Showing posts with label Newt Gingrich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newt Gingrich. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2013

Newt Gingrich Crowns Phil Robertson – Duck Dynasty - The Perfect Storm White Fundie (Hater) Pope

Uber-Catholic Convert Newt Gingrich looking for an ideal GOP type replacement for the real Pope Francis has just crowned Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty his kind of hate spewing Pope by twisting, spinning Phil’s hate into golden straw.

“Ironically, if you read the whole interview, not just take one section, he talks very specifically about loving everybody,” Gingrich said on Crossfire. “He talks very specifically about not being judgmental toward anybody, that’s God’s decision, not his. I mean, it is remarkable. There’s sections there where he sounds like Pope Francis.”
Meanwhile at the White Church in West Monroe Louisiana the clan gathers to worship white hetero Jesus in Sunday services and “bible study”.

American Fundamentalist Vatican - West Monroe Louisiana

The reality show star and church elder led a small Bible study group in his West Monroe, La., church on Sunday, and the MailOnline was there. 

 Robertson defended himself and declared, 'I will not give or back off from my path," reports the site. He also noted that this is not the "first time" he has given his views on sin. And he added, "I love all men and women. I am a lover of humanity, not a hater." 

 After his Bible study group, Robertson joined the rest of the congregation for a church service. Robertson's son, Alan, led part of the proceedings and made reference to the attention the family has been getting. "Well we've had a quite a quiet week, shot some ducks, done some shopping, ignited a national controversy," he said.

Freedom to Hate - Freedom of Speech or Freedom of Religion? Or just the same old Second Amendment thing???


Monday, September 9, 2013

Newt Gingrich’s New Gigs – Ugly American Tourist – Tidy Bowl Man Commercial – Debating Morons at CNN Crossfire and Lusting After S.E.Cupp’s Cold Frigid Conservative Ass – Wife Number 4???

The "Ugly American" Tourist Look Overseas Is Back In Fashion

Newt's Other Gig in the Nineties - Besides Speaker of the House
( A Fall Back Position Job )

The Moron Debating Team at CNN - All Stupid Except Newt 

Talking Ayn Rand Trash Gives Me An Orgasm
Say It Again Newtie - Again


Crossfire – CNN – False Advertising – Great Minds – Where???? – Establishment Wallpaper Debates!

CNN’s resurrection of Crossfire promises Great Minds – Where?

Establishment Wallpaper – same old, same old – Competition with FOX  for the Nursing Home Channel?  Z-zzz

Stephanie Cutter and Van Jones – Who are they?

S.E. Cupp – Nice $1,000 Clark Kent eyeglass frames. (Where's the phone booth?) Does she take them off to stare in the mirror the other 23 hours a day off screen at CNN?

And Newt Gingrich – Not even fit these days to audition as the Tidy Bowl Man!

Total garbage – total meltdown in the dumbing down of American culture!!!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Historical Fact - (small one) - Tucson Arizona - December 23, 1995

Historical Fact (small one) - Tucson Az, December 23, 1995 (from a journal)

As Iris and I approached the Basha's Checkout Counter at approximately 9:45 AM Arizona Time - I noticed Time Magazine's cover - Man of the Year - with Newt Gingrich's picture - I remarked to Iris that we had forgot - and still needed toilet paper - I ran through store - to complete our order while she stood in line waiting to be served.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Cash from China Funding Romney Bid - China First for Jobs ?

Mitt Romney - Macau Candidate - China First

Newt Gingrich's former sugar daddy Sheldon Adelson with his empire of gambling in Las Vegas as a mere front to the global gambling without transparency or accountability, is now fueling the Mormon Prez candidate with money that probably originates in China, China, China.

China First! All those hundreds of thousands of jobs destroyed by Bain Capital, those Jobs have found a decent home, respected jobs by Chinese workers and not jobs direpected by American employees and taken away from them by Romney/Bain, are now in China thanks to lobbying efforts and money, money, money from Sheldon Adelson of Macau China.

Romney, the Manchurian Candidate, or more accurately the "Macau Candidate" now has unlimited slave generated cash from China being put into one of his many PACs to air propaganda in his Plutocrat bid for the White House.

