Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lunatics in Indiana Prosecute Attempted Suicide Victim for Death of Fetus – Bei Bei Shuai - Heartland (Heartless) Justice

美国华人女子自杀未成 却被控告谋杀腹中胎儿

Bei Bei Shuai took rat poison when her boyfriend left her, leading to the death of their unborn child. Now she's facing life in prison.

When her baby Angel died in her arms at 1.30am on 3 January 2011, Bei Bei Shuai was so distraught she was instantly transferred to the mental health wing of the Methodist hospital in Indianapolis. Grief stricken and under heavy sedation, she was unaware that within half an hour of her baby's death a detective from the city's homicide branch had arrived at the maternity ward and had begun asking questions.

While Shuai was embarking on a journey into bereavement that continues to this day, the Indianapolis authorities were also setting out, albeit along a very different path. On 14 March last year Shuai was arrested and taken into custody in the high-security Marion County prison, where she was held for the next 435 days, charged with murdering her foetus and attempted feticide. If convicted of the murder count she faces a sentence of 45 years to life.


Stalin Show Trial for Pope’s Butler Likely – Medieval Justice

Crows vs. Doves - Vatileaks

(The Italian Press has labeled the Leakers in the Vatileaks Scandal as Crows. To others who seek justice and transparency, the leakers are labeled as Doves.)

(Reuters) - The Vatican's justice system harks back to medieval times and is unlikely to provide the pope's butler with fair treatment after his arrest for leaking confidential documents, according to a French lawyer involved in a previous case in the Holy See. Luc Brossollet is not involved in the so-called "Vatileaks" case shaking the papacy but he said his personal experience suggested the Vatican's judiciary is under the thumb of the Holy See and allows scant regard for the rights of defendants.

Brossollet was lawyer for the mother of Cedric Tornay, a young soldier in the Swiss Guard, the Pope's personal protection unit, who was found dead in May 1998 in a Vatican apartment alongside the bodies of the corp's commander and his wife.

"The Vatican does not have a modern, democratic judicial system that guarantees the defendant's rights. We are back to the Middle Ages. Even the Inquisition had some rules, but they don't have any. They just do as they wish," Brossollet told Reuters by telephone from Paris.
"The Vatican promotes the respect of human rights anywhere in the world, but it does not adhere to the same principles in its own courtyard," he said. "I think that poor butler is being detained arbitrarily."…
"I doubt that the butler's defense lawyer will ever have access to the full documents in the case," Brossollet said, adding that Tornay's mother still had not been able to obtain access to her son's judicial files after 14 years.

Brossollet said that throughout the Swiss Guard case, he and his co-defender Jacques Verges - whose clients have included a Nazi war criminal and a Khmer Rouge leader - were refused permission to argue their case before Vatican officials.

Only a handful of lawyers are allowed to work in the Vatican, and those who are not on that list must win special approval to do so.

"There is no independence, no separation of powers, and the judiciary will never go against the wishes of the Holy See. It's the archaic, unaccountable system of a sovereign prince," Brossollet said.

Deadbeat Cardinal Dolan Hid Assets with the Dead in Cemetery Trust

This is all old stuff and perhaps sour grapes and probably a federal crime if you could find a prosecutor with the balls, using R.I.C.O. laws, to challenge the creative bookkeeping of Timmy Dolan to hide assets with the dead in order to cheat child abuse victims out of just compensation for their suffering and ordeal of having been victims of the RCC's delusional (not of Jesus) Celibacy Sexual Mask practice.

Marek was referring to the Beneficial Interest in Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust, a pivotal issue in the proceedings.

NCR provided a copy of the hearing transcript to Jack Ruhl, a professor of accountancy at Western Michigan University who has done extensive research on diocesan financial statements. Ruhl is also a 1978 graduate of Worsham College of Mortuary Science in Wheeling, Ill., and was a licensed funeral director in Michigan for several years before earning his doctorate in accountancy at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

Referring to the transcript, Ruhl told NCR: “When Marek says, ‘We don’t own the trust’, I would ask: Then why does the trust appear as an asset on the archdiocesan balance sheet? The definition of an asset is something that provides future economic benefit. When the archdiocese classified the [cemetery] trust account on their balance sheet as an asset, they acknowledged that the trust provides future benefit. The things we laypeople call assets -- our homes, cars, investment funds -- means that we own them, and to say otherwise in this case is misleading.”

