Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trump Likely to Replace Yellen at Fed with Loyal Republican Like Governor Palin

Apparently Loyalty is everything to Donald Trump in the Personality Cult by same name headed to the White House. 

Sarah apparently has never met someone as fascinating at the current head of the GOP - Donald Trump. Who better to handle fiscal matters for a living god and natural business genius in his role of chief executive of the U.S.A.?

In an interview with CNBC, the likely Republican presidential nominee said he thinks it would be appropriate for him to nominate someone else to lead the Fed since Yellen is not a Republican.
“People that I know have high regard for her, but she is not a Republican,” Trump said. “When her time is up, I would most likely replace her because of the fact that I think it would be appropriate.”


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sarah Palin a Million Dollar Petty Cash Campaign Expense for Donald Trump?

Soccer mom, Momma bear, Sarah Palin dropped her falling down-drunk kids in Wasilla to perform on stage for Donald Trump in one of the weirdest performance of her failing career as "hostess" to the men of the GOP ruling circle.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Actor Michael Moriarty Sees Sarah Palin As A Goddess = LOL

Egyptian Goddess ISIS - a Real Goddess
Tomb of Seti I

(Public Domain)

Michael Moriarty, former ADA on Law and Order, a contributing foot soldier of the Anti-Christ Breitbart News Army.

Drug fueled words and the acts of actors – so transient.

Recently Sarah Palin has been accused of contributing to the cold-bloodedly insane shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the death of many others and she has responded eloquently and with increasing Presidential gravitas.

Sarah Palin doesn't hide who she is and what she really stands for. Most of the world leadership does hide. Though, as a huntress, Sarah hides from her quarry to get a good shot, the American public, thanks to television, were right there with her.

Millions of Americans watching Sarah hunt!

The Jesuits, while sharing with me the fruits of their motto, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, led me early in life into the mysteries of ancient Greece.

The most enlightened of the priests knew and still know that the Gods of Greek literature, from Zeus to Athena to Dionysius, have much to tell us about who and what we are, even as Catholics.

In the case of Sarah Palin, we have Artemis or, as she is more generally known, Diana The Huntress.

In the case of Sarah, however, she has now become a Mother Goddess.

Mamma Grizzly!

(T.C.C. - American diary in a global culture. "…I shall go on yelling "Tripe", whenever tripe is served." David Niven – Please Don’t Eat The Daisies -

Monday, October 19, 2015

Thespian Senator Ted Cruz Outed As Unelectable But Passable Entertainment To Some.

I see this clown Donny Deutsch on some advertisements on Cable TV for a reality and or “comedy” show on USA and look him up having seen him forever on Morning Joe adding some opinion or that and assuming he is just another sycophant Morning Joe toady.

Apparently he has credentials on Mad Ave and or show biz and outed fellow Thesbian Senator Ted Cruz in the article below, revealing Ted's great desire to do Sarah Palin in Drag in some seedy Greenwich Village basement club. STDs free.

Go Donny. Good luck in your terrible new Show. Break a leg!

Early Monday morning, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) announced that he is running for president in 2016.

Later that same morning, frequent "Morning Joe" guest Donny Deutsch explained why he's not worried about the Republican senator winning the election.

"He is Sarah Palin," Deutsch said. "He is theater. He is completely unelectable."

"Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski objected, but Deutsch pressed on, arguing that he would even bet that come November, Cruz would no longer be in the picture.

“He’s good theater. That's why he is Sarah Palin. And that's who Sarah Palin was. And we love the show," he went on.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Pastor Grifter Religionist Rafael Cruz Sr. Claims Gubmint About To Take Over Churches – Phyllis Schlafly = BS

Rafael Cruz Sr.- Phyllis Schlafky - 166 years of old GOP "Family Values" "experience".

With one breath they want “Less” government but demand the right of Gubmint to grab around your drawers and privates (male and female). Family Values? Ha! Family values for clergy and altar boys more like it ...