Senator McCain in Arizona was making these points of corruption and takeover of the American Electoral Process open to the highest global bidder in the news.

In Sheldon Adelson We Trust

Restore Our Future, which is run by a handful of former Romney aides and confidantes, raised and spent more than $41 million during the Republican presidential primary season — money spent largely on negative television ads that went after the likes of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. 
During the primary, Adelson and his family gave more than $20 million to a super PAC supporting Gingrich. But even then, sources close to the billionaire said he was comfortable with Romney as the eventual nominee. 
Adelson is the eighth-richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of about $25 billion dollars. 
A college dropout raised in Boston by poor Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, Adelson pursued various business ventures before striking gold in the computer trade show industry. He used that money to revive the Sands Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. He helped turn the Strip into a major convention destination and now owns resorts in Macao and Singapore. 
Adelson started out life as a Democrat. But in the 80s and 90s, as his wealth grew and he clashed with unionized hotel workers, he became a loyal Republican. He also supports conservative politicians and causes in Israel, where he owns the newspaper Israel Hayom. He also donates millions to charity, in particular medical research. 
He told the Las Vegas Sun in May that he would  was “going to give one more small donation — you might not think it's that small — to a super PAC and then if I give it will be to a C4.” (A 501c4 group does not have to disclose its donors; the GOP-backing Crossroads GPS is a likely beneficiary of Adelson’s funds.) 
“I’m against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections,” he said in a March Forbes interview. “But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it.”
China First - Romney Bain Exported New Jobs Foreign Policy Proposal?


Monday, January 23, 2012

Adultery is Between A Man And A Woman - Defense of Marriage Act

Republican Family Values?  Ask Newt! 

Marriage is Sacred - For other People - the little people - not me.

It is despicable to ask me about my marriages.  I would lie anyway. Like I lied to them.  

Defense of Marriage Act? Adultery is between a man and many women.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Vulture Capitalism – It is a Victimless Crime - Right?

People? What's People?

With Newt jockeying for a Contract on FOX NEWS, he will do anything, the ultimate spoiler, mean spirited Republican, even start the feeding frenzy amongst the 1% on their own, each other.
Cannibalism (among the vultures?) is the last stage of a dying civilization.  

The 99% taste of HFCS - skip them - 
the 1% have the tastiest fat
(Thanks Newt)


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Invented People" = Zero - The New Global Equation For Genocide? - Newt Gingrich

I don't know about you, but for me, after a few days of reading MSM comments, it, this obscenity, blasphemy against humanity, still grates on my ears - the unchristian statement - reduction of millions of people = zero, this new global formula / equation to reduce the enemy, true object of your $100 million dollar annual lobbying budget in Washington DC, to nothing.  Planned Genocide to be - by any other name?

No matter what the ethnic billionaire oligarchs say through their catholic rent boys like Newt Gingrich, if we turn our backs on our Muslim brothers and sisters, we turn our backs on Jesus, or he turns his back on us like the above artwork implies.

Is this 1931 or 2011???

The only Catholic Church approved late term abortions - genocide? Surely Newt speaks for the USCCB, in their silence.  Please speak DEAR BISHOPS of all christian sects, if for nothing else than feigned moral objections to be recorded in the historic timeline footnotes ?

What next? Where are the great crematory ovens in the Middle East now being  built by Halliburton?

How do you spell Weimar Republic?


Saturday, December 10, 2011

It’s all About Me! NEWT GINGRICH! – The man who stole civility from America in the Nineties and to this day

It's all about ME!

Plastic Phony- mean Spirited Republicanism is back. Thank Satan!

The man has to be the center of attention!

Any remark he makes has to be the most witty-ist in a room filled with other plastic mean spirited Republicans.  

Applause! Applause! Fawn! Fawn! Fawn!

Any third rate scholar's remark – polite B16 applause and respect.  (A wave to the little people)

All those millions of phony, angry, starving, cheated out of their humanity by Israel – “Invented People” Palestinians...

You tell them, those brown skinned assholes, Newt!

Applause! How so so witty you really are - Newt!


A great Conservative of the Ages has risen among us. 

