The important thing about Jesus is his message. The other things, like his sexuality, have been greatly ignored mostly by religious types. The religious types for whatever reason think that suppressing their own sexuality and your sexuality as well is a good and wholesome thing, which I think it is not.
So the question remains. How gay was Jesus? I personally thought that the best seller of Dan Brown and Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene or at least her having Jesus’ love child was secretly applauded in the Vatican. Anything that redirects attention from flimsy birth control theology or the exact nature of the vague sexuality of supposedly celibate/chaste priests was a godsend in the midst of a worldwide catholic child abuse epidemic in that church.
On the other side of the street, other side of town is the carnie, big tent christianity where you cure people in wheelchairs, make them walk and then charge an arm and a leg in donations. Maybe they could walk to begin with, but you supply the older ones with wheelchairs while waiting in line to get into the tent like the way A.A. Allen used to do it. And when you pull them up out of a wheelchair and they can stand and walk it’s a miracle - right?
Tricks, whistles, bells, smoke and mirrors were present in the ancient Greek and Roman Pagan Religion world. It continues to this day with the official successor chrisitian religion of these ancient state religions.
The dark carnie side of the christian church, the evangelical fundamentalists who worship the periods on the pages of the NT as much as they worship and study a lifetime the words of Constantine’s approved bible – they don’t have a clue about humanity.
If you cannot get a death sentence for gays in the Uganda/Africa experiment, it is time to bring back some sort of legislation to ban or punish gays in the U.S.. Biggest myth in the kool-aid crowd now is that homosexuality is curable. Did not know it was a disease. The way these tax free carnies think and their take on this – that it is a disease. Pharmas are no doubt ready to sell pills to cure it as well if I am a good judge as to the bent of the American plastic non-culture lately.
The Hate Non-Profit groups with the word “Family” in their bought for opinions and PR titles are out in force on the news talk shows to bang the drum for open hate and discrimination against gays in the military. The so called “Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell” (Don’t get Caught) U.S. military policy is up for debate. The policy like the rest of a changing society and its secular changing attitude toward homosexuality is a half-assed situation whereby gays have to lie about who they are as people while defending their nation.
Gays are not lesser people. They are people who are thought of as lesser in the closed minds of people who live in a closeted dysfunctional religious world with half-assed ideas about human sexuality, birth control and real life in general.
How Gay was Jesus? Living at home with mom at aged thirty? I don’t know. I was not there. But I am willing to bet he was a real flamer!
No need to execute Jesus for blasphemy. Just execute him under white western Christian inspired Uganda Hate legislation being modeled over in Africa.
You know all this love for black gays in Uganda is upsetting the timeline for the taking, stealing of all natural resources in Africa by the rest of the world. Out there a hedge fund manager is suffering, not getting his bonus with all this fuss of killing off gays first in Africa and anywhere else.
People, gay or not, are not on anybody’s profit spreadsheet these days. The land and resources they stand on are on those profit spreadsheets – that is what is really important these days in an Atheist, for profit only, Global Culture.
Christianity on all levels and sides of the street had better get its act together, after two thousand years of confusion, as to what Jesus’ message was about and who it was for. Everybody or nobody is my take on the last part of that. Too much silence on the subject.
The Rick Warren’s of the carnie christian world better get the pie out of their mouths and start shouting something like humanist real life Christianity!
For Everybody!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Anti-Christ Burger in Italy – GOLDEN Satanic Arches – Rapture Burger???

This is a story totally F#cked up for weeks now coming out of Italy.
I keep seeing this BS PR McDonald’s – FOR DAYS, perhaps WEEKS - thing on many, many news sources and cannot determine as to what they are talking about???
Italy minister defends boost for McDonald's burger
I can only assume at this point out of the chaos and confusion of so called ROMQN PR firms making money on a totally confused burger –“ THE ANTI-Christ burger in ROME” as I call it. Cannot figure out yet if the Italian Agriculture Minister is taking a hefty bribe from Ronald McDonald or he just hates Italian Historic eating habits. That or he is addicted to heart artery clogging fast food crap!