With one breath they scream “Religious Liberty” and are afraid to be martyred for their faith. (Armchair Christians! lol)

With one breath they want the Gubmint to protect their “Religious Freedom/Liberty/Whatever” but want to pass legislation to protect “Christian Businesses” (What the Fuck is a Christian Business BTW?) from having to make a wedding cake for gays. Oh, please we don’t want the $200-$300 business from you evil sodomites to make your wedding cake (or at least while the members of my church in a small town can see me trying to make a living anyhow).  
WWJ do? Go to a great fuckin wedding feast dudes and dudettes!

With one breath older than dirt, has been, Phyllis Schlafly sits around her radio station in her garage and or bunker, refusing to relinquish her top “GOP Cunt” title to Sarah Palin and gives a platform to some Cuban - Cuban-Cuban, Cuban-American, Cuban-Canadian, and again Cuban American GRIFTER – now a tax free religion down there in Texas – spreading traditional Cuban hatred of all blacks including Cuban Blacks – and now is trying to say a Gubmint that cannot win a war in Iraq has the ability to take over the local Baptist Church and make the local Baptist minister marry them GAYS. What total GOP Bullshit!

Pastor Cruz, who is the father of Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), made his remarks during an interview with conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly on her radio program “Eagle Forum Live.”

“We need to realize that the attack on marriage is more than just an attack on marriage, it actually goes to the heart of religious freedom,” said Pastor Cruz.

“Because, you see, what is going to come next -- and this is part of the danger of what may happen out of the Supreme Court in June -- is that if marriage of anybody-with-anybody becomes a civil rights issue,” he said, “then they are going to come to churches and force pastors to violate their religious convictions.”

“And so it is going to come to America to where a pastor is going to be faced with a decision: Do you obey a law that is not only unjust but violates your core principles, or do you obey God and face prison?” said Pastor Cruz.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

FOX NEWS Said to Produce Sarah Palin’s New Race Card Life Struggle Movie “31 Months A Governor”

Talking TRASH  24/7/365

Sarah Palin, was outraged at Obama still being black after all these years, and “playing his race card” while quoting Martin Luther Who? King on her Facebook page yesterday.

Speaking of race cards. Sarah is upset about race card movie "12 Years A Slave" getting an Academy nomination. 

She has ordered her ghost writers to break out the crayons, play her own race card, and pen a movie worthy spec script for the silver screen of her own personal trial, ordeal, and great life struggle - "31 Months A Governor".


Friday, December 20, 2013

Queen of White Trailer Trash Sarah Palin - Regina Vagina - Defends Phil Robertson's Duck DynASStee Sh*t Remarks On the Good Negroes of His Youth

"See. Main Street Wasilla. Not a single Negro. It's safe to visit. I swear."

Sarah Palin, Regina Vagina, Queen of the **nts, Defends Phil Robertson's Right to Remember the friendly Darkies of his Youth. 

Duck Shit coming our of Phil's mouth?

He also made comments regarding race and growing up in Louisiana before the civil rights era."I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field. ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' -- not a word!" 
Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues," GQ quotes Robertson as saying.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sarah Palin About To Politicize Fish And Nature – Ripoff Version of “Doomsday Preppers”? - Sarahapolypse

Fox News in the forest. Sarah Palin and Nature? LOL

More like Wasilla “Doomsday Preppers”. LMAO

Since her failed bid for the vice presidency in 2008, the former Alaska governor has worked as a commentator on Fox News Channel and was host of a short-lived series about her home state, Sarah Palin's Alaska, that ran on the TLC network. 

Owners of The Sportsman Channel tried and failed this year to buy its chief competitor, the Outdoors Channel, which airs in slightly more households. The effort attracted some controversy because Leo Hindery Jr., a media executive whose company owns The Sportsman Channel, is a Democratic fundraiser and regarded warily by politically conservative outdoor enthusiasts who worried about what he might do to Outdoors. 

Some of the content on The Sportsman Channel suggests they shouldn't be too concerned. Besides the upcoming Palin series, Sportsman airs a series with conservative activist and rock musician Ted Nugent.