Bow your unworthy heads.

What a pile of “human” shit!  (Newt and the GOP)


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Callista Gingrich Teaches Inaccurate History to Children? – Ellis the Elephant – “Sweet Land of Liberty”

(Ellis and acclaimed history author Callista Gingrich)

“One of the most exciting events this fall for me personally is the arrival of Ellis the Elephant.
”As you know, I love American history.  Having coauthored eight historical novels, I would say finding creative ways to tell the American story has been one of the main objectives of my career.
“Ellis the Elephant appears this week in a new book, Sweet Land of Liberty, written by my wife, Callista Gingrich, and illustrated by Susan Arciero.  I am convinced that Ellis the Elephant will introduce a new generation of young people to our American history.
“Sweet Land of Liberty already has a review at Amazon more overwhelmingly positive and glowing than any review I’ve received after writing 24 books. 
“I’m not surprised.  When you see Ellis, it’s hard not to fall in love with him. Callista considered many types of animals to accompany children through American history -- including giraffes, bunnies, and hippos.  But when she saw Ellis, she couldn't resist this adorable elephant… Newt Ginginch 9/28/2011

“…On July 20, 1969, the United States launched the Apollo 11 spaceflight, and Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon…”

BTW History Scholars, Callista and Newt Gingrich,  Apollo 11 launched on July 16, 1969 and the Apollo Lunar Module landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.

Like – ah – Launching and Landing over three days later are not quite the same thing or is this condensed history?

Like who did all the difficult fact checking on this critical child’s work of GOP revisionist American History?

(How do you spell ghostwriter?)


Newt Gingrich and his solution to the Illegal Catholics Problem in the U.S.

Future tax-paying, Catholic Church attending Republicans?

What? Not all the illegal immigrants in America are Obama’s relatives from Africa.  I dare say ninety percent of them are Hispanic and no doubt ninety percent of them are Catholic.

So the national Illegal Immigrant question is really also the Illegal Catholic question or Problem.

Newt Gingrich and his party and his church want those 15 million potential voters in the next decade or two.  Long term planning is how the GOP and the RCC work these days, unlike the U.S. Federal Government.

Newt does not want any sanctuary (Dem) cities to get any Fed funding.  News to me that there were cities in the U.S. who more or less had a hands off policy to facilitate cheap labor. Social welfare and education costs are no doubt fobbed off on Washington.

But the key is to register these Illegal Hispanic Catholics, Pentecostals etc. on a local level.  In other words, somebody has to know them in order to vouch for them on their long road to being tax paying citizens.  Guide them, mold them, and Cuban Boat the chaff among them to the Democrats.

Apparently Newt wants something like a 25 years indentured servitude kind of registration process. 

Apparently the GOP Bishops want those voters tomorrow in order to fill their empty churches and to vote obedient Hispanic Catholics into political office in order to usher in the great rebirth of the great General Franco Spain model of church and state cooperation on all matters moral.

WIN – WIN for the GOP and the Roman Catholic Church.

Newt Gingrich targets 'sanctuary' cities for illegal immigrants
Gingrich also said he would favor a "very sophisticated, very clean" guest worker program.
"I think we should go back to the World War Two selective service model where local citizens are certified at a local level, where they actually know the person," he said.
"If the person is a good citizen, has genuine ties to the United States, has genuine roots, they still don't get amnesty, they still don't get citizenship, they still don't get the right to vote. They do get the legal right to be a resident."
In other words, after the local Catholic church (for a government subsidy) gives you a black stamp on your papers, you get a green card and a voter registration sheet premarked GOP.  Bless us lord. And save us all from the godless liberal socialist Democrats.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What is Catholic President to be Newt Gingrich's Position on Pedophilia?

The Future First (Dysfunctional) Catholic Family of the United States!

I see that future First Lady Callista Gingrich sang at the national Knights of Columbus Shrine for Pedophilia Defending Cardinal Hoyos in 2010.  With no doubt fawning Newt in attendance.

Important question now to our next Catholic President Newt Gingrich:

What is your political and or religious positions on Pedophilia, and        or, Professional, Amateur Sports pedophilia in the workplace? 

