Friday, September 13, 2013

George Zimmerman – Ted Cruz – Minorities and Their Desperate Need To Please White Masters, Even Dead Ones Like Jesse Helms

Zimmerman is an honorary white man at best or so he claims as part of his entitlement as with his Anglo and South American bloodline. He has a chip on the shoulder attitude or stance that makes me think he is constantly having to try and prove himself white enough, worthy enough to be seen as equal to his "peers" in his patriarchal worldview.

His stalking people, who are strangers or different, not belonging in the gated condo complex speaks of his closeted self-image of inferiority and it too speaks of base alpha animal stuff as well.

None of this is discussed on the boilerplate front pages of the media. It will get some time after the impending train wreck his life seems headed for. As for this recent domestic incident with his wife, his wife presumably without a gun must cling to her father and 911 for protection. As for the changing of the dialogue, he said, she said storyline, about whether George had a gun or not, well it reeks of the original tale of Trayvon and telling the tale that the cops want to hear in order for them to get back to their donuts and coffee or is it really more like pizza and beer gathered around the sports cable channel on at the local police station house down there in swampland USA aka Florida.

So too Canadian Senator Ted Cruz has to suck up to white images of success in order to imitate white success and pretend he is a full white man in a white man’s American world.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz wishes there were ‘100 more’ people like the late Helms in today’s Senate. Is he kidding?!


Zimmerman Ticking Time Bomb and References to Sandy Hook Casually Cross Florida Police Chief’s E-Mail Gossip

(AP Photo Jessica Hill)

George Zimmerman, NRA Wayne LaPierre’s “Good Man With A Gun” seen as Potential “Good Man With A Gun” at another Sandy Hook????
Only in A-Merica Folks! Is Florida really part of A-Merica?

Steve Bracknell is the chief of the Lake Mary police department, which is investigating Zimmerman, 29, for allegedly threatening his estranged wife, Shellie, and his father-in-law with a gun on Monday. 

In an email exchange with a Lake Mary resident critical of the department's initial decision not to arrest or charge Zimmerman, Bracknell appears to agree with the writer's description of Zimmerman, acquitted in July of murdering Martin, an unarmed black teenager, as "a ticking time bomb". 

"Zimmerman is a Sandy Hook, Aurora waiting to happen," the resident, Santiago Rodriguez, told Bracknell in his first email, seeking an explanation for why Lake Mary officers did not charge Zimmerman. 

"Your reference to Sandy Hook … I agree," Bracknell replied. 

At the end of a follow-up email urging Bracknell not to "give up" on the investigation, Rodriguez wrote: "Sooner or later another mother and father is going to be on CNN lashing out against the system due to this man snapping." 

Bracknel replied: "As for your final thoughts, again, on a personal note, I agree."