Showing posts with label RCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RCC. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Gay Sex the Cause of the 47% According to 12 Stepper Archbishop Cordileone, SF – Wishing All Gays Away to a Spiritual Auschwitz? – N.G.N.A. Sign


I just read on another blog how two gay friends got a frosty reception in some Catholic houses of “worship” on a trip though Minnesota which used to be a kind liberal place for all humanity.  The church pews were full of Politically Correct RC cookie cutter Bishop’s Republican propaganda on who good catholics should vote for.

That and everything but a NGNA (No Gays Need Attend) sign over the front door of these tax free houses of religious “whoreship”.

Go away to some spiritual Limbo? Send them all to a Spiritual Auschwitz dear bishop(s)?

On top of that Archbishop Cordileone trying to sober up and hopefully in a 12 step addict’s recovery plan as he plans to take over the Gayest City in America – San Francisco. Oy Vey!

He gave some rambling interview recently, no doubt being out of focus on de-tox and gave what appears today in the Roman Catholic Church as acceptable PC Hack Theology – the Attention Deficit rambling kind of Theology being pushed as the “New Evangelism” by Numero Uno Chicago  Kick Kiss-Ass theologian Father Robert Barron

. . .in a recent interview at the headquarters of the Oakland diocese, where he has served as bishop for three years, Cordileone was more direct: Gays and lesbians who are in sexual relationships of any kind, he said, should not receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, the central ritual of Catholic life.
“If we misuse the gift of sexuality, we’re going to suffer the consequences,” he said, “and I firmly believe we are suffering the consequences.” (And what is an acceptable definition of Sexuality from a so-called Celibate? .. wink – nod)
Cordileone, who was arrested last month on drunk driving charges, then elaborated, puzzlingly appearing to blame same-sex couples for the problem of absentee fathers in the inner city: (the 47% - ?)

Oakland's Lake Merritt - On a clear day you can see forever and unfortunately the poor too (47%) as well.

The prelate’s light-filled office overlooks Oakland’s Lake Merritt. Just beyond the graceful urban estuary, he said, are “100 blocks of inner-city neighborhoods. Those are fatherless children.” (How charming. The Po’ People spoil his Ivory Tower view of reality?)

German Exchange Student Visa - Point of Entry - Calexico Calif.

*   *   *   

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Pink Palace New York - Ghosts of 452 Madison Avenue - Franny Spellman - Politics of Blackmail

The Pink Palace - 452 Madison Ave - NYC

For years
rumors abounded about Cardinal Spellman being a homosexual. As a result, many
felt–and continue to feel–that Spellman the public moralist may well
have been a contradiction of the man of the flesh. Others within the Church
and outside have steadfastly dismissed such claims. Finally, to make an absolute
statement about Spellman’s sexual activities is to invite an irresolvable
debate and to deflect attention from his words and deeds.

The dutiful
Times then had another former U.S. ambassador to Ireland and friend of
the Church, William V. Shannon, review The American Pope for the Book
. Shannon’s review was scathing, attacking Cooney for even bringing
the subject up at all: “Prurient interest in the sex lives of public figures
serves no useful purpose.”

A Jesuit
priest wrote a letter to the Book Review, published a few weeks later:
“Cardinal Spellman’s sex life does not matter, but [his] homosexuality
does… It matters to thousands of people whose jobs, relationships and whose
very lives are threatened because of their sexuality, all the while being forced
to view and eat the hypocrisy of their church. And it enrages people that church
men and women can retain their jobs, hiding behind their clerical and religious
statutes while their own people suffer persecution, disease and discrimination.”

Sadly, the
Jesuit’s words still ring true today, almost 20 years later. While Spellman
has been long dead, his legacy of hypocrisy lives on: there are closeted homosexuals–often
condemning “sexual immorality” publicly while having gay sex privately–throughout
the uppermost echelons of the church today. The gay movement in the past 15
years has taken on the Hollywood closet and the Washington political closet,
both with dramatic success–and both those institutions have p.r. operations
far more sophisticated than the Vatican’s antiquated machine, which can’t
even seem to get the aging cardinals to attend a press conference. The media
these days also has a much greater appetite for exposing sexual hypocrisy, and
is no longer cowed by the Catholic Church. Going down this treacherous road
of increased gay-bashing and scapegoating, the Vatican perhaps doesn’t
realize what it may be unleashing upon itself. If I were a closeted bishop or
cardinal in America, I would be very afraid.


