Monday, June 25, 2018

POTUS Tweet Attack On Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington Virginia - Sarah Huckabee Sanders Uses Official Government Tweet to Complain - Ethics Violation

A Boy Gone Missing From Southwest Key's Casa Padre in Brownsville Texas

I know I am a bit forgetful but I ain't too stupid yet. But WTF. A half a billion and in a licensed DAY CARE in Texas, the inmates can just walk out and leave. They don't do that in New York State and did not do it in Arizona when we lived there and our kid was in "day care" etc. 

What do the kids do when they hear a Cadillac honk outside the Repurposed Walmart "day care center" with Long Horns on the front grill - leave to take a candy break with a stranger. "hola chico, ¿quieres un caramelo?" (Hi boy, do you want a candy?) Or the kids only take few hours break and return to the center after being redeposited there?

Something really strange about this whole setup.

On MSNBC, a reporter this morning was quoting a government source that Trump and Sessions Gang have been separating kids from parents since Jan 21, 2017 and the number of kids separated from their parents on the border is not a mere 2,000, those stats only reported since April 2018.


15-year-old boy is missing from the nation’s largest shelter for migrant children in Texas, according to multiple media reports.

A spokesman for Southwest Key Programs said the boy was being housed at Casa Padre in Brownsville, Texas, a converted former Walmart that can hold up to 1,500 children. The site has become an epicenter of controversy following the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that has seen thousands of immigrant children separated from their parents and placed in such facilities.

The shelters, however, appear to have limited abilities to keep children in their custody. On Saturday afternoon, the boy, who had been held at Casa Padre for more than a month, reportedly walked out of the building and did not return, according to The New York Times and CNN.

Jeff Eller, Southwest Key’s spokesman, said the group could not legally require migrant children to stay at the facility if they wanted to leave, noting their only recourse was attempting to talk them into staying.

“As a licensed child care center, if a child attempts to leave any of our facilities, we cannot restrain them,” Eller said in a statement to CNN. “We are not a detention center. We talk to them and try to get them to stay. If they leave the property, we call law enforcement.”

The boy’s departure has been reported to authorities and he has been registered in the missing children’s database, according to CNN.

Eller told the Times that while the event was rare, some children had left the group’s shelters before, though he declined to give a firm number. He said that less than 1 percent of kids who come through Southwest Key have chosen to leave.

Racist Infestation of Crazy Old White Evangelicals Like Mike Huckabee In Latter Day America Evident Everywhere

The Civility that used to exist in America went out the door with the old American Town Square in real time and with a MSM that had to balance all politial opinion presented in order to keep one's license to broadcast. Sometime around RWR. 

But in a country where "WHITE" christians can refuse wedding cakes to Gays at a bakery, the woman owner of the Red Fox Restaurant in Lexington Virginia can refuse to serve a lying bag of shit like Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her Iron like Goebbels support of Donald Trump in the White House.

Perhaps not good examples but Sarah's ?Non-Abusive? daddy, the good WHITE preacher ober at Fox News seems more syphilis crazy in his brain than "?chistian" with his racist tweet below. 

The fear of minorities by whites is I think is the fear of true justice or retribution or reparations or karma coming from 500 years of raping, murdering, deforesting and genociding the natives who were here first. 

No more comfort or safety in numbers (bullying, whitecapping) and immunity from that come uppence around 2050 when WHITES, and other typical trailer trash like the Huckabees, just become another minority in this land of minorities.


God Bess All of America Again - 

you'all Evangelicals!