Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pope John Paul I – the last pope – the smiling pope

I was struck by some comment in some blog or in a “progressive” Catholic Newspaper that allows polite dissenting opinion/comments.  In that Newspaper, the response was somehow related in the mind of the commentor to the current Public Relations crisis, not a MORAL crisis, in the American Catholic Church over one of their masonic like, magically politically like, connected bishops, Robert Finn KC/MO stonewalling the public over his criminal mishandling of a typical pedo priest cover up in the Diocese of Kansa City / St. Joseph Missouri. 

The comment was from a female, and she said something to the effect that all the good will and hope and good Christian Catholic vibes that had come out of V2, Vatican II, had died with Albino Luciani and his “murder”, which seems to be a match for the popular meme opinion on the way the Vatican II spirit somehow got hijacked along the timeline thing and got tossed off a cliff.
And of course, the murder thing is retro-active revisionism, reflective of Coppola’s Godfather III, similar in fact to how all outer space aliens began to look like what I believe are called the “Greys”, after Spielberg’s landmark flick “First Encounter of the Third Kind”.

While there was a lot of behind the scenes skullduggery going on in the background of John Paul I’s short reign, I feel certain he knew little to nothing about the political forces, Propaganda Due (P2) masonic lodges, and economic forces, Banco Ambrosiano, in which the Vatican was a large shareholder.  I doubt Luciani would have touched the arrangements that Banco Ambrosiano had to launder money for the CIA to the Contras and elsewhere in U.S.’s global eternal cold war against the Soviets.  The church and the U.S.A. had a shared enemy, the U.S.S.R..

The contamination of church by the state, virtually little or no separation of it in Italy, began on the political end of it, by young Turks all joining in secret Masonic orders, in the Cold War, to protect the status quo in Italy.  This all no doubt made its way, in a social manner, to zealous seminarians and priests, now senior Vatican officials and bishops worldwide – which is another matter I think but not unrelated to the present Public Relations crisis in the RC church.   All going on in the background noise of John Paul I’s very short reign of 33 days.    Sometimes a heart attack is just a heart attack.

And considering who the next pope was and how a Polish American PAC of sorts helped him to get elected with lots of American funds –

and how Polish Bishop/General Karol Wojtyła (VoyTeeWa) made all the right moves against the Soviet Union (as proxy?), and at the same time hid all the religious changes behind his vision, his march back to the middle ages that Benedict XVI so gleefully agrees with, continues with, I have to think that Albino Luciani, Pope John Paul I, was the last pope before this modern Cult of Personality in the Vatican started under media “Rock Star” John Paul II.

That modern media Rock Star Cult of Papal Authority, of noise, of news sound bites, started in the Cold War which  seems to matter more to JPII’s appointed  lieutenants and Benedict’s too, bishops with whom no common sense, human rights, human decency or human warmth matter.  News at 11.

Who is this Jesus character anyway?  Who does he work for these days?  (Wink. Nod) 

Unemployed?  His own fault!

A bum?


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