Monday, May 17, 2010

Thomas Olmsted - High Priest of Phoenix

After St. Joseph's: Are Women Still Safe in Catholic Hospitals?

Even the Catholic Church, whose official doctrine demands that women be sacrificed in order to preserve fetal life, has for many years made no attempt to impose such a draconian policy upon its vast network of hospitals in the United States. Until last week. In a radical move that is likely to inflame the abortion debate even further and, more disturbingly, to endanger the lives of millions of expectant mothers, Thomas J. Olmsted, the Catholic bishop of Phoenix, Arizona, has condemned and excommunicated a highly regarded nun who approved an abortion necessary to save a pregnant woman's life.

The Irish nun at the center of the case is Sister Margaret McBride, an administrator at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix. McBride was part of a hospital ethics committee that approved the termination of an eleven-week-old fetus after the mother developed a case of pulmonary hypertension that threatened to kill her if she continued with her pregnancy.

Although the specific details of the case have not been revealed for reasons of patient privacy, Catholic Healthcare West, which operates the hospital, has described the woman's death, in the absence of termination, as all but certain. In response, Mr. Olmstead declared that the nun was "automatically excommunicated" and warned that: "While medical professionals should certainly try to save a pregnant mother's life, the means by which they do it can never be by directly killing her unborn child. The end does not justify the means."
Of course life is sacred but sometimes the life of one already here must be considered first in a dangerous life threatening situation. 

I do not understand this ongoing and continued hatred of the Roman Catholic church towards women and womens' medical needs.

Bishop Olmsted is a major Creep (the only "C" word that I can use here in good taste) as far I am concerned in this matter. 

Sister Margaret McBride is a Saint!

God forgive Tom Olmsted's total lack of humanity towards half the human race!

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