Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pret A Manger Clive Schlee Bends to Religious Liberty Bigots – Protect the Pope - in Britain

Wimp CEO Clive Schlee - Pret a Manger Sandwich Shops

Well, don’t go into a bar in Britain and order a Virgin Mary cocktail, the thought police, the Catholic Temple police will be all over you for stealing their sacred copyrighted expired words and you daring to use them in the common vernacular secular street use of them.

Grammer Nazis and pathos in practice here.

The fascists have won on this one CEO Clive Schlee.

Keep your stingy malnourished little Brit Sandwiches and stale bags of chips on your side of the pond please.

We in America like real food. Freshly made! (by illegal immigrant hands!) (right in front of you and not god knows where in a basement in the Bronx?)

Your whole New York City operation offends me as a Cultural Christian.  Please leave immediately. Amen.


"Mel" In "Protect the Pope" Blog comments 7:52 PM:

“One of the things we need to go away and think about is what this incident tells us about how we defend our faith in the future. We’ve been passive for too long in the face of mockery of our faith and discrimination against us as Catholics. We can change things!” 

We are the Church Militant. ‘The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force’ Matt 11:12

(LOL indeed.)


Mean Spirited Pastor Stiffs Waitress on Tip - Blames God for Being a Cheap Bastard and General All Around A-Hole - Waitress Fired by Applebee's

Maybe he got lousy service and should have said so but this low life with a clerical collar stiffed the waitress and goes into a song and dance about how he “gives God” 10%. Like God really needs it.

If I was God I would tell him to go Feck himself!.

Earlier this week, we posted a story about a restaurant customer who not only chose to deny the waitress a tip, but also wrote “I Give God 10% Why do you Get 18?” on the receipt. Now we’ve learned that the server who posted the receipt online has been fired.

“I originally posted the note as a lighthearted joke,” says Chelsea, who was dismissed from her job at Applebee’s on Wednesday, as the story began to spread across the Internet. “I thought the note was insulting, but it was also comical. I posted it to Reddit because I thought other users would find it entertaining.”

Chelsea tells Consumerist that the receipt was actually not even for her table. Rather, the server on the receiving end of the note showed it to Chelsea, who snapped a photo of it later that night.
For someone who makes their living off of tips, it seems like the customer’s note was salt in the wound for Chelsea.

“We make $3.50 an hour. Most of my paychecks are less than pocket change because I have to pay taxes on the tips I make,” she explains. “After sharing my tips with hosts, bussers, and bartenders, I make less than $9/hr on average, before taxes.

In her job, Chelsea says she skipped bathroom breaks when things got busy, went hungry when she had to work several tables at a time, would work until 1:30 a.m. and then come back in at 10:30 a.m.

“I am expected to portray a canned personality that has been found to be least offensive to the greatest amount of people,” she tells Consumerist. “I come home exhausted, sore, burnt, dirty, and blistered on a good day. And after all that, I can be fired for ‘embarrassing’ someone who directly insults their server on religious grounds.”

Chelsea agrees with those who argue in favor of a payment system that doesn’t make restaurant servers reliant on tips.


Wayne LaPierre’s Family Not Effected by Gun Violence in America? – Gabby Giffords Cares About the American Family

Safeway Parking Lot - N. Oracle and W. Ina Roads, Tucson Arizona

Wayne Lapierre, the gun salesman, apparently lives in a vacuum.

We do not know how Gun Violence affects his family in its everyday reality and function.

The facts of his family, like his religion, are a well-guarded secret. This, even after the NRA making the President’s children the object of criticism of the Gun Lobby via the NRA talking a coded racist message, commercial, about wasted U.S. taxpayers money on protecting “them” from gun violence in the White House.

It is a pity we do not know how Wayne really cares or does not care beyond his saleswoman wife Susan, working on direct salary and or commission for the NRA raising funds for NRA “philanthropy” work?

Gun Sales are good for the Wayne LaPierre family even it is only a husband and wife childless, by choice, marriage?