And, how do you feel about joining a church in this modern age not known for its Compassion of Children but rather the Blatant Exploitation and Disregard of Children or their Rights?


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Vatican/USCCB candidate Newt Gingrich top of the polls – Marriage Equality for Some not the All - $200,000 Donation

Rome is not financing my Campaign for Wizard

Still trying to nail down if a former Southern Baptist has to get a full three annulments from three civil marriages in order to join the ranks of the Uber-Catholics, Anti-Mormons, now taking control of the GOP, at least for the next Presidential election.  We all know that money talks when you want an annulment in the RCC.

Newt Gingrich who believes in Marriage Equality for himself no matter how many times he tires of his little woman and chucks her out in the garbage, apparently does not believe in Marriage Equality for anybody else especially gays.
Vander Plaats has been on the Gingrich payroll in the past.“A new group called ‘Progress Iowa’ suggests Gingrich may get the backing of Vander Plaats because Gingrich donated $200,000 to the campaign Vander Plaats led to target two Iowa Supreme Court justices who signed onto the opinion which legalized gay marriage in Iowa. Those justices were voted off the court in 2010.” (Author: O. Kay Henderson, Radio Iowa, 18 Nov 2011)


Monday, December 5, 2011

What did Newt Gingrich pay for his three Annulments? – Benedict XVI’s Chosen Catholic U.S. Prez Candidate?

(Look Callista. No tears. I am trading up to Monica Lewinsky.)

I may be dense (stupid) or lazy in my research but I cannot find out how fast or how much Candidate Gingrich paid to get the three annulments from Civil Marriage in order to marry his present Catholic wife in the RCC.

I get a lot of non-information in the Lame Lame Lame Street Media on this. I get the opinion that he doesn’t have to annul civil marriages not in the RCC? That has changed?

I did not marry in the RRC twenty odd years ago because the church wanted $2,500 to annul my wife’s previous ceremony at City Hall in NYC - a lot of money back then that we could not spare - that and time, months and months, perhaps years to annul what in Grade School, the Nuns said was not valid to begin with.

BTW, since Catholics are the only validly married Christians in the eyes of God, meaning to this day all Protestants are still Bastards because their parents did not have a Catholic marriage etc. – why should the freakin Catholic church even care if Gays and Lesbians will be satisfied by a civil marriage at city hall????

Since civil marriage does not count in the eyes of Holy Mother Church, why the f*ck so much fuss over gay marriage if after all the gays and us Prots are damned to hell anyway in their eyes, civil marriage or not?

Hypocrisy to the nth degree in the RCC?

Getting back to Newt.  How fast and how much did Cardinal Wuerl? get to grease Newt’s marriage into heaven worthy status.

This is the kind of Religious Liberty only for the RCC that Bishop Lori keeps bitchin about on Capitol Hill. 

Martin Luther had a word for this modern day equivalent to selling indulgences - quickie Annulments for the Rich.


This kind of shit started the Protestant Reformation.
Hey Newt.  How big will the new Papal Palace on the Mall Ellipse, blocking the view of the Jefferson Memorial, how big and expensive and paid for out of the Pentagon’s budget will it be, once the RCC gets you into the White House?

Inquiring minds want to know. 


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Radical Religionism or Talking For The Devil

There are fault lines across the landscape of the earth. There are fault lines across the landscapes of our culture. There used to be dividing lines between sacred and secular.

The lines of sacred and secular are sometimes blurred. When you have TV Evangelists hawking their product on TV, they the so-called sacred, are existing within the true realm of the Science of the Secular – Television.

So it becomes a bit strange when someone like the TV personality Pat Robertson - starts to spout off about the devil and how God punishes the black people in Haiti. Punishes them because they made a pact with the devil two hundred years ago to throw off their white masters, the French.

Well madness, both physical and “religious” is using a secular means of TV to spout this Medieval “religious” nonsense. And I might add while some 800 number is flashing across the screen asking you to send money to Pat to help these “friends of the devil”.

Such lunacy evokes within me the word HYPOCRIT – a favorite word used by Jesus.

My heart goes out to people in the middle of a disaster, Haiti, Katrina, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. Acts of nature are not acts of God.