On the 2007 archdiocesan balance sheet, Ruhl explained, the asset account with the largest balance, at $59.9 million, has a specific title: “Assets designated for future care of cemeteries and mausoleums, primarily cash and investments.”

In contrast, the 2007 balance sheet shows an asset account called “Beneficial Interest in Cemetery Perpetual Care Trust” with a zero balance.

“In other words, they zeroed out one account and transferred most of the funds to a new account,” Ruhl explained. “From an accounting standpoint, all Dolan did was rename the assets. It was a shell game.”


The End Days of the Anti-Semite Pope Benedict the German

You people remind me of the good old days of my youth.

The Vatican has long been said by those who know it to be a nest of vipers. But, recently, the poison has been laid bare for everyone to see as leak after an embarrassing leak has revealed an institution at war with itself.

Already this year we've read about documents warning of a death threat against the Pope, widespread nepotism and corruption, exiled whistleblowers, gay smear campaigns and embarrassing revelations about the Vatican's tax affairs….
Another Vatican watcher, Robert Mickens of The Tablet, has a simpler take the Holy See's woes: "It's arrogance. The people in charge still think the Vatican is above ordinary laws."
Observers also point to the Vatican's decision to censure nuns in the US for daring to "disagree with or challenge positions taken by the bishops" on key social issues.
"All these things are symptoms of a bigger problem. The structure of the Vatican - which is an absolute monarchy - is no longer suitable for the modern world," says Mickens….
The Pope's overtures to the extremist and anti-Semitic Society of Saint Pius X's, with which he shares a love of traditional Catholic Mass, is thought to have angered many Church figures….

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why Catholicism Does Not Matter – The Growing Vatican Meltdown

The embarrassing end of Christianity also known as Catholicism is melting down around its potentate idol king in the city of Rome.

The struggle for power in the waning months of Benedict the German’s administration revolves about scurrying around the hallways and ferreting away blackmail documents about the closeted sexuality of a celibate clergy army. Celibate means “not married”.  It does not mean “chaste” and or “honest”.

The attempt by Joe the Pope to rig the next papal election and give it to his official stooge for decades Secretary of State Bertone is in
question.  A moot point?

One recent rumor coming out of damage control central, Cardinal Bertone’s office, is the banning of all mobile cell phones in the Magic Kingdom and their ability to photograph documents and record conversations and sex sessions among the “celibate” clergy of the Vatican.  

Who needs the Swiss Guards to protect dirty little sex trafficking secrets anymore?  Quite impossible anyway in the age of Internet.

Blackmail and promotions among closeted Vatican clergy is in great question in this modern technical age, like at no other time in the history.

Marriage equality however will empty the Catholic Church of it closeted gay clergy in the next decade.  The truth will set you free and Catholic free as well.

That is why Catholicism Does Not Matter. 

It is based on an obsolete labor force much the same as the antebellum South’s economy was based on the obsolete and inefficient labor force of slaves. 

Christianity will evolve back along the path that Jesus envisioned and will no longer stray along any roads falsely leading to Rome.

Time Marches On!


George Henry Story – American Artist – 1835-1922

Young Woman Reading – circa 1880

George Henry Story also painted the Lincoln Portrait presently in the Oval Office, White House, Washington D.C..


Cardinal Dolan – Salad Days in Milwaukee – Paying off Pedophiles

Watch your back!

Fat Timmy Dolan’s Simony-ious rise to power in the American RC hierarchy started in his days of greasing the palms of perverts in Milwaukee and cooking the books to cheat victims of the much loved and tolerated RC clergy practice of pedophilia.

Victim/survivors of childhood sexual violence by clergy of the Milwaukee archdiocese, including leaders of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( will release and discuss newly uncovered minutes from a March 2003 Milwaukee Archdiocese Finance council meeting where former Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Milwaukee auxiliary Bishop Richard Sklba discuss using church funds to:

–pay off known priest pedophiles and child molesters $20,000 each to quietly leave the priesthood,

–set up a “restorative justice” program to prevent victims from receiving compensation for injuries comparable to cases being filed against the archdiocese of Milwaukee in California, and

–move millions of dollars from the archdiocese into a newly invented “trust” to prevent compensating victims, the first of several such “trusts” to be set up before the archdiocese declared bankruptcy in 2011.