Additional: Francis Spellman - Patron Saint of Closeted Clergy    

*   *   *

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thomas Monson LDS - Benedict XVI RCC - Money Men in Charge of the New Christian Church

Money Money Money

Too many light weights in spirit and intellect seem to be getting very cushy crony positions in the church. Sally's (Cordileone) resume from Wikipedia is rather flat and almost made up like an inexperienced in life writer's first novel. Four years as a pastor in Calexico, one of the human trafficking centers on the southern border, and not a single Ave Maria regarding conditions there in a paper or even a column or two before blogs. Auxiliary bishop to the vampire Bishop Brom in San Diego who is rumored to like his sex with boys in coffins. An assignment across the bay, on the wrong side of the bay in Oakland, another hot spot of the human condition and no comments on the wittle people below his bishop palace's window. I believe he was just a paper front for the real money people like Niederauer and Monson on Prop 8 etc. The USCCB I thought was supposed to be a forum of true equals to discuss national matters. These days it is merely a barracks, another seminary setting to weed out the true Christians left scattered and hiding in the ranks, and promoting the worst of the worst up the Roman Catholic/Mormon corporate ladder.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Put women's rights over bishops' wrongs

Nuns Drive for Faith, Family and Fairness

There is a fight going on in the American Catholic Church regarding control between the Wall Street Money Guys, the Bishops and the traditional “love your neighbor” nuns and other progressives who actually believe in Jesus’ message of humanity.

In the Los Angeles Times of 4 July, a full-page advertisement similarly announces that "It's Time to Quit the Catholic Church" and urges liberal and nominal Catholics to vote with their feet and "please, exit en masse." In March, a similar ad also appeared in the New York Times, and in May, it appeared in USA Today and the Washington Post. 
The controversial billboards and advertisements are directed against the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' recent "Fortnight for Freedom" and Catholic dioceses that are currently suing the US Department of Health and Human Services over its ruling that US women be offered birth control as part of their insurance plans. This campaign to leave the Church appears on the heels of the Vatican crackdown against the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, an organization that represents most of America's approximately 57,000 sisters. In April, the group of sisters was reprimanded for reportedly supporting women's ordination to the priesthood and the rights of homosexuals. The nuns also were accused of not taking strong enough stances against abortion and euthanasia.

The billboards and newspaper ads are sponsored by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, a watchdog group founded in 1976 by Annie Nicol Gaylor and her daughter, Annie Laurie Gaylor, who is the Foundation's current co-president and author of Women Without Superstition: No Gods, No Masters. The Foundation and its 18,500 members should be applauded for promoting women's rights to access contraception apart from religious interference. The group should also be commended for its nearly 35-year commitment to erecting a higher wall separating the church and the state: it seeks to end government funding for religious activities and works to halt illegal religious instruction in secular institutions. … 
… This week, a group of bold nuns, who envision economic justice as God's will, is concluding its nine-state bus tour to protest the budget proposal of Congressman Paul Ryan (Republican, Wisconsin) that would cut social services like Head Start, food stamps, and housing subsidies.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

War on Religion – We Hate Sex

War on Religion equals We Hate Sex is a quote I think from the Daily Kos guy on Olbermann.

Somewhere along the timeline, the fear factor that is the Republican Party merged with the Roman Catholic church.  The church's fear of sex, all sex, and the aging white boomers' male fear of not being able to get it up is the foundation of this new social construct in America. That, rather than issues being discussed in the current election cycle.

Obama’s new so-called “war on religion” is just a personification of the old south myth about the rogue colored man raping the white women fear factor.

The word of course would be rape.  No free white woman would cross the color line.  No free white woman could enjoy sex with a member of another species and or race. Enjoy sex that white men are not capable of giving.

And of course, the war on Obama is a coded wink nod war against his color or half color so to speak.

And the fear of sex by the so called seventy year old male virgins running the RCC is a surrogate war on Obama via women and their strange vagina things by these strange men, really creatures, in dresses, still actively, perceptually, living the Roman Empire life fifteen hundred years after the death of that empire.

Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus; Bishops are from Closets?

The churches are empty. 

The Government subsidizes the churches via crony faith based capitalism.

While I believe some physical churches in the USA could be turned into museums like in Rome for the lack of a flock, maybe we should just close all the churches and just send the monthly government faith based subsidy entitlement to some lock box at Wall Street or Vatican City.

Have a nice day.


Monday, December 5, 2011

What did Newt Gingrich pay for his three Annulments? – Benedict XVI’s Chosen Catholic U.S. Prez Candidate?

(Look Callista. No tears. I am trading up to Monica Lewinsky.)

