Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Who Runs HUD/FHA? Certainly not the Beard Secretary on Medication Ben Carson - Eating Raoul

Where are the Ludes Ben Carson ???

Government employees are half bums and the other half covering for bums like Ben Carson who is not with us on the same page in time and space and reality. Reminds me of working in the mortgage business in Arizona at HUD that was still trying to clean up the mess of the Savings and Loan Scandal of the Keating Five in the late eighties. The Government never fully legislated the con parts away of that scandal that protected Cindy McCain's Trophy (Beard) husband in the form of Senator John McCain in the one of the most corrupt states in the Union, they have their own DOJ prosecutor section assigned to one state, Texas has to share their Fed Prosecutor with other states believe it or not, or it used to be that way. Never proper cleaning up that mess to protect McCain led to the Housing Bubble Collapse on 2008 that took its model from the S &L 80s M.O.. Anyway Carson is a Con. Who is loaning government money to R/E developers to build affordable apartment rental buildings in this country or is all that cash being laundered into gated communities with pools and golf courses masquerading as affordable housing on their loan applications to HUD? All through his show and tell with a House Committee I was waiting for ole' Ben, a good ole' boy, to ask the questioners "Where are the ludes dude?"- that line popped into my mind and I guess his con job, his front as a Secretary "in charge" reminded me of the con game played in "Eating Raoul" that 80s cult classic about crime in a swinger's apartment building etc.

Eating Raoul 

(Warning - brief nudity)


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