Victims will also be emailing a letter Wednesday to current Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki demanding:

–full financial disclosure of all payouts and “laicization” bonuses to sex offender clerics,

–which charitable funds were used to pay-off clergy sex offenders, and

–the release of the “Dolan Papers”, including all minutes of the monthly Archdiocese Finance Council chaired by Dolan and auxiliary Bishop Richard Sklba.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

McGuckin, Bishop of Toowoomba – Assessment on Facebook – St Marys in Exile Brisbane

Where the bloody hell is Toowoomba?

Monsignor Robert McGuckin has been appointed Bishop of Toowoomba, the ACBC said in a media statement last night. Until now, Monsignor McGuckin has been serving as Vicar General of the Diocese of Parramatta.

Since his ordination in 1973 he has served in several parishes of the Archdiocese of Sydney and, from its inception in 1986, of the Diocese of Parramatta, Bishop Anthony Fisher said in a statement.

Monsignor McGuckin said in a statement: "I’m honoured and humbled to be appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as Bishop of Toowoomba.

"I would hope to build upon the good work of my predecessors and look forward to working with the clergy, religious and everyone in the diocese," he said. "I ask for your prayers as together we strive to fulfill the mission entrusted us in building up the Kingdom of God.”

In May 2011, Pope Benedict removed his predecessor, Bishop William Morris, from his post in Toowoomba.

(Morris was removed on investigation of and recommendation of such to Rome by Archbishop Charles Chaput, then of Denver Colorado, presently of Philadelphia Pennsylvania.)

What can be read into this?
by Brian Coyne , LINDEN, NSW, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 11:59 (10 hours, 15 minutes ago) @ Jane
I don't know the man but in the six or seven years I've been in the Parramatta Diocese in a position as an editor you tend to pick up the stories. I've also been getting some feedback since the announcement. The general assessment would seem to be "at least it's not a right wing nutter" which it could easily have been. As I wrote last night this is a pretty "safe" appointment. Bob McGuckin is reputed to be quite orthodox but in a very "safe, company man" sort of way. It certainly is not to be interpreted as any form of apology to the people of the Toowoomba Diocese for what was done to Bill Morris — no "by your leave"s there let alone "mea culpas" or "mea maxima culpas". The jury still seems to be out as to whether it is an attempt to rein in the Queensland Bishops and Church. Were there no suitable Queensland candidates worthy of elevation? Does it confirm the rumours circulating for ages that the Nuncio and those charged with responsibility for finding candidates are finding considerable reluctance on the part of the many to take on the responsibilities of a bishop, particularly in these large rural and outback dioceses? Toowoomba borders the Wilcannia-Forbes diocese and shares many similar challenges. The appointment appears to have the hallmarks of a leadership trying to "circle the wagons" in a deeply demoralised Church rather than an appointment that might be interpreted as one coming from a confident institutional leadership seeking to go out and embrace humanity and continue the "building of the kingdom". There seems little confidence that an appointment like this indicates the institutional leadership are anywhere remotely close to yet addressing the challenges facing Catholicism across Australia. Bob McGuckin is reported to be a fishing buddy of the Bishop of Broken Bay and the betting is that the consecrators will be Archbishop Coleridge (ex Canberra-Goulburn/Melbourne recently installed as Archbishop of Brisbane and Queensland Metropolitan), David Walker (Broken Bay) and Anthony Fisher (Parramatta) with the Archbishop the Principal Consecrator. As a couple of wags said "not a Queenland Bishop within Cooee". The positive vibe that's being drawn from the appointment is that it seems to indicate that Pell continues to be essentially sidelined as the dictator of all the episcopal appointments across this nation. His voice is listened to along with all the other bishops but he no longer has the sort of exclusive power he had for a few short years under JPII to be virtually dictating all appointments in this nation.

Brian Coyne




Cardinal Bertone’s Cleaning Lady Arrested

On the search for all leaks and moles in the Vatican among the evil Laity, it is rumored that Cardinal Bertone’s own cleaning lady has been arrested by Vatican Police for stealing sensitive documents from the wastebasket next to the Cardinal’s loo in his private Vatican apartment. 

