessarily part of the law but the law encompassed every aspect of a daily Jewish life.

Celibacy is a later invention after Jesus. It probably comes from some Jewish or Hellenistic cult thing and definitely was not part of the law or traditions that Jesus came to fulfill.