Friday, September 21, 2012

47% View themselves as Victims of Vulture Capitalists – Lunch with Locusts and Vampires?

When capitalists like Mitt Romney and Bain Capital sweep into town and turn viable factories and local businesses into lunch for locusts on pension funds, benefits, employee incentives and are they left at the side of the road like a raped hooker unpaid by their rapist johns – Mitt Romney and Bain Capital -

Maybe, just  maybe their self-esteem goes down the drain when they are unemployed in a one factory town where they have lived all their lives, where they next lose their homes and watch their families disintegrate as a result of economic chaos after Bain leaves town.

Maybe when Mitt and Bain have shipped their jobs to China to the slave labor under the Communist whip, they feel like they have heen Victimized. Maybe they see themselves as victims.

Victims maybe temporarily for a while before they get over the feeling of being a whipped dog, a dog tied to the roofs of the cars of Vulture Capitalists, maybe the next round belongs to the American workers and not the pricks in $1,000 Armani business suits.

Or maybe Mitt is 100% right as victimizer and exploiter of the working poor in America, maybe the strange parasitic vampire kristianity practiced by the polygamist inbred Mormon cult leaves them worthy to be thrown out in the trash when the vampires cannot get another drop of blood out of their victims and Ann needs a new Cadillac as proof of her husband’s “love”.

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