Friday, September 21, 2012

First Mormon Presidential Candidate - Prophet Joseph Smith -1844 - Resume Building Mitt Romney

General Joseph Smith - Mormon / (Bain Style) Religionist Candidate for President 1844

It was suggested the other day in a discussion on the Martin Bashir show on MSNBC that Mitt Romney’s only reason for running for president was not any concern for the United States but rather as a Resume building exercise.
That Mitt Romney wants the Job POTUS only on his Resume.


No doubt to show his fellow Mormon Cultists that he is better than the founding fraud of that religion tax break scam, Joseph Smith who ran for President in 1844 before his untimely but predictable death.

Mitt wants to get a good seat in Mormon Heaven next to or better yet ahead of old Bain style religionist Joe Smith.

The most important plank in Joseph’s platform concerned the powers of the president. Joseph wanted to give the chief magistrate “full power to send an army to suppress mobs … [without requiring] the governor of a state to make the demand.” 

Eliminating slavery was another important part of his platform….  Instead of simply calling for the abolition of slavery, Joseph Smith’s platform would have Congress “pay every man a reasonable price for his slaves out of the surplus revenue arising from the sale of public lands, and from the deduction of pay from members of Congress.” 

The platform also proposed changes to Congress. Joseph wanted to reduce congressional pay from eight dollars to two dollars per day. He wanted to have only two members of the House of Representatives for every one million people. 

In addition, Joseph favored extensive prison reform, forming a national bank, and annexing Oregon and Texas.  He favored extending the United States “from the east to the west sea,” but only if Native Americans gave their consent. 

On February 24, the Prophet had 1,500 copies of the pamphlet printed. Copies were mailed to the president of the United States and his cabinet, the justices of the Supreme Court, senators, representatives, editors of principal newspapers, postmasters, and other prominent citizens.

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