I may be dense (stupid) or lazy in my research but I cannot find out how fast or how much Candidate Gingrich paid to get the three annulments from Civil Marriage in order to marry his present Catholic wife in the RCC.

I get a lot of non-information in the Lame Lame Lame Street Media on this. I get the opinion that he doesn’t have to annul civil marriages not in the RCC? That has changed?

I did not marry in the RRC twenty odd years ago because the church wanted $2,500 to annul my wife’s previous ceremony at City Hall in NYC - a lot of money back then that we could not spare - that and time, months and months, perhaps years to annul what in Grade School, the Nuns said was not valid to begin with.

BTW, since Catholics are the only validly married Christians in the eyes of God, meaning to this day all Protestants are still Bastards because their parents did not have a Catholic marriage etc. – why should the freakin Catholic church even care if Gays and Lesbians will be satisfied by a civil marriage at city hall????

Since civil marriage does not count in the eyes of Holy Mother Church, why the f*ck so much fuss over gay marriage if after all the gays and us Prots are damned to hell anyway in their eyes, civil marriage or not?

Hypocrisy to the nth degree in the RCC?

Getting back to Newt.  How fast and how much did Cardinal Wuerl? get to grease Newt’s marriage into heaven worthy status.

This is the kind of Religious Liberty only for the RCC that Bishop Lori keeps bitchin about on Capitol Hill. 

Martin Luther had a word for this modern day equivalent to selling indulgences - quickie Annulments for the Rich.


This kind of shit started the Protestant Reformation.
Hey Newt.  How big will the new Papal Palace on the Mall Ellipse, blocking the view of the Jefferson Memorial, how big and expensive and paid for out of the Pentagon’s budget will it be, once the RCC gets you into the White House?

Inquiring minds want to know. 


Friday, November 18, 2011

Joe the Pope - Unhate Yourself?

I don't know if the above advertisement is offensive?  I showed it to someone point blank without explanation and she showed no negative response. Said something like "that is the custom over there" in Muslim countries and did not understand when I gave the full skinny on what the above was all about.  That it was not Joe the Pope in the picture etc. 

It is all about the Brand these days.  The Vatican is concerned about the Brand and it is obvious that Benetton did not give a cut $ to the Brand for the supposed use of the supposed sacred image.  Whatever. 

The theme of these ads is "Unhate" meaning two enemies embrace and love. 

I feel all too certain that a self-hating gay like Joseph Ratzinger or all the other self hating gay Cardinals and Bishops of the RCC do not, cannot understand the simple or underlying meaning of the message. 

It is all about the BRAND.

Brand is the modern code word for profit/greed = irrelevant to any or all things human.


Try to find a little humor in life today.  There is no little out there in the real world these days I think. 


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Arrest and Trial of Benedict XVI

Richard Dawkins calls for arrest of Pope Benedict XVI
RICHARD DAWKINS, the atheist campaigner, is planning a legal ambush to have the Pope arrested during his state visit to Britain “for crimes against humanity”.

Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, the atheist author, have asked human rights lawyers to produce a case for charging Pope Benedict XVI over his alleged cover-up of sexual abuse in the Catholic church.

The pair believe they can exploit the same legal principle used to arrest Augusto Pinochet, the late Chilean dictator, when he visited Britain in 1998.
When I first saw this story a few days ago I was reluctant to comment. I think that a warrant or a bill of indictment should be prepared against the Holy See in some European or International Court. However, I would not think it prudent to pursue a trial for these recent felonies and cover-ups of felonies by the worldwide hierarchy of the RCC in general and the Vatican specifically, in the case of crimes against humanity – children.

I guess that being American I have come to accept the legal opinion of Obama that we cannot prosecute Dick Cheney and George Bush for war crimes and other crimes against humanity. Shame on us.

All crimes against humanity should be vigorously prosecuted no matter who commits them. It is the right and more importantly the moral thing to do. The secular global world has to take a stand on right and wrong as described in law and not be influenced by any mythical religious setting or context as in crimes committed in the Vatican

The fact that two well known atheists, Dawkins and Hitchens, are bellowing these charges against Benedict XVI and his thug bishops sounds a little too much like religious persecution. But then again over the centuries the RCC have burned enough atheists as heretics. Perhaps the Dawkins/Hitchens spiel is equal time and fair play.

Just imagine if only indictments were prepared in a legal court system in Europe. The pope would have to hide in his Vatican with protection of his armed guards in his palace in Rome like some Mafia Chieftain.

Dawkins/Hitchens claim that the Vatican is not a country. That Mussolini when he ceded political control to the Vatican in 1929 was merely respecting the turf of another warlord such as himself.