“This is an important conversation for our children, for our communities, for Democrats and Republicans. Speaking is difficult, but I need to say something important. Violence is a big problem. Too many children are dying; too many children. We must do something. It will be hard, but the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you. Thank you.” ~~ Former Arizona U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords

As you well know I have something of a personal stake, interest, in former Rep. Gabby Gifford, having written a piece a month after her personal tragedy in Tucson alongside the tragedy of others by gun violence and mental illness two years ago.

Gabby Giffords may not have children at the moment, but she, unlike Wayne LaPierre and Company, cares about the well being of the American Family.

Keep up the good work of caring about us little Americans that do not seem to count for much at the NRA.

God bless you Gabby and your husband Mark.

Safeway Parking Lot - N. Oracle Rd and W. Ina Road Tucson (Google Maps)

primeaux and mike - awakening

British Catholic Temple Police Condemn Sandwich Chain “Pret a Manger” for Alleged Religious Insult over Tomato Flavored Potato Chip/Crisp - Nuts!

(This comes under the “Catholic Temple Police” and or “Religious Liberty” attempt to abuse or seize public power category kind of story.) 

No photo as yet available on the bag of crisps/chips, but Catholic Deacon Nick Donnelly over at Protect the Pope blog is steamed about the Pret a Manger (French: Ready to Eat) sandwich shop chain in London naming a new tomato flavored potato chip the “Virgin Mary Crisp”. LMAO


The Pret A Manger sandwich chain have decided to insult their Catholic customers by naming their new Worcestershire Sauce flavoured crisps, ‘Virgin Mary Crisps’

A reader of Protect the Pope wrote to Pret A Manger to complain, making the point that Pret A Manger would not dare to mock the Muslim or Jewish faiths so why have they seen fit to mock Christianity. Why they should make such an appalling, tasteless and offensive lapse of judgement.’

This is the reply from their CEO: 

‘It happens that I am a Catholic. I have examined my conscience about the naming of our crisps. The term Virgin Mary is widely used in the market today to describe a well known cocktail: a tomato juice with Worcester sauce and without vodka. I have consulted a lot of people in our office about this and that is what they all think of when they see our crisps packet. Please, please don’t take offence. None is intended.’


Patty Andrews - 94 - RIP - Andrew Sisters (Patty Center) - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bishop Alexander King Sample Barred Free Speech in Marquette Michigan in 2009 - What a Creep!

Bishop Alexander King Sample

A rather bizarre story from 2009 when Bishop Sample of Marquette Michigan barred retired bishop of Detroit Bishop Thomas Gumbleton from giving a talk at a local Lutheran Church.  A Lutheran church, that's right. 

Bishop Sample practicing his Religious Liberty to deny others in his secular  community Freedom of Expression and or Freedom of Speech? How typically Catholic these days in America.

When did Freedom of Speech in America become a crime Bishop Sample??? What planet do you live on?

Marquette has a population of 20k. The Catholics lost among the many more moose and guns on the upper peninsula, 50k, is less than many megachurches out west and down south.

The victims people Catholics of his upcoming transfer to Portland Oregon are in for a treat.  I think Portland used to have a reputation as a nesting place for eccentrics on the West Coast. It more recently has the rep of being the juvenile sex trafficking hub of the west coast (but "Seattle is Worse" see comments).

Great place to send a head in the sand bishop who does not even want another point of view expressed down the street in Moosetown on Nuclear Disarmament.

The Child Sex Trafficking problem just went away with the arrival of Bishop King Sample in Portland Oregon. It doesn’t exist in the Church and cannot therefore exist in the profane secular world as well.

Good luck Portland! Welcome to the seventeenth century. Wait for the upcoming "Bishop Sample Approved list of Street Conversations in Portland". LOL

Pass the buggy whip dude, please.

