Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bilko in the Car Pool? Pompeo's Cushy Army Assigment at "The Rock" in West Germany During First Gulf War 1991

It does not take much of a far stretch of the imagination to guess why a West Point graduate like Mike Pompeo got to sit out the first Gulf War in Germany, protecting the West German border from the "Commies" - day used 2 B da enemies ya kno. 

Glory in Kuwait and a young FU army louie buried in the back ranks or a guy with parachute training at Fort Carson Co., regularly jumping into East Germany and Czechoslovakia to pick up intelligence and then walk back across the borders in blackened face and camos by way of safe routes protected by locals on the CIA payroll. And Mike listed as a "maintenance officer" in the car pool there just like Bilko. lol

But that would have been illegal under the law back then in Reagan/Bush terms and their respect for the law and all that Iran/Contra misunderstanding stuff. 

The military involved with the CIA. Wow. 

What would I do if I were Mike Pompeo with that potential black mark on me in the secret archives at Langley? Why I would get some dumb SOB POTUS to appoint me CIA Director so I could purge, not my army records, but my spy records.

Just a theory IMHO. ETC. Just like when H****r took over Austria in 1938, first thing he did was purge all that nasty Vienna police records stuff that listed him as a "male prostitute" in his salad days in Vienna. Just saying.

Overlooking Bindlach from the east, a large American military base was maintained on top of the hills east of Bindlach (Bindlacher Berg). Its official name was Christensen Barracks but it was jocularly called The Rock by the soldiers stationed there. The main function of the base was securing the borders to the GDR and Czechoslovakia, both borders being only 70 km (43 mls) away. This was home to the 1st Squadron, 2nd ACR, (2nd Cavalry Regiment (United States)) from the late 50's into the 90's. The base closed down in the early 1990s after German reunification and the opening of the borders to the east.


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