Monday, August 4, 2014

Cuban Racism of Ted Cruz and Rafael Cruz Sr. Attacks Barack Obama – Potential Civil Rights Model for a Future Free Cuba

Beer and Pizza Tea Party Immigration Racism

The Cuban census reports that 65% of the population is white while foreign figures report an estimate of the number of whites at anywhere from 20 to 35 percent.[1][2][3] The Economist states that, although the population is now mainly black or mulatto and young, its rulers form "a mainly white gerontocracy"

A survey[year needed] showed that white Cubans believe that blacks are "less intelligent than whites" (58%) and "devoid of decency" (69%).[3] Racial Politics in Post-Revolutionary Cuba by Mark Q. Sawyer discusses the racial ideology prevalent in the country.[5]

According to anthropologists dispatched by the European Union (EU), racism in Cuban is systemic and institutional.[1] Black people are systematically excluded from positions in tourism-related jobs, where they could earn tips in hard currencies.[1] According to the EU study, black people are relegated to poor housing, were excluded from managerial positions, received the lowest remittances from relatives abroad, and were five times more likely to be imprisoned. Blacks also complained of suffering the longest waits in healthcare.[1]

Esteban Morales Domínguez, a professor in the University of Havana, believes that "the absence of the debate on the racial problem already threatens {...} the revolution's social project".[6] Carlos Moore, who has written extensively on the issue, says that "there is an unstated threat, blacks in Cuba know that whenever you raise race in Cuba, you go to jail. Therefore the struggle in Cuba is different. There cannot be a civil rights movement. You will have instantly 10,000 black people dead".[6] He says that a new generation of black Cubans are looking at politics in another way.[6] 

Barack Obama's victory has raised disturbing questions about the institutional racism in Cuba.[1] The Economist noted, "The danger starts with his example: after all, a young, black, progressive politician has no chance of reaching the highest office in Cuba, although a majority of the island’s people are black."

Ken Doll Hannity vs. Russell Brand II - Personal Attacks for Having a Brain and an Opinion

FOX NEWS KEN DOLL Hannity and "Friends" do personal attacks on Russell Brand for having a brain and an opinion contrary to Fox New's "J" Street Sponsors.


St. Jerome Catholic Church Kentucky Politic-ing on its Non-Taxpayer Non-Dime

No Separation of Church and State in Kentucky in St. Jerome’s Politics Fair.

U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes met Saturday for the first time in a year, sparring on the stage at the annual Fancy Farm Picnic in western Kentucky.
With the crowd a bit better behaved than in past years, Grimes hammered on McConnell, listing a series of her policy positions and urging to respond that McConnell "doesn't care."
McConnell for his part took shots at Grimes and a series of gaffes she and her campaign have made…
The crowd of ... was loud and boisterous as always but they didn't chant throughout the entire speeches, largely complying with the request of St. Jerome Catholic Church officials who organize the picnic.

"When you agree with what they say, cheer. If you disagree, boo." Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham urged the crowd. "And then shut up and let them go on with their speech."

First Baptist Church of Royal Palm Beach – Cheap Bastards of Christ Dump Hungry Homeless into Jail for $2.25 Worth of Cookies

You can’t get more white in America these days without the white “Christians” not wanting to get their clean paws dirty tending to the poor or other obsolete Jesus bullshit like that.

A homeless man steals some cookies and these cheap bastards as a church that does not pay taxes dumps the dirty hungry homeless onto the jails to support at hundreds or thousands of dollars a day to support by real taxpayers.

Real Moral Authority - BULLSHIT.

A-merican “Christianity” is so fucked up and GOP these days = F.Y.I.G.M. = (wink, nod) = A-men?

I apologize. This kind of stuff makes me so angry about how a gated church in a probably gated community gets tax free and money laundering privileges that the founding fathers never envisioned. Whatever.

The British link below btw mentions Los Angeles - a typo. 

This is a redneck Kristian church in redneck stand your ground Floreeda. 

According to a report in the Palm Beach Post, the homeless man had been looking for assistance from the church when he entered the building and found the unguarded cookie jar.

After beginning to tuck into the church’s cookies, the man was greeted by the church's cleaner.

On finding the homeless man, the startled cleaner called the police.

After discussions between police and church members, it was decided that the church would press charges.

The homeless man was then arrested and taken into police custody.
