Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Roman Missal Discounts Jesus’ Mission

Criticism of the new white bread Roman Missal is starting to make the rounds of the Christian blogosphere.

...However, the Association of Catholic Priests (ACP) in Ireland has objected to the translation and called for the new edition to be postponed for five years for more consultation.

The ACP argues that a word-for-word translation “demonstrates a lack of awareness of the insights gained from linguistics and anthropology during the past 100 years.”

A statement from the association said, “The ACP is gravely concerned that this literal translation from Latin has produced texts that are archaic, elitist and obscure and not in keeping with the natural rhythm, cadence and syntax of the English language.”

Further, it said the new text was unfair to females.

“We fear that the continued use of sexist language with its use of man, men and brothers as generic terms will alienate some women and men,” it said.

The association also raised the issue of theological accuracy in the new missal in which the Eucharistic prayers state that Jesus Christ died “for many” rather than “for all.”

“A central teaching of the Christian Churches is that Jesus died for all people. This meaning is conveyed in the current translation of the Latin words of consecration over the chalice, pro vobis et pro multis. The phrase is translated for you and for all in the current missal. The new text opts for the more literal translation, for you and for many. In English, the word ‘many’ contrasts with the word ‘few,’ so people may be led to ask, are there some for whom Jesus did not die?” added the statement.

Some Australian priests have called for a boycott of the new translation. However Fr Peter Williams, executive secretary Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Liturgy Commission said to boycott the translation was “opening the doors to liturgical anarchy.”...
So Jesus only died for “many” and not “all”. Died only for guys and not the chicks? Only Europeans? Defintely not the Protestants or Cultural Christians. Etc.

That’s leaves ninety percent of humanity left out of the Roman god Jesus’ magic earth mission. Oh well. More Fairytale Christianity I fear? Maybe Jesus’ half brothers of Hercules and Apollo finished their missions with better sales numbers.

They, the Romans, wrote the real Jesus out of that religion a long time ago in the fourth century C.E..

And they look down at us Cafeteria Christians! At least we know what is the good stuff being served through Jesus’ name and teachings. Universal Love for All Humanity! Not just for the some or the “many”.


Problem with looking for a better translation from a dead language like Latin to a living language such as English is, in the final result, to leave a Deadening Down effect/meaning and put it in conflict with that living, breathing, evolving tongue of the People of God.

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