Some questions from the press inquired as to where were the nuns assigned to the Cardinal Bertone’s apartment and offices as cleaning ladies, their highest possible function in the Church. The cleaning lady arrested was only a temp it was explained.
The nuns it is reported are on a religious retreat in Las Vegas Nevada at the Church of Sacred Pole Dance Monastery and Spa.

More to follow. 


Vatican Bank (Institute for Religious Works) - God and the Mafia’s Private Bank

Institute for Religious Works - Vatican Bank

A US court described it as “murky” [1] and the last President of the Vatican Bank admits that it offers secret accounts to many who “have had problems with the law”. There are no cheque books. Everything is done by transfer, by cash or in gold bullion, so as to be untraceable. This is perfect for money-laundering. And, as if the nine-metre thick walls of its tower in the Vatican did not offer enough privacy, “God’s bank” appears to have quietly established itself in the offshore financial centre of the Cayman Islands. [3]

As the bank of an independent state, the Vatican Bank escapes scrutiny from Italy. In addition, it has an impenetrable organisation, with three separate boards of directors. And it boasts another curious feature: it is said to be “never audited”, hence funds deposited there may simply vanish without a trace. [4] The Vatican Bank even maintains that it adopts the remarkable practice of destroying all of its records every ten years. [5]



Monday, May 28, 2012

Donald Trump - Toxic Credence

Toxic Credence = Orwellian Political Speak 

(i.e. Fox News, RNC talking points etc.)

The Donald has never met a man or woman he would not could not  cheat. 

His new proposed network show = Bankrupt This!

When the rubes dry up in New York City, time to find a new market of rubes to buy overpriced, substandard Donald Product whatever it happens to be at the moment.  Not unlike the substandard apartment buildings and Bridge that his father built. 

Donald on Mitt.  Bring them Mormon rubes on. It's an untapped market.  


Cardinals Struggle for Benedict’s Empty Seat – Senility – Sede Vacante?

The one person who could testify as to Benedict’s present mental health, his personal butler Paolo Gabriele, is incommunicado and his family in Vatican housing sit under a sword of Damocles.

All this while power struggles among many factions of Cardinals and Archbishops and looting of the Vatican Bank is taking place under the nose of the Media.

One wonders how long Benedict’s reign is to last without a loyal faithful servant like Paolo Gabriele at the side of the Pontiff to take care of his private interests, taste his food etc.

Vatican leakers say cardinals among plotters in scandal

The worst crisis in Pope Benedict's pontificate deepened on Monday when Italian media said at least one cardinal was among those suspected of leaking sensitive documents as part of a power struggle at the top of the Church.

The scandal exploded last week when within a few days the pope's butler was arrested for leaking documents, the head of the Vatican's own bank was abruptly dismissed and a book was published alleging conspiracies among the cardinals or "princes of the Church".

Newspapers, quoting insiders who had themselves leaked documents, said the arrested butler was merely a scapegoat doing the bidding of more powerful figures in the scandal, which has been dubbed "Vatileaks".


Vatican Struggle for Power Amidst Benedict’s Growing Senility

The Bogias - Pope Alexander VI, his mistresses and bastard children

Life imitates Art.  The Borgias (Alexander VI) against the Della Roveres (Julius II) are two camps fighting for power in the current Showtime Historic Drama (Soap Opera).  It is hard to identify which groups or how many exist in the present struggle vying for power and the power to sign checks as Benedict XVI’s reign wanes into extreme old age and senility. 

The microcosm of America with siblings struggling to get hold of mom or dad’s unearned equity before the parent croaks is being mirrored on the macrocosm of the world stage and the struggle for power and wealth within the present leaderless Vatican.

The scandal exploded last week when within a few days the pope's butler was arrested for leaking documents, the head of the Vatican's own bank was abruptly dismissed and a book was published alleging conspiracies among the cardinals or "princes of the Church".

Newspapers, quoting insiders who had themselves leaked documents, said the arrested butler was merely a scapegoat doing the bidding of more powerful figures in the scandal, which has been dubbed "Vatileaks".

Documents passed to Italian journalists accuse Vatican insiders of cronyism and corruption in contracts with Italian companies. La Stampa daily quoted one of the alleged leakers as saying the goal was to help the pope root out corruption.

