Monday, May 20, 2019

Meghan McCain's Homeschooled Self-Hating Puerto Rican Husband Ben Domenech Cool with Trump Treatment of Puerto Rico


To Ben Domenech:

It is all about the Benjamins, Ben. The money the corrupt PR politicians have siphoned off that Island since the land grab off of Spain in the Spanish American War in 1898. Your granddad or is it great granddad as Mayor of Ponce greased his pot so you could have the life of luxury with the rest of us A-Mericans on the mainland here. 

Let the people of Puerto Rico starve and suffer while they are forced to reform a system that the Republicans forced on their island and benefited from through the decades in terms of cheap immigrant like labor to the mainland even though U.S. Citizenship was bestowed on immigrants like your ancestor, the mayor of Ponce Manual V. Domenech. And don't forget his being Puerto Rico Treasurer 1930-1935 and stints as acting Governor. 

When you complain about Seth Meyers who did not give your wife a softball interview in a now deleted tweet.

“Here is proof that white men get ahead despite their obvious lack of talent. It’s @sethmeyers, who would beg for a third of the viewers at @TheView. He’s awful, untalented, and a perfect definition of a cuck.”

Why do you hate white men Ben? Ashamed of your own mixed blood Hispanic heritage? 

And believe it or not from your own publication below - the Federalist:

Democrats are insisting that American taxpayers continue to further fund Puerto Rican leaders’ additional demands. The fact of the matter is, not one more dime in funding should be sent to Puerto Rico until it gets its political house in order, either of its own accord or by the Trump administration forcing systematic change. Putting more money into a broken system won’t fix anything. Most importantly, it will only continue to hurt our fellow citizens—the people of Puerto Rico.
The real problems facing the people of Puerto Rico have nothing to do with Trump, or the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. It has nothing to do with statehood or continuing its territorial status. It has nothing to do with caring or not caring. It is about rank corruption in which the people of Puerto Rico are the victims and the corrupt Puerto Rican political class are the villains.
For decades, Puerto Rico has been governed by a patronage system centered on the 78 mayors across the island, who are truly the real political power in Puerto Rico. Many of the mayors have been more than happy to cut deals that allow them to stay in power even if it means failing to actually do their jobs, like collecting property taxes, utility bills, and fees for basic services. Current estimates indicate there is a pool of $3 billion in uncollected property taxes.


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