Thursday, January 10, 2013

Phoenix Corrupt Elite and Joe Arpaio’s Culture of Death Makes a Power Grab into Public Schools, Armed Seizure of Power, Like It or Not America

Overlords Omsted and Arpaio - Phoenix / Maricopa

Once again, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County (Phoenix) Arizona, like Wayne LaPierre, does not mention his religion in his Wikipedia bio. Why? On a secret mission for the pope? That or he does not want the local Methodists and or Mormons to know that a Pape is in charge as the one true local warlord in an international border state such as Arizona?

Appeals to Phoenix's Bishop Tommy Olmsted regarding Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s secular Culture of Death at Maricopa County Jail fell on the deaf RC cleric’s ears even after protests at Joe’s Church of the Ascension in exclusive rich white gated armed Fountain Hills, Arizona last August.

Protestors outside Church of the Ascension, Fountain Hills, Arizona

Uber-Catholic, Tea Party fanatic Joe Arpaio's Armed Posse / Vigilante / Militia is now up and running, roaming the streets of Phoenix looking for Wayne LaPierre’s “Bad Guys”- i.e. the dark skinned ones.

An eighty year old Sheriff of Maricopa County (Phoenix) has taken Wayne LaPierre’s advice and formed a vigilante committee of unvetted armed yahoos to protect children in their schools.

As stated by Mother Jones’ reporter David Korn on MSNBC, this vigilante “posse” which has no funds to vet its members and is by public knowlwdge populated by men with felony convictions, some of which are sex offences involving children.

What next with these lunatic roaming potential “rape crews” in and around our public schools?

A football program – the Penn State, Notre Dame or Steubenville working model ?

Or an extra RC auxialry bishop of two in Phoenix appointed by Joe the Pope INC to handle the public safety of the children, fresh meat, in the public schools of Maricopa County now subject to King Joe Arpaio's senile racist sexist pink underwear fantasy whims???

NRA's LaPierre


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