Friday, May 31, 2019

Statement of Patrick McShay (McShea) on Treatment of Prisoners of War by the Confederate Authorities - Amerian Civil War

Report on the treatment of prisoners of war by the rebel authorities during the War of the Rebellion:by United States, Congress, House, Special Committee on the Treatment of Prisoners of War and Union Citizens, 1869

Statement of Patrick McShay (McShea), Hazelton, Pennsylvania

Was a sergeant in Company A, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania volunteers. I was taken prisoner on the 4th of December, 1864, near Millen, Georgia. Marched on foot to Augusta, Georgia, about fifty miles, in nearly two days. Had one meal of boiled sweet potatoes on the march. No other food. Next day, at 8 a.m., we had a quart of corn meal, unbolted. and a piece of fresh beef, a pound. This lasted me sixty hours. Went by rail, in box car, to Florence, and was put in stockade prison pen. About twenty acres contained, I think, in it. This was occupied by about seven thousand prisoners. I had no shelter for seven days. Then they let us build shelter of pine tree tops covered with dirt. The prisoners burrowed caves in the ground, and we lived in them like rabbits. They gave us neither blanket nor clothing. On my way to prison, when near Millen, an Alabama or Mississippi rebel robbed me of my blanket, watch, and $185 in money. Our food in the prison pen was one pint of unbolted corn meal a day, no meat while I was there, and two tablespoons full of Carolina stock peas, raw, were given us about three times a week.  We cooked the meal and beans in half a canteen, over a fire. They gave us no cooking utensils. We broke the canteen so as to make a kind of cup of it. We had no other rations in that prison.  I was there about eleven weeks. I forgot the names of the rebel officers in charge of us. Part of the ground in Florence was wet and part dry. Some had to lie in the wet. I was taken from Florence to Wilmington, North Carolina, and thence to Goldsboro, North Carolina, where our squad of prisoners was turned loose in the woods and swamp, and a guard was placed around us. We had no shelter. Our food was about two pounds of salt meet cooked and about three days' allowance of hard tack. (I mean about three days' United States army allowance.) On this we we lived for seven days. I do not think I could have lived one week longer if I had been left in Florence. I was so weak that couldn't go to the water, about twenty yards. My parents did not know me when I got home. I was so thin. 


Walt Whitman - May 31, 1819

O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
      Here captain! dear father!
            This arm beneath your head;
                  It is some dream that on the deck,
                        You've fallen cold and dead.

(Statue, S. Broad St and Packer Ave., Philly -1959)


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Key To The New Global Culture Is Money - Lamantations For The Village Of My Youth

A lot of old geezers lament the passing of time and the way things used to be. 

Actor and comedian John Cleese is being pilloried for saying that London is no longer an English city. This reflects what I have said of Manhattan no longer being an American city. 

More like Hong Kong or London, a city of, by and for money. The godless global (anti-human) money. 

The actor later issued a qualified apology following widespread condemnation. In a string of tweets countering accusations that his initial tweet was linked to race, he said: “I suspect I should apologise for my affection for the Englishness of my upbringing, but in some ways I found it calmer, more polite, more humorous, less tabloid, and less money-oriented than the one that is replacing it.”

John Cleese criticised for saying London no longer an English city ~~ The Guardian May 29, 2019


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Broken Communication in America – The Sound of My Voice – Father / Son / Holy Ghost – Limbaugh / Osteen / Maddow (redux*)

This began the other night when my usual source of “Progressive” information MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow was presenting a propaganda show that night to tell of airline shootings of the last three or more decades and telling us directly or indirectly (subliminally) that America should not go to war with Russia over Malaysian Flight MH17 shot down over the Ukraine / Russian border by Russian terrorists.

Not satisfied with my own personal questions about this tragic act of Russian State Terrorism, I resorted to what I did in the dark days of George W Bush and sought foreign English Speaking news sites in the UK, Singapore and Australia to try and get a handle on the truth – something not available in America on this specific incident.

I realized that Rachel was doing a favor for the liberal/progressive party in general and maybe even specifically directly for the White House. That Professor Barry was not going to get off his ass and break a sweat over this one – he only will break a sweat doing hoops btw. But that is his style. George W. Bush’s style was similar as he sat in his tub and painted his toes etc.

I had to stand back and reflect on why I had sought Maddow as a news source and realized that I was seeking a comfort zone source and she had inherited that main source title at MSNBC after they hounded Olbermann into obscurity and back to the sports locker room gig – a job he was not best, but better suited for as far as the establishment was concerned.

But Olbermann was a shouter, a preacher and the sound of his voice gave comfort and his words too in most cases. Olbermann was a bit of a diva and they can easily be gotten rid of etc. – don’t you know.

But was it the sound of Olbermann’s voice that I trusted and maybe not all his words? That by default, Maddow’s voice had now become to me the surrogate Olbermann voice I suppose, (the ghost of Olbernmann past?) and or the surrogate voice of comfort available on the cable airwaves for me at least and my POV. And of course, it is a limited elite audience in America that can afford private cable news and or propaganda. I am certainly not your everyday hoi polloi. Yeah right.

