Sarah Enjoying the Misery of the Shutdown |
I don’t know if I can say it, but Sarah used the “L” word
(liberal) when recently trashing Pope Francis. She quickly backed down and let
her “Catholic” “Friends” tell her that she might be wrong on her trashy opinion
about the current Bishop of Rome.
Luckily the pope is a white Italian. If he was black like Obama or
brown like Bashir, White Trash Queen Sarah would not back down or let him talk
back to her in her useless elevated status with the media as Number One
Corporation/Think Tank Groupie .
Corporation Groupie Sarah Palin Sucks! (Wink, Nod)
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin sent out an apology for her
criticism of Pope Francis, who she called “liberal” earlier this week.
“It was not my intention to be critical of Pope Francis,” Palin wrote on
her Facebook page. The former vice-presidential candidate said her
comments were meant to remind “viewers that we need to do our own homework, and
I hadn’t done mine yet on the Pope’s recent comments as reported by the media.”
She wrote that the media often mischaracterizes the comments of
public figures and that she’d rather trust her “many Catholic friends and
family” than reporters.“I apologize for not being clearer in my response,” Palin added.
“Thus opening the door to critical media that does what it does best in ginning
up controversy.”
In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Palin told Jake Tapper some
that the Pope’s statements “sound kind of liberal,” something that surprised the
former vice-presidential candidate.
She added, “”Unless I really dig deep into what his messaging is,
and do my own homework, I’m not going to just trust what I hear in the media.”