Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Eris Cantor’s Formula for Success – Recipe for Economic Chicken Soup

There was a speech that the mighty Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives was supposed to give to the elite students at the University of Pennsylvania at the Wharton School of Business no less (bow your heads). 

And of course I have on more than one occasion in this blog have complained about the whole post WWII Service Economy Economic Model espoused to the highs priest of our age, MBAs, in Ivy League enclaves such as Wharton, Brown and Harvard who have learned a lot of crap in class and flushed the middle class in America down the toilet to justify their Masters of Business degrees when all they really are if you look at them and their business methods in practice, are nothing more than a Privateer or Pirate’s license to whittle down pensions and benefits in any company, ship the sweat overseas without the benefits and increase the pig’s hog share of bonuses to the upper echelons of management. 

Mr. Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives wanted to give that speech at Wharton but alas his pressing business in Congress made him permanently cancel the speech.  Luckily a press release of the undelivered speech has come down to us lowly peasants to hear and understand the workings of the minds of Republican Betters like Mr. Cantor whose only vision for the economic future of America is Mr. Cantor’s grandmother’s recipe for Chicken Soup.

The speech is here for any who want to read it in its entirety.  

The long and short of it is that the students at Ivy League students are fucked if they think that an Ivy League degree guarantees a cushy job for life at the expense of stockholders who want results and not welfare for their Ivy League educated employees.  Or sort of in my humble opinion.

That the only way for someone to succeed in America is his father’s and grandmother’s model of economic success and start a business. Take a risk. Dip into your savings or borrow from your parents and relatives and make a successful business that is free from Government regulations, personal responsibility to the community and free of course of taxes.  It is so easy. Mr. Cantor’s rich life experience, business background, the success of his father and grandmother is all that is needed to succeed in America.

That a little nine year old black or Hispanic girl in the ghetto who has a supposedly equal fair playing field in America to achieving success just like his grandmother.  The nine year old girl will just have to work harder than most if the lazy little shit wants to escape poverty.

He also used the model of a single mother in a rich suburban setting as someone who will have to work harder to succeed.

Success like a successful Eric Cantor is easy once your parents and grandparents waste a lifetime of eating their own shit and saving every nickel and dime to achieve ultimate success solely in narcissistic little maniac tin gods like Eric Cantor.

Steve Jobs is the only kind of jobs the Republicans will back in any economic scheme.  If you can’t go out and start a business like Steve Jobs, invent some little electronic trinkets and make billions of dollars, your failure in life you deserve.  The formula is so simple.  If you cannot hear or understand, you must be stupid or a Democrat.

The Recipe to Mr. Cantor’s Grandmother’s Chicken Soup is a guarded trade secret for the 1%.  It tastes great to Eric but to the rest of us it is just another large empty bowl of typical Republican Fuck You I Got Mine attitude toward the American 99% and rest of humanity.

“Eat Eric eat. One more spoonful for your Nanna.” (Puke)


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