I also in the case of comforting voices harkened back to something said by the Catholic theologian Bill Lindsey over at the Bilgrimage blog somewhere about how his assessment of listening to Rush Limbaugh on long car trips in the South put him to mind to analyze why a babbling tub of lard like Limbaugh had such a wide and hardcore group of listeners. The answer Bill had was that people fell in love with Rush’s voice and no matter what he says, no matter how vain, vulgar or stupid, it is the sound of the voice people are listening to and not the string of words that Rush outputs by the ton on a daily radio message day.

The trick to the magic of communicating at least in America was to trust the snake oil salesman or saleswoman and then the snake oil tastes like sugar candy from that point on in time.

And then there is Joel Osteen with his $100,000 perfect plastic teeth smile doing a nihilistic circle jerk of "success" with his Texas congregation – Christian??? - of reaffirming to his middle-class audience in an indirect oblique manner, that it is okay to cheat on your income taxes so long as you tithe to him - Joel - kindasorta religion? 

Of course Joel is not political that I know of, but the Catholic U.S. Supreme Court has okay-ed anonymity in political PACs (Citizens United) these days even if tax exempt preachers, Salt Lake City temples or Russian dictators want to fund any looney these days in the Tea Party and its “I don’t give a shit about my neighbor” Ayn Rand pagan libertarian godless philosophy.

I hear he has something like a hundred million mortgage on the former professional basketball  arena he calls a mega-church down there in sub-minimum wage Texas. When the founding fathers gave tax exemption to churches, meeting houses and synagogues and such, those congregations were in wooden buildings and memberships numbered in the hundreds each. How times have changed.

Funny thing. I heard a story about how the safe in his church got robbed one weekend recently in the News. The thieves got away with over half a million dollars which was supposed to be the weekly take  for his local god business.  So people start to think – wow – that times 52 weeks is like twenty six million a year. 

Wow! That is success. Right?

Well being an old war horse in the mortgage business among other things over the years. The thing is this. Twenty-six million income on a 100 million mortgage represents four times income or so. That is the base bottom line for allowing any mortgage or it used to be until politics and the whoring banks along with politicians ruined the mortgage business in this country.  Four times income.  Joel is barely getting by - treading water. Not much of a success in terms of old mortgage business standards. But those are old standards.

Who am I to question the success that the lord has pissed out onto Joel Osteen standing on his humble solid gold preacher pedestal? lol

But many, many, many may never hear the word Jesus out of his mouth during his hour long success story homilies preaching thing – or understand the words. But he has one hell of a comforting voice. Amen?


GOP Chairman McDaniel Should Be Held Accountable For Republican Intransparency and Crimes Against Human Rights Among Others For Conduct in ICE Camps

I see that a freshman Rep in Congress Jason Crow (d-colorado) is introducing a bill to allow Reps access to ICE facilities within 48 hours of request to inspect and audit per their constitutional rights and of course in the human frame to investigate these facilities for disease and the death of children held in immigration custody. 

Where these children getting proper and or immediate medical care, were they with family when they died, have their parents been informed of the child's death?

Unfair to call most of these facilities concentration camps but some in the Administration call them Summer Camps for Kids. The illness access is one that needs investigation. No need to raise the child abuse thing yet. The lack of transparency and the lack of heart, soul and humanity under the Trump Regime goes without saying.

No sooner than Crow wants to get access to ICE facilities that Ronna McDaniel, no doubt at all in my mind, with her approval pulls out an Hispanic Repubikan loser Phil Covarrubias, lost his rep seat in the Colorado State legislature last year, and now suddenly he is talking about opposing Crow in the 2020 race for the local congressional seat. Just moved into the neighborhood Phil?

This is where the evil of full time Mormon Moms and part time National Republican Chairmen like Ronna McDaniel is that Phil last year, only one or two generations from being a wetback himself from Mexico, said in an interview that he approved of locking up the Japanese Americans in concentration camps in WWII. He also while in the state legislature compared "Abortion Rights" to "Prostitution". Where do they find these dregs?

What is it about putting on the little red MAGA hat that scrambles the few brain cells these racist losers and haters and morons have, and get the idea that they are anything more than they are - human trash.

Trump has united all the white, inbred and wanna be white and inbred types to come out of the closet and live a proud Honey Boo Boo reality TV version of themselves in their minds but not in the reality of living next door to real neighbors of all colors and measures. 

That when the final chapter of this evil period in U.S. history is written and the world court at the Hague requires someone to stand in the USA docket, I nominate Ronna McDaniel and her overseeing of the not doing anything, only following orders M.O. while filling his rubber stamp ranks, under a monster mobster like Donald J. Trump.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Who Runs HUD/FHA? Certainly not the Beard Secretary on Medication Ben Carson - Eating Raoul

Where are the Ludes Ben Carson ???