On Saturday, Paolo Gabriele, 46, Pope Benedict's personal butler, was formally charged with stealing confidential papal documents. But leakers quoted by La Stampa, La Repubblica and other media said the leaking plot went much wider.

"There are leakers among the cardinals but the Secretariat of State could not say that, so they arrested the servant, Paolo, who was only delivering letters on behalf of others," La Repubblica quoted one alleged whistleblower as saying.

The Secretariat of State is run by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the pope's powerful right-hand man, and the scandal appears to involve a power struggle between his allies and enemies, reminiscent of Renaissance conspiracies in the Vatican.

Vatican’s War on the Laity – Scapegoating (Discounting) Humanity

Cries for justice to an unhearing pope.

In the cover up of the growing Vatican banking scandal, the part time consultant, President of the IOR, the Vatican Bank, has been fired because he was not transparent enough to his PR mission statement of transparency.  Poor dear.  Ettore Gotti Tedeschi is not a consecrated clergy type and is fallible and conveniently expendable.  Another lay person bites the dust.

And then there is butler who somehow is the mole that is leaking documents showing the pope and his very poor choice of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone as his Secretary of State.  Tarcisio is a self-taught expert on child rape and blames the homosexuals for the prevailing pedophilia sacred tradition in holy mother church.

The butler, Paolo Gabriele, is a lay person, fallible and conveniently expendable.

I began to notice this scapegoating of the Laity lately with the American bishops war on Girls Scouts.

I also noticed it when Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia took great pride in insisting that a female treasurer at 222 N. 17 Street HQ in Philly be made a public scapegoat for embezzlement and writing checks to cover her gambling debts in Atlantic City.  If a priest had been guilty of embezzlement, it would have never been mentioned in public.  After all with the Monsignor Lynn child abuse trial currently going on in Philly, a priest can rape a child, children and never be reprimanded.

Anita Guzzardi, former Philly Archdiocese CFO, is a lay person, fallible and conveniently expendable.

Which brings us to the curious tale of a growing discomfort in the mob of Rome regarding the fate of Emanuela Orlandi, a fifteen year old girl who disappeared in 1983 and whose disappearance is the subject of some rather strange speculation.  Emanuela was the daughter of a Vatican employee who lived within the Vatican Walls and who disappeared on the way to her music lesson outside those walls.

The current meme regarding Emanuela Orlandi is I think a reaction to the citizens without rights living within the Vatican and the callous "we don’t give a shit" about disappeared lay people and or their children by the Vatican police, and their sloppy standard operating police work carrying out the plots and criminal cover ups of the gossipy old queens running the Vatican bureaucracy.

No transparency in faith, banking, police investigation in Vatican City is possible.  Scapegoating Humanity (Laity) welcome.

There is growing resentment of many regarding the blatant corruption of the Vatican absolute monarchy and its war on humanity and or the Laity.

The plot thickens. 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

No Transparency – Carl A. Anderson – Vatican Bank IOR Scandal – Knights of Columbus

Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson of the Knights of Columbus (rumored to be the Catholic Masons), banker to mere popes, has spoken so eloquently on the current Vatican Bank scandal.
(Certainly no bloviating ignoramus like Donald Trump or any other sleazebag GOP operative types.)

Carl Anderson measures his words carefully, following years of dealings with the Vatican and prior to that, following his time spent working at the White House with Ronald Reagan. Of the four board members of the IOR, who on Thursday chose to oust their president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi with a no-confidence vote, Anderson, an American with placid manners, was the one who had to break to the volatile economist that his “progressively erratic personal behaviour” was not longer tolerated. Anderson could not even show Gotti Tedeschi the door, because the former president stormed out from the IOR building while his colleagues of IOR governing council were still deliberating  whether to dismiss him.  Thus the reasons for his dismissal, including the “odd behaviour” were written down in a harsh memorandum drafted by Anderson, listing Gotti Tedeschi’s many “failures”…. 
Anderson put the charge into context. He is one of the most famous personalities in the American Catholic world. As Supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, he is the chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization, which has more than 1.8 million members and which in the US is a true financial power in the life-insurance field, in 2010 the insurance companies of the Knights earned 7 billion dollars in life-insurance policies.

The Black Tower, K of C HQ, New Haven Connecticut


Friday, May 25, 2012

Pope’s Butler - Vatileaks - Paolo Gabriele - another Vatican Cedric Tornay Scapegoat?

