Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dysfunctional in America – Occupy Oakland

(“Disneyland? Fuck, man, this is better than Disneyland!” A.N.)

“Occupy Oakland protester Mike Clift runs from teargas early Nov. 3, 2011, in Oakland, Calif. Following a mainly peaceful day-long protest by thousands of anti-Wall Street demonstrators, several hundred rallied through the night with some painting graffiti, breaking windows and setting fire to garbage cans.”

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-202_162-10010098-2.html#ixzz1d7TAsCq8

Caught this photo on the internet.  The thought stuck me suddenly - how dysfunctional the United States has become, has been.  For how long?  For a long time.
It is a rude thing to awaken from a gentle slumber, a dream, and into the middle of a political economic moral global nightmare.
The shift, in paradigms, along any historic road usually happens when a current nightmare, the dysfunctionality of it all, finally reaches cognizance, reality in the gated communities,(palace grounds), and ivory towers, (penthouses), of the greedy bastards supposedly in charge.
That or the mobs in the street finally storm the Palace or burn down an Ivory Tower or two.


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