Sportsman also airs a TV version of the National Rifle Association-sponsored radio show, NRA News, Cam & Co., each weekday and NRA Guns & Gold, a show about guns styled after Antiques Roadshow. Harvey said The Sportsman Channel has no interest in being politically polarizing. (yeah right)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Less Government – Less Corporation – Less Crap coming out of the mouth of Sarah Palin Please!– Paid stooge of the Corporations – ALEC = Slavery Sarah and not The National Debt

These so called conservatives say they want less government. They never say they want less Big Corporations to bully people and make people pay for things that are free, with a little investment, like solar power.

Solar power goes back to Jimmy Carter and the Saudi Arabian War on American with their Oil Embargo against us. The Saudis are still there. Their very best fanatics brought down the World Trade Center in 2001 but lets not talk about that. 

Bottom line, buy oil, support Pagan Arab Corruption in the Middle East. Don’t use solar power. Sarah Palin would not approve of your cheating Big Corporations of their entitled profits.

Details of Alec’s strategy to block clean energy development at every stage – from the individual rooftop to the White House – are revealed as the group gathers for its policy summit in Washington this week.  
 About 800 state legislators and business leaders are due to attend the three-day event, which begins on Wednesday with appearances by the Wisconsin senator Ron Johnson and the Republican budget guru and fellow Wisconsinite Paul Ryan. 
 Other Alec speakers will be a leading figure behind the recent government shutdown, US senator Ted Cruz of Texas, and the governors of Indiana and Wyoming, Mike Pence and Matt Mead. 
 For 2014, Alec plans to promote a suite of model bills and resolutions aimed at blocking Barack Obama from cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and state governments from promoting the expansion of wind and solar power through regulations known as Renewable Portfolio Standards. 
 Documents obtained by the Guardian show the core elements of its strategy began to take shape at the previous board meeting in Chicago in August, with meetings of its energy, environment and agriculture subcommittees. 


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Martin Bashir Becomes a Brown Scalp Trophy on Sarah Palin's Belt

Martin Bashir is brown, south Asian, not black, but he does not live in Britain I suspect where the color of his skin defines his place in the scheme of things more so there than here.

When thoughtless morons like Palin compare things to slavery or Nazis, she doe not have a clue what she speaks of.

A talking dog act? 

And yes he scraped the very edge of anger in response. He was one of the few professional but more than that intelligent is a decent I.Q. sense journalist on cable news. I will miss him. I hope he lands in a good place somewhere.

We instead have to submit to the media whore that the establishment keeps shoving down our throats as somebody who has a valid opinion on anything. Yeah Right.


Friday, November 29, 2013

After Talking Her Usual Trash Out Of Her Mouth About The Pope, Sarah Palin’s Ghostwriter Apologizes In Facebook – Duh!

Sarah Enjoying the Misery of the Shutdown

I don’t know if I can say it, but Sarah used the “L” word (liberal) when recently trashing Pope Francis. She quickly backed down and let her “Catholic” “Friends” tell her that she might be wrong on her trashy opinion about the current Bishop of Rome.
Luckily the pope is a white Italian. If he was black like Obama or brown like Bashir, White Trash Queen Sarah would not back down or let him talk back to her in her useless elevated status with the media as Number One Corporation/Think Tank Groupie .
Corporation Groupie Sarah Palin Sucks! (Wink, Nod)

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin sent out an apology for her criticism of Pope Francis, who she called “liberal” earlier this week. 
“It was not my intention to be critical of Pope Francis,” Palin wrote on her Facebook page.  The former vice-presidential candidate said her comments were meant to remind “viewers that we need to do our own homework, and I hadn’t done mine yet on the Pope’s recent comments as reported by the media.” 
She wrote that the media often mischaracterizes the comments of public figures and that she’d rather trust her “many Catholic friends and family” than reporters.“I apologize for not being clearer in my response,” Palin added. “Thus opening the door to critical media that does what it does best in ginning up controversy.” 
In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Palin told Jake Tapper some that the Pope’s statements “sound kind of liberal,” something that surprised the former vice-presidential candidate. 
She added, “”Unless I really dig deep into what his messaging is, and do my own homework, I’m not going to just trust what I hear in the media.”


