Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Subpoena Bishops Adamec and Bartchak Regarding Paterno Sandusky Pedo Cover Up

Archabbot Nowicki; Bishop Adamec; Bishop Bartchak; Rev. Laffey; Mrs. Paterno

The family of Joe Paterno are asking for a release of all the e-mails now painting a picture of Joe Paterno as a major player behind the scenes in cover up of Jerry Sandusky’s normal shower behavior with little boys in unsupervised Penn State Sports facilities. 
No doubt, the image of Paterno is more important than the lives of children ruined in this massive corporate level cover up of criminal activities.
Since Joe Paterno and his wife raised millions of cash to build their own church on campus, (Saint) Suzanne Paterno “Catholic Faith Center” Church.  No doubt Joe, when the e-mails look like he agreed to let Sandusky be turned into authorities,  took a 180 degree turn against the law and into cover up.  He did a U.S. Catholic Bishop thing on Sandusky regarding pedophilia cover-up.  The best person to talk to that would be both retired Bishop Ademec (bishop at the time of the Sandusky e-mails) and recently installed bishop Bartchak in 2011 of the Altoona diocese in charge of the Penn State stake.
These two bishops and other religious were thick as thieves and or like flies on honey at the dedication of the seven million dollar Paterno Memorial Church built on campus, August 2011, pictured above.
Of course you may have to offer Adamec and Bartchak immunity to share their confidential discussions with Joe Paterno.  But in the end, Joe was probably dumber than a door nail and probably acted on what he thought was the (typical) “moral authority” of the Catholic Church.
The e-mail discussion involving former university president Graham B. Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley, and ex-vice president Gary Schultz took place two weeks after graduate assistant Mike McQueary reported seeing Sandusky sodomizing a boy in a locker room shower, a decade before Sandusky's arrest on 52 counts of child sex abuse, and well before the molestations of at least three of the former defensive coordinator's victims. 
Though Paterno did not write any of the leaked missives, he is referenced in them as having weighed in on the debate.

1 comment:

  1. What a clever 'spin' on the current scandal! Bishops Adamec and Bartchak are in no way involved in the Sandusky case. Why not mention the great length the Church goes to to protect children since its own scandal?