Growing corruption scandal in the Vatican Bank and all they can come up with is “the butler did it”, leaking info to the media.

Sounds like another Swiss Guard cover up – the Abu Ghraib defense, a bone thrown to the media blaming the low man on the totem pole of responsibility for crimes.

Vatican police have arrested Pope Benedict XVI's personal butler following an investigation into the leaking of sensitive church documents.

The butler, identified as Paolo Gabriele, 40, was held by gendarmes after a special commission of three top senior cardinals had been appointed by the Pope to identify the source of the leaks which have caused severe embarrassment….

The Pope was said to be “shocked and saddened” at the constant leaks and it led to him appointing the three cardinal commission and who worked with the Vatican gendarmes which lead to the arrest.

Sources said that sensitive Vatican documents had been recovered from father of three Gabriele’s home inside the Vatican, but some have questioned if Mr Gabriele was perhaps being made a scapegoat.

Paolo Rodari, an expert on Vatican affairs, said: “I know Gabriele. He is a nice guy but I don’t think he would be behind this. I think he may have been imprudent and taken the odd document home but he is not the main person.”

“If you ask me he has been made a scapegoat just to satisfy the media. The documents found at his house were from the Pope’s personal correspondence but a lot of the leaked documents have come from the Secretary of State’s office and he would not have had access to those.”

Also this:


Cow Pies - Romney - Obama

Cow Pies - Peanut Butter - Original


Facebook – Pornography – Divorce?

It is not illegal to post pictures of your erect penis or your wide open twat in self-made porn on Facebook with your cell phone camera. 

Of course restricted access in most cases separates Grandma’s pictures of baby from the steamy underside of the new age of “social interface”.  

The giggly teenage girls will still gossip and 20% of America divorces now citing Facebook in divorce cases will move on in time to the next flavor of the month “social network” thing.  But think about it.  

American are so much more gung ho. And Facebook was originally designed exclusively for college kids, drugs, sex, alcohol, Spring Break. Bring on the self-produced porn in the bathroom mirror and dirty steamy messages.

“Leisure time” activity, the pursuit of happiness?

Now we know why the Facebook stock scam  is worth 104 billion dollars in capital  on the stock market and why every pension fund and 401k in America must have it in their stock portfolio even at a loss with fees, fees, fees included.  

Wall Street certainly knows how to judge the moral compass or non-moral compass of America and currently it is Facebook.

Facebook was by far the biggest offender, with 66 per cent of lawyers citing it as the primary source of evidence in a divorce case. MySpace followed with 15 per cent, Twitter at 5 per cent and other choices lumped together at 14 per cent. 
The survey reflects the findings of a UK law firm last year showing that 20 per cent of its divorce petitions blamed Facebook flings…. 
The most common reason seemed to be people having inappropriate sexual chats with people they were not supposed to,’ said Mark Keenan, managing director of Divorce-Online. 
Friends Reunited faced similar claims when it was launched to help people reconnect with old classmates, but the 23 million plus people now using Facebook in Britain means it is having a much bigger effect on rising divorce rates….  
An American minister also made the headlines recently when he called Facebook a ‘portal to infidelity’ and insisted that his congregation delete their accounts after revealing that 20 couples attending his New Jersey church had been led astray through the site. 
Rev. Cedric Millier, who runs the Living World Christian Fellowship Church in Neptune, New Jersey, said Facebook enabled spouses to reconnect with former lovers, leading to rows and bitterness. 
But Rev. Miller was forced to take a leave of absence after his own non-Facebook transgressions were revealed in an admission that he took part in three-way sexual trysts in the past. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is Mitt Romney Ronald Reagan’s Clone/Zombie – Boomer Comfort Food?

The GOP boomers want to return to the womb, to the 1950s before they go to their eternal reward.  Mitt Romney, more than anything else is a clone, a Ronald Reagan like Zombie? A wish for the pure white past of Leave it to Beaver and Pleasantville USA.

June and Ward Cleaver

Mitt Romney is the zombie Ronald Reagan Thank you Cahir O’Doherty.