According to some opinion, the pope has no diplomatic immunity. The Vatican was denied official nation status at the U.N. in 1964 at the insistence of the U.S.. No doubt a crook like LBJ could smell another snake in the room with the Vatican trying to claim nationhood. As a permanent observer at the UN, the church has been able to wreck havoc on the planet with its medieval ideals of birth control forced onto a lot of UN programs.

But putting aside all the showmanship of Dawkins/Hitchens trying to sell more books etc, there is the base, the common little ordinary simple faithful that the RC hierarchy are totally unaware of and totally our of touch with. This base in the form of the Rev. James Scahill of St. Michael’s Parish in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts “called in a sermon last weekend for the pope to resign over the church's sexual abuse scandal.”

Priest calls for pope's resignation
Pope Benedict XVI has found himself tied to the crisis after news broke last month that 30 years ago, when he was an archbishop, he approved accommodations in his diocese for a priest accused of child sex abuse so the priest could undergo therapy.

The priest, who was not identified, was let go from church service in 2008, according to church officials in Germany.

"If he can't take the consequences of being truthful on this matter, his integrity should lead him, for the good of the church, to step down and to have the conclave of cardinals elect a pope with the understanding that the elected pope would be willing to take on this issue, not just in promise," Scahill said.
When you lose your base, you lose in politics. The papacy is – a political – and not a spiritual job position.

The scandal of failed CEO types running the Vatican continues.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Serial Predators vs. Pride of the Pope

I know that you may think I am harping on the Vatican Sex Abuse Scandal too much. I have come to put some things in perspective. I started down this road with articles being sent to me by a person who is a part time lay minister in prisons.

That person, though he never said it directly, probably would realize or hear that a lot of people in prison were abused as children – physically, mentally, sexually. That they were not all abused by the clergy but in civil lay institutions, family care, foster care. That the end result of abuse is in many cases a wasted life of God’s creation on this earth. That to minister to those with the message of hope and the words of hope in Jesus’ teachings is the little bit one can do and work with in ministering to those in prison. Jesus rocks.

All our lives are full of regrets and dead ends. But most of us have had a better break in life because we were not directly abused in our growing up to adulthood. Enough said.

Here is a comment from a victim, "Anne" (she has a name Joe), of the California “serial predator” Stephen Miller Kiesle of California. The victim is a woman – was a girl when abused. I suppose Bill Donohue at the Catholic League might question if she was raped by pulling out his handy Holy Guide to Rape with its point system and measurements of penetration to decide what really, really is rape.

Perhaps that little girl only got slapped around and fondled a few times which would not be a Catholic rape etc. (sorry for my bitterness regarding the inhumanity of the Catholic League and its campaign to erase this clergy sex abuse scandal in the RCC). Right now Bill Donahue’s Neanderthal logic and voice seems to be the only voice of the RCC in America.

It is too bad that the MSM has been gender neutral about the victims of these priests in the RCC. It took a loud mouth comedian like Roseanne Barr to point out the true nature and numbers of both boys and girls victimized in cooperation with the hack bureaucrat hierarchy of the church.

Which leads me to comment on how many American Catholic organizations are dumbfounded by the sheer lack of depth in the Vatican in addressing the church’s fucked up way of hiding crimes against humanity (children).

Lack of Vatican communications strategy on scandal baffles pope's U.S. defenders
Most American organizations facing such a barrage of negative news would long ago have pulled together a crisis management team and made top officials available for interviews to explain their point of view. But the Vatican said such an approach is too commercial for the Church to adopt. "We are not a multinational enterprise, this is clear," the Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, said in a telephone interview. "The normal situation of the Church and the Vatican is to help the people to understand the teachings of the Church and the documents of the pope and not to sell particular products."
Joe the Pope – Fire that asshole Rev. Federico Lombardi. Get your head out of your own ass and admit you made a mistake and start over. Fire dozens of crony bishops who facilitated these crimes to persist and fester.

If not – Joe the Pope – this whole thing reeks of Nixon and Watergate. It was not that Nixon did a great criminal thing, it was minor. It was the coverup that was major and brought down the most powerful political figure on the planet. Nixon’s sin was Pride.

Your sin too is Pride. I do not wish to see this scandal go on and on like Watergate. But if your pride is more important than the good of the People of God – the Church – then I hope there is air conditioning in hell and perhaps your roommate will be Dick Nixon.

You can both spend eternity lying to each other about how great you were in life and how what a rotten deal they dumped on you. Have a nice life.