The Radical Religionists who use the Secular means of Television to spread superstition and reinforce hate want it both ways. They want to stand on the steps of their church on America’s town square with a bullhorn and make you listen to their bullshit. They also want to call people who do not want to be bothered with their Radical Religionist Bullshit and attack them as Radical Secularists. Give us a break.

This is not my original idea, but where are the moderate voices of religious leaders in this country who have come out and condemned Pat Robertson’s or Rush Limbaugh’s gleeful little racist inhumane diatribes against the people of Haiti???

I am listening. I can’t hear you!

The next time I hear any of these pompous for profit religious types or Newt Gingrich spout the words Radical Secularist at me or anybody else like me who cares about humanity, I will shout back at them and remind them how, that by their silence, they stood by and silently endorsed this religious bigotry.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Constantine Complex - a modern condition?

There is that thing about short men with an inferiority thing called a Napoleonic complex.

Looking at some present day figures does not necessarily bring to mind the Napoleon thing. If Napoleon had succeeded with his bloody military thing, the EU would have been born a century and a half sooner and WWI and WWII would have not likely happened. Theory and conjecture do not make a real history of facts.

Of course, now I see what I call the Constantine complex in this modern world. It has to do with megalomaniac egos and trying to start new world religions or belief systems. It has to do with marshalling the forces available to fuller the power of the one over the many by any means possible. It also has to do with “I am Right and you are wrong! Period!”

No doubt a light bulb or I should say a torch lit up in the great Emperor god Constantine’s mind when he sought the means to glue two halves of an empire back together again. The key word here is “one”. One Emperor, one world Empire, one world religion. The monotheistic christian religion was no doubt an ideal fit into the emperor god’s grand megalomaniac plan for his new world order in the fourth century.

One current candidate for the title or label of the Constantine complex is the movie maker and actor Mel Gibson. Of course if Gibson were alive in the time of Constantine he would have approved of laws forbidding Jews from owning christian slaves or Nuremburg type laws imposing death if a Jew dared to marry a christian. Constantine! What a guy! Founder and cosmic enabler of the present church in Rome.

Gibson’s grasp of defending the 16th century tridentine mass in Latin as the only bridge to the one absolute God that he and his cult alone can fathom and defend perhaps has its limits. While Mel is divorcing his wife of twenty eight years and he is about to have a child out of wedlock, he is a little upset with his congregation of 70 fanatics who he suddenly doesn’t feel loyalty from. He is supposed to have threatened to shut down his church tax shelter because his fellow congregants are gossiping about him. Minor stuff, the real Constantine killed one son and his second wife because of palace gossip. Thank God Mel is only a minor tin god reflection of the real standard.

Mel is so pure, he is more holy than the pope, more catholic than the pope etc. Of course Mel has a few mortal flaws but is none the less one of my candidates for the label of having a Constantine complex.

Fast forward and the current age of mass media which is not a two way media, and they got rid of the fairness doctrine, whereby a balanced point of view is supposed to go out on the airwaves. The king of this modern day Constantine complex thing – this absolute rule of “I am Right and you are wrong! Period!” - would have to be “Boss Tweed” Limbaugh spewing nonstop confusion and hate over the radio air waves both for himself and his dying political party.

Also, suddenly Pope Newt the First, newly arrived in the Constantine faith, is telling his constituency that besides being always absolutely right that we are surrounding by “paganism”. What the hell is Gingrich mumbling about? Or is this just a new label for secular humanism? We don’t need a new world religion Newt when so many of all the others don’t work that well or work at all.

The domestic culture wars I hope are over. While we are at it, isn’t it time for the Armed Forces of the USA to stand down from WWII and the Cold War. There are better uses for the money in the social and domestic needs of the American people. Constantine is dead and so too should be his idea of empire, combining church and state, that so many these days seem to want to emulate.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

GOP and the New Racism

I do not think that it is intellectual or moral backbone that has the Cardinal Newman Society, a once harmless national on-campus organization, campaigning against President Obama, to prevent him from speaking at Notre Dame on May 17. I think it is out and out pure old fashioned racism. Not so recognizable as racism but the coded worded type so frequently used in the recent past.