I read Bishop Alexander Sample's explanation in The Mining Journal of his decision to prohibit Bishop Gumbleton from speaking publicly.  
Bishop Gumbleton was scheduled to speak at a prayer service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church on "Gospel's Call: Action for Peace," and at Peter White Library on "Vision for Peace: Abolition of Nuclear Weapons," both timely and critical issues. Bishop Sample's reasons were that questions may arise on controversial issues, e.g. homosexuality and ordination of women as priests. At the same time, however, he noted that these were not the issues of Bishop Gumbleton's talks, but questions may be asked about these issues and his duty was to shepherd us. 
As an active member of the Catholic Church, I respect Bishop Sample's duty to shepherd us, but shepherding should not prohibit open dialogue and questions which may arise on controversial issues.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Benedict’s “Doves of Peace” Attacked by Seagull on Holocaust Memorial Day, Sunday Jan 27

Doesn’t the Seagull know who is in charge on this turf?

Queen Elizabeth, so typically British, to Son Prince Charles "I'll give you my crown only when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

Retiring Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Liz the Brit for Life Queen

A good article on the selfless act of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands to the next generation.

Or perhaps the rest of her life. There was an interesting line in Queen Beatrix's abdication speech that may very well have been a subtle snub to Elizabeth's remark. In the three minutes she spoke, Queen Beatrix found the time to say that "the reason for me to step back now is not because the office is too much of a strain [it is not]. I am abdicating because I am convinced that the responsibility for our country should now move to the next generation". Compare that to the drawn-out public castration to which Queen Elizabeth is subjecting her son Charles. You can't help being born an heir apparent, but those who love you can help make it easier for you. Queen Elizabeth is not doing that, or so it looks to a Dutch eye.

Boy Scouts in Art


Rand Paul’s Shadow (Tea Party) Government Shapes J Street Foreign Policy on Egypt

Rand Paul with Bibi Netanyahu in Israel Earlier in January

WASHINGTON — Sen. Rand Paul told an off-the-record meeting of conservative donors and powerbrokers Monday that he plans to file a bill that would ban sending F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.

"The crowed loved it," a source told BuzzFeed.

Last year, Lockheed Martin delivered 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt as part of $1.3 billion in military aid from the U.S. government, The New York Times reported.

Paul has expressed concern for the practice in the past — but his remarks via Skype to the so-called "Monday Meeting" in New York City showed even firmer support by the Kentucky senator for policies that might cater to Jewish voters, as well as Evangelical groups that are staunchly pro-Israel.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Sarah Palin – Soccer Mom – Fox News Weathergirl Retires – extended 16 Minutes of Fame comes to whimpering End

Sarah got the boot last week from Roger Ailes over at Fox News.

Rumor has it that Roger thought the hot dog vendor outside at 49th and Sixth Ave in NYC had more talent.  


Now she can look forward to a long string of grand openings at Safeways, Krogers and Piggly Wigglys.

Best of Luck girl!


Rand Paul - Quote of the Day - Jan 28 2013

In an interview with WND, the senator said his

(My)“suspicion, although I don’t have any proof, is that guns were being smuggled out of Libya, through Turkey and into Syria.”

“And that may be what the CIA annex was doing there,” Paul said, “and the coverup was an attempt to massage and get over this issue without getting into the gun trade.”


Christianity is Just a Franchise/Religion to Sell Your Products – I.E. Christianity/NRA, Christianity/TVangelism, Christianity/Italian Mafia/Vatican, Christianity/Healthcare INC Etc.

Supreme "Christian" Pontiffs Joe Ratzinger of Costa Nostra Italy INC and Wayne LaPierre of (my gun is my metaphoric penis) NRA

As an Areligionist and an Agnostic, I think a great many splinter groups use the “Christian” franchise label to sell their latest self help book, or autobiography on why God has chosen them etc, to sell a lot of petty empires, radiated genetically mutated poultry and or Chik-fil-A sammiches.

Channel surfing this morning I caught wind of Joyce Meyer in her Woolworth red lipstick telling a bunch of potential Mary Kay recruits that “God wants you to be prosperous” (14 Kings, Chap 8, Verse 13,?).

I also caught a glimpse of the Mannequin messiah Joel Osteen’s 100 k worth mouthful of perfect  plastic teeth preaching the mixed God/oatmeal/send me a check, modern gospel.

It was not until I saw the below article that all my thoughts gelled and made the realization/ephiphany that Christianity (copyright expired) is for the most part just part of any new “Christian/whatever” new marketing product, safe and or untested on humans or animals.