If you squint hard, and I mean hard, it's almost possible to see the outline of Ronald Reagan standing behind Mitt Romney. From a distance it's 1980 all over again. 
A smiling throwback of a man who you underestimated at your peril, Reagan looked like 1950 in 1980, and that turned out to be exactly what the public wanted. They wanted rituals and figureheads that provided reassurance, they wanted yesterday, they wanted daddy. Baby boomers voted for Reagan in a landslide. 
 Romney's supporters, and will you be surprised to hear there aren't that many off them in the GOP, are going that a bit of the Gipper's charisma will animate their pick. But the desire is in itself a proof of their desperation, not their strength. 
If you squint Romney has all the surface similarities, but it's as though all the juice has been squeezed out, all the charm, all the twinkle, all the wisdom and life experience of Ronald Reagan, seems missing. Romney is zombie Reagan. It's what the race has come to.

It takes two parents to raise a white child.

Ronald Reagan's Vampire Blood to be returned to his Museum (Vault)

Saint Ronny Reagan's relic vial of his dehydrated blood is on its way back to Reagan's Museum (Vault) in the Los Angeles area.  

Calls to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and its offer to provide to supply a gold monstrance for display and private worship of the blood vial have not yet been confirmed. 

An auction house in the British Channel Islands on Thursday canceled the sale of a vial purported to hold former President Ronald Reagan's blood. 
Mr. Reagan's family and his foundation had tried to stop the sale by PFC Auctions. Mr. Reagan's popularity has only increased since his death in 2004 at age 93, and his hilltop museum outside Los Angeles attracts about 400,000 visitors a year. 
Bidding had reached about $30,000 when the sale was suspended, reported the Associated Press. It had been set to end Thursday.


Voucher Education Romney Style - Buy Only at the Company Store

Does anybody besides myself think that maybe Romney's version of Vouchers for Education just sounds like issuing Tokens redeemable only at a Company Store. 

My ancestors worked in coal mines.  They got paid in tokens to pay the rent and buy food at the company store. 

Does anybody think that Vouchers offer a choice for a good education or it is just another front for venture capital to put up cardboard front schools labeled ed-a-cation for the poor? Or stealing from the poor - directing them into a worthless bait and switch consumer product? No refunds available!

The plan will allow low-income and disabled students use federal funding to attend public schools, public charter schools and, in some cases, private schools. Federal funds could also be applied to tutors or digital courses. 
The plan is in line with GOP reforms aimed at giving students more educational choices. But it's unclear how schools in areas that depend on the federal funding would fare.

Read more:


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spicks and Specks - Bee Gees

“…In the days when outer coats were made from heavy woolen material and a regular brushing was required to keep them looking clean, the "Specks" were dust, dirt, lint or other contaminant that was easily brushed off with a coarse brush. The "Spicks" were less easily removed being embedded into the material and requiring a more intensive approach to get rid of them. …
…the Spicks and Specks of the song, is a reference to the clutter of everyday life that can attach itself to us and while some is easy to remove others are not so readily dealt with. “

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bain Success Formula = Increase Debt - Issue IPO - Declare Bankruptcy

The Solution is Venture Vulture Capitalism.  Drain the blood out of the middle class worker. 

Increase Company Debt - Issue IPO - Declare Bankruptcy.

The new Bain American formula for success, job creation and lazy "rich boy" capitalism.


American Bishops - USCCB - Yawn, Yawn, Yawn, Yawn...


Mitt Romney - Mormon Hate Money - Polygamy

Among the revelations stemming from Willard Mitt Romney’s tax returns – now being combed with the exigetical intensity usually given to sacred texts – are his contributions to homophobia. Most directly, his family foundation gave $35,000 to two “pro-family,” anti-gay groups. For Mitt, of course, that’s nothing. But he also tithes — gives at least 1/10 of his income to his institutional religion, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; in the last two years, that amounted to more than $4 million. 

The Mormons, in turn, are big funders of the homophobes. Mike Signorile says, “The church itself gave over $180,000 to help pass Prop 8 [the 2008 anti-same-sex-marriage referendum in California]. The church was fined by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for not reporting its numerous financial contributions to the cause.” The Mormons also have a network of small, strange NGOS, circling around a few post office boxes in Arizona, that carry on similar struggles at the United Nations.

It seems to me this opposition has a large component of sour grapes.   Deep in the Church festers a feeling of: If we didn’t get to redefine marriage, why should you?

In Memoriam Brigham Young
Marriage Equality - Mormon Style