Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bulletproofing and Alarm Systems Finished on Benedict XVI’s Retirement Xanadu in Vatican City

Ratzinger Palace, Vatican City

The last of the nuns got kicked out at the end of November in Benedict’s Golden Parachute retirement palace.

Retiring Vatican Mafia Don Joe Ratzinger has to stay within the imaginary political state of Vatican City and claim diplomatic immunity until death regarding his role as Pedophile Clergy Enabler, Protector both for himself and his key role in the Worldwide Child Abuse coverup for his former boss John Paul II.

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree :
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

Indeed, the Vatican said that the Pope's retirement was foreseen when restructuring work began on the Mater Ecclesiae convent, within the Vatican, where he will live after the last nuns moved out in November.

I am reminded of a story I came across somewhere about how when Cardinal Krol of Philadelphia retired in 1988, he stayed in the premier living space of the 40 plus room Bishop’s Mansion on City Line Avenue in Philly.

Cardinal Dougherty Bishop's Palace Philadelphia

That newly appointed Archbishop Bevilacqua had to settle for whatever else secondary space was available in the big house. Notes to the Vatican regarding protocols for retired senior clergy were met with polite non-reply. 

Krol had after all been John Paul II’s kingmaker in the papal election of 1978 as official liaison for the American delegation and unofficial liaison for the CIA.

Rank, through indebtedness and or blackmail involving a pope, has its privileges.


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