Monday, November 25, 2013

Catholic Neo-Confederate Cultural Warrior Paul Ryan Still Attacking Humanity For The Political Right

Paul Ryan - Catholic Neo-Confederate (Tea Party)

Now it has come to light that Doerflinger - obviously with Cardinal Dolan's approval - colluded with Tea Party darling, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) to continue the recent  shut-down of the federal government. Doerflinger's goal was to hold up the continuing resolution (CR) legislation until the birth control benefit in the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) was removed. 
 …This is the kind of thing we have come to expect during Dolan's tenure as president. And its not just Doerflinger. Dolan's all out culture warring was on full display this past April, for example, when the cardinal hired Kim Daniels to be his personal spokeswoman on USCCB matters. As Commonweal Magazine's Grant Gallicho pointed out, "Daniels served as Sarah Palin's "personal domestic-policy czar" in 2009 (as part of SarahPAC)." 
 …But these Catholic neo-confederates are not far from the destabilizing views of Dolan, Doerflinger and their allies -- who are willing to disrupt our ability to govern ourselves in order to establish the orthodox Catholic position on issues such as birth control as the de facto law of the land. Such strategy will endanger both the country as well as the Church.

Monday, November 18, 2013

American Bred Ignorance – Voodoo Christianity – Inbred – Incestuous – Dumbed Down GOP Religion – Rafael Cruz – Sarah Palin – Michele Bachmann

Putting aside all the inbred trailer trash jokes of the quality people we see in the new GOP RELIGION, we find a sort of a Morphed Mutant inbred form of Christianity of people standing on stage and telling about how "God Talks to ME" and "God Told Me what to Do" and also "this is IN THE BIBLE" – which it ain’t, I can read and have read the bible --- you have this bastardization of the old Christian religion into something that resembles 


that is filled with anger and hate and paranoia especially.

Of course Senator Ted Cruz's  (R-Canada) intenerate, w/no church building, w/a Benny Hinn Mail Order Minister’s certificate DAD, you have his story of working his way up through the jungles of Cuba before he arrived here and as a super-immigrant was immediately welcomed into the white trailer trash culture of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, after he pimped for Castro or was it Batista or was it his Uncle and pimping what, Guns, Girls and or Boys? – Whatever.

Voodoo Dolls or Hate Radio/TV - No Difference

The bottom line is that what these weirdoes preach is the new religion and a secular version of Hate Radio and Hate FOX TV wrapped in a Jesus paper wrapper and the all the heartland losers want one of their own inbred kind to make it to the White House to prove a point?

People who want to destroy the government of the United States are domestic enemies - foreign enemies if citizens of Canada, BTW.



Monday, November 4, 2013

Two Crazy Dads - and Their Tea Party Sons - Switched at Birth in the Hospital - and their Crazy Neighbor Sarah Palin - Or Four and A Half Men - New TV Sitcom

The Two Crazy Dads - Ralph Cruise and Ronald Paul

The Two Tea Party Sons - Switched at Birth in the Hospital
The forever constipated  Randy Cruise - and
The forever wisecracking  Teddy Paul

And the crazy neighbor - Sarah Palin


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sarah Palin is Now The Beard For The GOP - Very Few Real Men with backbone left in the Republican Party - It is Okay to do IT if Mommy does IT on Camera - Bullsh*t!

There is Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz in his Brokeback Mountain Jacket thumbing their noses at WWII veterans telling them it was the DEMS who closed the WWII monument on the Mall on Washington DC.

My Dad, WWII Veteran is dead - rest his soul. He cannot speak on this abomination at his memorial this past Sunday. But I will say this!


Somebody should take that dirty media whore and wash her mouth out with soap! Skank.