Government employees are half bums and the other half covering for bums like Ben Carson who is not with us on the same page in time and space and reality. Reminds me of working in the mortgage business in Arizona at HUD that was still trying to clean up the mess of the Savings and Loan Scandal of the Keating Five in the late eighties. The Government never fully legislated the con parts away of that scandal that protected Cindy McCain's Trophy (Beard) husband in the form of Senator John McCain in the one of the most corrupt states in the Union, they have their own DOJ prosecutor section assigned to one state, Texas has to share their Fed Prosecutor with other states believe it or not, or it used to be that way. Never proper cleaning up that mess to protect McCain led to the Housing Bubble Collapse on 2008 that took its model from the S &L 80s M.O.. Anyway Carson is a Con. Who is loaning government money to R/E developers to build affordable apartment rental buildings in this country or is all that cash being laundered into gated communities with pools and golf courses masquerading as affordable housing on their loan applications to HUD? All through his show and tell with a House Committee I was waiting for ole' Ben, a good ole' boy, to ask the questioners "Where are the ludes dude?"- that line popped into my mind and I guess his con job, his front as a Secretary "in charge" reminded me of the con game played in "Eating Raoul" that 80s cult classic about crime in a swinger's apartment building etc.

Eating Raoul 

(Warning - brief nudity)


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Post-Game Show - Game of Thrones - Hillary Rodham Clinton

Like it or not, women are always subject to criticism if they show too much feeling in public. 
~ ~ Hillary Rodham Clinton


Monday, May 20, 2019

Meghan McCain's Homeschooled Self-Hating Puerto Rican Husband Ben Domenech Cool with Trump Treatment of Puerto Rico


To Ben Domenech:

It is all about the Benjamins, Ben. The money the corrupt PR politicians have siphoned off that Island since the land grab off of Spain in the Spanish American War in 1898. Your granddad or is it great granddad as Mayor of Ponce greased his pot so you could have the life of luxury with the rest of us A-Mericans on the mainland here. 

Let the people of Puerto Rico starve and suffer while they are forced to reform a system that the Republicans forced on their island and benefited from through the decades in terms of cheap immigrant like labor to the mainland even though U.S. Citizenship was bestowed on immigrants like your ancestor, the mayor of Ponce Manual V. Domenech. And don't forget his being Puerto Rico Treasurer 1930-1935 and stints as acting Governor. 

When you complain about Seth Meyers who did not give your wife a softball interview in a now deleted tweet.

“Here is proof that white men get ahead despite their obvious lack of talent. It’s @sethmeyers, who would beg for a third of the viewers at @TheView. He’s awful, untalented, and a perfect definition of a cuck.”

Why do you hate white men Ben? Ashamed of your own mixed blood Hispanic heritage? 

And believe it or not from your own publication below - the Federalist:

Democrats are insisting that American taxpayers continue to further fund Puerto Rican leaders’ additional demands. The fact of the matter is, not one more dime in funding should be sent to Puerto Rico until it gets its political house in order, either of its own accord or by the Trump administration forcing systematic change. Putting more money into a broken system won’t fix anything. Most importantly, it will only continue to hurt our fellow citizens—the people of Puerto Rico.
The real problems facing the people of Puerto Rico have nothing to do with Trump, or the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. It has nothing to do with statehood or continuing its territorial status. It has nothing to do with caring or not caring. It is about rank corruption in which the people of Puerto Rico are the victims and the corrupt Puerto Rican political class are the villains.
For decades, Puerto Rico has been governed by a patronage system centered on the 78 mayors across the island, who are truly the real political power in Puerto Rico. Many of the mayors have been more than happy to cut deals that allow them to stay in power even if it means failing to actually do their jobs, like collecting property taxes, utility bills, and fees for basic services. Current estimates indicate there is a pool of $3 billion in uncollected property taxes.


Monday, May 13, 2019

Game of Thrones - Spoiler for the Final Episode next week.

Game of Thrones - Spoiler for the Final Episode next week. 

Arya Stark told Sandor "the Hound" in a much earlier episode that she was going to King's Landing to kill the Queen. This she will do in final episode 6 next Sunday and pave the way for her first cousin Jon Snow ("the Bastard") to finally sit on his rightfully earned Iron Throne.

Right mission statement. Different queen. Oh those inbreed Trumps Targaryens are crazy as bed bugs when they taste a little bit of power. 


Saturday, May 11, 2019

First Sculling President - Pete Buttigieg?

First Sculling President - Pete Buttigieg? - Move over Philly John B - Jr & Sr - Kelly. (To the rest of you - it is just a Philly Irish thing I think) (like "Bricks by Kelly") (and Princess Grace) ...


Sunday, May 5, 2019

North Catholic's School Song / Anthem - Philly

See our banner wave proudly before us.
Gleaming in hues ever glorious
Flag of honor. O'er foes victorious.
Lead us on till the triumph we g -ain - ain - ain - ain

Onward, onward
Behold where dawns the glory.
Hail Alma Mater
Our North Catholic high.
Sing with joyful heart
And voice the story.

Hail Alma Mater
Our North Catholic High!


May 5, 2019 - Cinco de Mayo - Chickenshit Donny Says:

We don't have Cinco de Mayo in the United States. We only May fifth. 

(mierdo de pollo Donny dice:
 No tenemos el Cinco de Mayo en los Estados Unidos. Sólo el 5 de mayo.)
