I believe in one God, one Universe created by God, and the bounty of all things and possibilities flowing from that creation.
I believe in the words of the anointed one Jesus as spoken in the Sermon on the Mount.
He was crucified under the Roman Govenor Pontius Pilate, suffered, died and was buried. On the third day following his death he rose from the dead by the hand of God according to Scriptures before ascending into heaven.
The Anointed by God and man, the Christ, sits at the right hand of God. He bears witness to all mankind’s hurts and pleasures and will stand in judgement to all who have not lived by and in the light of God’s love to humanity.
As Holy Man and Prophet, he is first among equals of all men born of women, and is the way, truth, light and path to a higher level of understanding of things human and spiritual.
I believe in the Spirit of God among us and in us and through us. Believers, the children of God, the people of God must stand for all things good, humble, holy and divine.
(as a Christian, I do not believe in the direct divinity of Jesus of Nazareth. I do believe that mankind has anointed this holy man and prophet to be the focal point of faith and Christian history. I believe that Jesus happened in history and every age must redefine both the man and his mission.)