Karen Spears Zacharias on If the NRA were a Religion:

If the NRA were a religion, its members would be stockpiling toilet paper, buying up all the granola bars, and squirreling away antibiotic as they prepare for the Armageddon to end all Armageddons. 
If the NRA were a religion, their worship music would stir the congregation into a frenzy. Their songs would instill in those worshipping a sense of righteous indignation and a determination to protect their own from demons unknown. 
If the NRA were a religion, they would be a mega-church run by a charismatic beloved pastor whose congregants cling to the outrageous things he says because there’s enough fear twisted into his lies that it passes for truth. Outlandish! declare the non-believers who always leave the mega-church shaking their heads in disbelief. 
If the NRA were a religion, they would be dogmatic about their doctrine, convinced that their way is the only right way to God.


Chik-fil-A Sammich. Guaranteed to find a bit of god/idol and pickle in every bite.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Texting - 1950

Berlusconi Makes Mockery of History at Holocaust Event

Italy, where Church = State

Christ! What a better place to defend Mussolini’s and the Vatican’s Holocaust cooperation than to have a piece of bent pasta like Berlusconi defend government sponsored genocide at a Holocaust Memorial Event!

Protecting the Vatican’s collusion in WWII with Mussolini is in line and goose step with the former Italian Prime Minister’s attempt to protect the German pope’s current revisionist world view of the Holocaust via the fast track sainthood campaign for Pius XII.

"Obviously the government of that time, out of fear that German power might lead to complete victory, preferred to ally itself with Hitler's Germany rather than opposing it," he said. "As part of this alliance, there were impositions, including combating and exterminating Jews. The racial laws were the worst fault of Mussolini as a leader, who in so many other ways did well." 

In 1938, Mussolini passed laws barring Jews from academia and many professions. After 1943, when Germany occupied parts of the country, more than 7,000 Jews were deported to Nazi concentration camps, with many perishing at Auschwitz. 

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said Saturday that Germany had an "everlasting responsibility" for Nazi crimes, but Berlusconi said Italy "did not have the same responsibility," adding that the country's collusion in the Holocaust was initially "partly unwitting."


Rand Paul Quotes of the Day - Jan 27 2013

“We’d (GOP) Attract More Young People If We Didn’t Seem So Eager To Go To War.”

“I can assure you if I’m president, the Iranians will have no question but that I will be willing to take military action if necessary to prevent them from becoming a nuclear threat to the world.”

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fr. Simon Henry of Farington UK Rants About Those Catholics that are Ruining His Church and Therefore Don’t Belong in His Church

The true “enemy within” are those modernist Vatican 2-ers and not the Dinosaur turd Trenters. Yeah right. More like civil war between factions and not schism or heresy.

There is an "anti-Church" within the Church labouring in parishes, deaneries and curial offices in complete opposition to Pope Benedict's teaching that the the Second Vatican Council should be interpreted in a hermeneutic of continuity, such as this unreliable and impossible to substantiate tosh in last week's Tablet, where the writer more or less says the Vatican II did what Jesus wanted but Trent didn't. 
This anti-Church seems to have existed in hidden form underground for many decades but grasped the Second Vatican Council to come out into the open and now openly preaches in opposition to the public teaching of the Magisterium of the Church.  The parish priest leaning on the lectern at Mass, without wearing a chasuble, telling people that women should be ordained, or the parish priest inviting people to general absolution, is not an outlandish caricature but a daily reality.
This third column, which I've experienced many times, is full of clergy who appear to hate the Church as it has manifested itself for hundreds of years, certainly hate the Pope, hate Rome and hate the Tradition which has been the vehicle of transmitting the Faith and the Scriptures down the generations.  If you hate a club  and everything it stands for, why join it, why stay in it? Why not go off and start  a club of your own or join one that is in harmony with your opinions (there are plenty of them)? 
Why do these people insist on trying to turn the Church into another version of all those Reformation breakaways?  All the things they want - no Pope, no Tradition, no authority, lay-led services, women priests and free-style dancing, elected elders and doctrine by popular vote - are available in the many denominations that abound throughout the world.  But no - they must stay here and work to change The Church from within for reasons that I cannot fathom. 