I have taken a private pledge not to mention anything connected with the present (german)-anti/christ in roman digs. But I do not understand why McDonalds is trying to launch a new burger just before Lent in Rome unless this is it –
THE RAPTURE is upon us and if so why is some spam concoction with oregano so important to a burger franchise that can push anything down the throats of a captive Iraq and Afghanistan audience wasting their time with the Italians? Like – what is the real give on this????
Latte Liberals vs. Tea Bag Conservatives – 2010, 2012
The lines are drawn in the sand. Latte (coffee) Liberals vs. Tea Bag (lemon, no sugar) ultra conservatives in 2010 and 2012. Short of illness or natural death, Obama is Prez through January 20, 2017 C.E..
Humorist Joe Queenan over in an article in the Guardian UK has challenged the limousine latte liberals in their bubble liberal world in Georgetown, 72nd Street and Broadway and Rodeo Drive to start coffee claques. Liberal coffee claques to offset the minor jock itch irritation that the ADD child of Alaska, Half-Governor Sarah Palin has adopted as media toll-ed (troll) irritaion and will continue to the bitter last dollar of Sarah Palin PAC money = Tea Bag, Tea Party, ultra conservativism.
They started the Tea Bag movement, mailing teabags to members of congress under the delusion of imitating the real men of iron that started the American Republic in Boston. If Tea bagging is now some Urban Dictionary sexual definition- tuff – fight for primary usage!
Whatever Liberalism, Progressive, Conservative, and or Tea Bagger translates into modern in terms of modern reality, Liberals and conservatives are dealing with concepts only little more than a century old.
Democrats better reply with a coffee claque, and soon
With similar roots in Philly blue collar origins and links to the infamous Jesuit St. Joseph’s college (now University) of my father and brother (OMG), I think I know of what he speaks or have a idea from where he speaks on matters of a one time Democratic concept called Liberalism and now Progressive.
Humorist Joe Queenan over in an article in the Guardian UK has challenged the limousine latte liberals in their bubble liberal world in Georgetown, 72nd Street and Broadway and Rodeo Drive to start coffee claques. Liberal coffee claques to offset the minor jock itch irritation that the ADD child of Alaska, Half-Governor Sarah Palin has adopted as media toll-ed (troll) irritaion and will continue to the bitter last dollar of Sarah Palin PAC money = Tea Bag, Tea Party, ultra conservativism.
They started the Tea Bag movement, mailing teabags to members of congress under the delusion of imitating the real men of iron that started the American Republic in Boston. If Tea bagging is now some Urban Dictionary sexual definition- tuff – fight for primary usage!
Whatever Liberalism, Progressive, Conservative, and or Tea Bagger translates into modern in terms of modern reality, Liberals and conservatives are dealing with concepts only little more than a century old.
Democrats better reply with a coffee claque, and soon
The Tea Partyers are mostly pasty-faced middle-Americans, holding the sorts of smallish, grassroots, inbred gatherings that could easily be ignored in the pre-viral era before cable television and the internet. No more. Now 212 angry white people shouting down a rattled congressman in rural Idaho can command as much media attention as a roadside bombing in Iraq.Anyway, back to Starbuck’s and Queenan with his supposed wry wit. Well I don’t know about wry – but he can buy me a rye anytime.
With similar roots in Philly blue collar origins and links to the infamous Jesuit St. Joseph’s college (now University) of my father and brother (OMG), I think I know of what he speaks or have a idea from where he speaks on matters of a one time Democratic concept called Liberalism and now Progressive.
72nd St and Broadway,
Joe Queenan,
Latte Liberal,
Limousine liberal,
Rodeo Dr.,
Sarah Palin,
St. Joseph's U,
Tea Bag Conservative,
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