Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hail to the New World Order? Playbooks - Know Your Enemies - Tea Party Nation

You got this Koch Brothers summit in Palm Springs in 2016 with a major presenter Corey Lewandowski giving seminars "meeting in the Glo Lobby" per a list on the Mother Jones link below within one of my articles. To take over with "republican candidates" in 2016. And you gots the Tea Party founders, the Koch Brothers, and lets not forget their dad Fred Koch (this is another Fred, not Trump but Koch) one of the founders of the fascist John Birch society who went bankrupt in the Depression here in America and then went to Russia to build a few dozen oil and gasoline refineries for Stalin (Fred Koch, the "first Russian oligarch") and one major one for Hitler too before the war etc. Fred Koch came back to USA and wanted more favorable business conditions in the U.S. like he found in the Soviet Union, slave labor, no environmental concerns etc. and his sons carry on through the Birchers and after they more or less get discredited in the "liberal eastern media", they come back as the Tea Party. 

And now you have Corey Lewandowski as Trump's campaign manager, real and or shadow manager, before and or after Manafort, 

and you have Tea Party member Mike Pence as VP, 

and Tea Party member Mick Mulvaney, now WH chief of Staff, 

and Tea Party member Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. 

And let's not forget Tea Party member former congressman Pete Sessions of Texas ( no known relation to Jeff Sessions, on the books at least - Texas is next to Alabama I think but definitely under the covers so to speak lol) writing what would appear to be a forged letter to Mike Pompeo, a confession from his heart, that he heard 

U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch not once but on many occasions within earshot of Rep. Pete Sessions that she dissed the Donald and had disrespected the POTUS and was an obstruction to the whole mob Giuliani scam in the Unkraine 

and had to be fired into order to prop up the whole Murdoch supported Fox News Conspiracy theory about Hillary and the Ukrainians, and the not the Russians, who interfered in the 2016 U.S. Election. 

Stalin was a bastard by birth but all these traitor "Americans" R bastards just for the "L" of it. 

Just Saying.


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