1951 Ford Deluxe - Philadelphia City Hall


Friday, January 25, 2013

Dolphin Dies in Gowanus Canal Brooklyn – Toxic Planet NYC

Dolphin in Gowanus Canal Brooklyn NY

The Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn New York is pretty much an abandoned open sewer, a marvel of the industrial nineteenth century technology that is so toxic to this day that nobody wants to touch it even if it is in many backyards in the most populated city in the United States.

Into that toxic backwater bathwater wandered a lonely dolphin which no doubt succumbed to the abandoned canal’s toxic charms.

Maybe the planet is trying to tell us something. (and a case of killing the messenger)

Sasha Chavchavadze, founder of Proteus Gowanus, said she watched the dolphin appear to get caught behind one of the pipes that runs through the canal to flush it out. “I thought it was a goner because it turned upside down,” Ms. Chavchavadze said. “But the dolphin extracted itself and started swimming again.” She said she heard the police asking “does anybody have a canoe” and not knowing quite what to do.  
The Gowanus has long been considered the most inhospitable of waterways. For years, it was the dumping ground for industrial waste, a receptacle for sewage spill-off and generally a symbol for urban decay.  
In 2007, when a 12-foot Minke whale appeared fit and lively swimming around near the mouth of the canal, it quickly earned a seemingly fitting nickname: Sludgie. Sludgie the whale swam near the canal for two days even as people worked to rescue it. But the attempts failed and Sludgie died.

Gowanus Canal Brooklyn NY, (Google Maps)


Archbishop Charles Chaput and his intellectual equal Half Gov. Sarah Palin join forces to raise cash for charity 501 (c)(3) over Terry Schiavo’s dead body

I never quite understood the Terry Schiavo case except to think that comfortable white middle class Catholics with health care are afraid to die and find out there may be nothing after death.

That and the sanctity of a so-called one man, one woman marriage and the spouse’s decision to pull the plug on a vegetable spouse can be be vetoed by the Religious Liberty Rights of rich Catholic Parents. Sounds like a foursome and not a twosome in that sacred Catholic Marriage. Whatever.

Anyway, Charlie Chaput, a fan of Gov. Palin’s great intellect even for an inferior female of the species is helping to drum up cash for what to me looks like a charity scam founded in the poor dead victim’s name. Cause unknown. Ca-ching goes the Catholic Charity Cash register. Ca-ching. Ca-ching.

“We are delighted to have His Excellency, Archbishop Chaput, as the main celebrant for Terri’s Memorial Mass and Governor Palin as the keynote speaker at our first Award Gala” Bobby Schindler said,  Terri’s brother and executive director of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network. ...
Terri died on March 31, 2005, at age 41, as the result of a court-ordered execution by starvation sought by her long-estranged husband Michael Schiavo. He removed the brain injured woman’s feeding tube on March 18, 2005 and she was dehydrated to death over 13 days as the whole world watched. Many called it court-sanctioned murder and it has set a dangerous precedent for the rest of the country that family members or guardians who believe an individual can no longer be productive in society can simply get a court order to end their life. 
Terri had incurred serious brain damage in mysterious circumstances in February, 1990 when she collapsed at the home of her and her husband Michael Schiavo. Thereafter Michael Schiavo lived in an adulterous relationship for nearly 10 years and fathered two children with his concubine, Jodi Centonze, and maintained that Terri was in a persistent vegetative state with no chance of recovery.
However, her parents, siblings and  numerous medical professionals dispute that, saying that she was in a minimally conscious state and could substantially improve with therapy and new technology. But the court and Michael Schiavo consistently rejected any attempts at new testing or therapy.  
Terri’s parents, Mary and Robert Schindler Sr., brother Bobby and sister Suzanne battled Michael Schiavo in court for nearly 10 years, arguing that she was not in a persistent vegetative state as Judge George Greer decreed and that she would not want to die in such a manner.