This moral outrage – is it funded in anyway by the down and out GOP?

GOP money seems to be funding this tea bag thing against whatever – taxes? - too.

The GOP is looking for a hook. Anything that will stick and get them back into Sodom and Gomorrah like absolute power in Washington D.C.. This wanting "Obama to fail" strategy is publicly professed by Gingrich and Limbaugh among others. This wanting Obama to fail is unpatriotic in my opinion. I feel that it goes deeper than failed politics on the GOP side. I think it also goes to the level of race.

I don’t think it is coincidence that Tony Blair converted to Roman Catholicism as a prelude to his campaigning to be the first president of the EU.

I don’t think it a coincidence that Newt Gingrich has now converted to Roman Catholicism. I think the new “IN” for the republicans and their tired decades old “family values” hypocrisy is in hiding behind the skirts of the RC Church to push its fascist agenda forward.

I do not think it coincidence that a nationally mounted campaign in the Catholic Blogoshpere against Obama speaking at Notre Dame - or on any level - but with this run let's call it moral - and not racism coded or otherwise - is anything but a test run for politics and new GOP strategy.

If this new fascist strategy wrapped in moral sheep's clothing - if it works at Notre Dame, then the New Racism (the hook) is born and and the GOP will try to rise again using this new found gimmick of pushing its agenda forward on the "moral" Catholic Blogosphere, coded or otherwise.

I watched this person last night, this Raymond Arroyo “News” anchor on the EWTN – Eternal Word Television Network – and heard him pump up and advance this (covert racist) campaign by the Cardinal Newman Society to throw the black guy off campus at Notre Dame. The spokesperson for the Cardinal Newman society said that he would be happy if they withdrew the honorary degree and the (second class negro citizen) President be allowed to only talk at the commencement.

Sound familiar? ASU in Tempe Arizona will not give the black guy an honorary degree. Like what has Obama done lately? Not much apparently. Arizona, has a republican Governor and two republican senators. Arizona, under a republican governor, shot down the MLK federal holiday a generation ago – a good red neck state and it’s Universities suck too.

I had come to believe lately that the party of Lincoln and their recent round of debauchery, of sodomy in airport bathrooms and fondling page boys in the Capitol hallways and the adultery, drunk driving and making of bastard children was on its way out for a long needed rest.

But no. Fox News may be in decline. The Catholic Blogosphere is the next wave, the secret weapon of the GOP. I told you that Roman Catholicism was not a fascist religion so much as a religion in search of a fascist patron – President Newt Gingrich?

I can’t find any credible journalistic credentials for this Pee Wee Herman look alike spokesperson for the Church of Rome – Mr. Arroyo seems to be an official spokesperson supporting the church’s (racist?) policies in Africa and the Pope’s evil (coded) pronouncements on condoms. We in the west don’t take the Pope’s unscientific pronouncements on condoms seriously.

But a bunch of poor uneducated Africans do take the words of the pope as sacred or sounding like they come from Mt. Sinai or such.

The pope is not pro-life
Appearing on Fox's O'Reilly Factor last week, I debated the pope's statement with writer Raymond Arroyo. I pointed out that UNAIDS, calls the condom the “single, most efficient, available technology to reduce the sexual transmission of HIV.” Arroyo responded with a bizarre conspiracy theory saying that the United Nations group was only trying to “protect the government infusion of money to these condom programs that have demonstrably not worked at all.”

Then I asked Arroyo point blank: “If all the condoms in Africa magically disappeared, would the number of HIV cases increase or decrease?”

He responded that HIV would decrease if people would model their lives on the pope's “ideal way in which to live.”

In the ideal world promoted by Arroyo, priests would not rape little boys, while getting shuffled around parishes to protect the church. In the real world, the Vatican has spent millions of dollars to pay for child abuse lawsuits. In Arroyo's fantasy world, young people pledge abstinence until marriage. In the real world, studies show that teens taking virginity pledges were just as likely to engage in sex—and less likely to use birth control or condoms when they finally did.

Beware of the new power of the RC church as an agent of the GOP.

Fascism in America or it’s secret agenda within the GOP is not dead yet.