Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fairytale Christianity vs. Fairytale Atheism

Fundamentalism is a mental disease at present trying to exterminate imagination and creativity out of the collective mind of the human race.

One thought, one truth, frozen, stagnating in time, is one book or many is all that can ever illuminate the world. My book, my knowledge is all that is needed to hold time and the universe back from any further investigation or thought.

Two old fools seem to represent the quagmire of the new Fairytale spectrum of belief systems on this third rock from the sun.

Fairytale Christian Fundamentalist Harold Camping with his billion dollar god business, after a lifetime of reading the funny book can’t even determine a train schedule from Heaven for his Roman pagan god Jesus. Are you stupid or something dude? Typical greedy carnie media preacher!

Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew, Mark and Luke is totally different from the Roman god Jesus in Revelation, a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy type text.  Was John of Patmos a wizard and or science fiction writer (snort, snort)?

Fairytale Atheist Cosmologist Stephen Hawking, after a lifetime of study of the infiniteness of the cosmos, is determined to state that there is nothing passed this life.

Both are fools. Both are fucktards. Both should be banned from decent company or social intercourse by the media.

Both are addicted to what is written in books by other people or those they have authored themselves.

Facts are only facts if they are written down by religious lunatics or by the new age wizards and or alchemists known as scientists. Both have absolutely no imagination. Both make idols out of one book or many books.

Both are morons IMHO.

So, if you are fundamentalist the world must end yesterday. God’s big six day experiment has to be erased. The experiment was a failure. Time to abort the experiment. Abortion is this one instance is a virtue instead of a vice?

So, if you are the smartest man in the world, the cosmos just happened by accident and the one ten billionth of a fraction of possible knowledge of the universe in books is all that science at this present time can fathom. But it is enough to say that there are no other possibilities or that time, space and or a creator have any other plans than those formulated by one Oxford Cambridge man.

Bullshit! Stephen Hawking you asshole!

The old high priests, the religionists are no different from the new wizards of the age, the scientists.

Jesus rides dinosaurs and Heaven has been foreclosed on (written off by a slide rule) .

Live with it!

The middle ages have officially returned.

Ignorance, on both sides of the human spectrum, rules the world!


1 comment:

  1. The only fairy tale here is evolution which has ZERO transitional fossils to support it. Meanwhile atheism is an illogical theory supported by no evidence. This blog further destroys atheism:

    If atheists want to believe they were accidents who evolved from apes who eat their own excrement. They can be my guest. Whatever makes them happy I guess but they shouldn't promote the atheist/evolution fairy tale as truth when it's not.

