Sunday, May 16, 2010

British Petroleum's War on Nature

There is a lot of talk about how to revive a seemingly dead Christianity in this seemingly dying planet’s stage of history.

I am thinking that the dying part of the dying planet has to do with the removal of the sacred from nature and Christianity helped manage with that disconnect centuries ago. If nature had a mythical god associated with it, the god, its shrine and the worship of some sacred aspect of creation got destroyed or discounted into nothing within the fanaticism of the new, world is about to end – repent – join now or regret it later in hell – Christian religion.

The rape of the Gulf of Mexico continues under knuckleheads more suited to be failed CEO type bishops running the RC church into the ground. BP and the RCC answer to nobody, not even God it would seem these days.

So much for venting the frustration of watching corporations destroy America and the Western Culture all for the sake of a quarterly profit, or yearly bonus by “short-term bottom-line thinkers” (knuckles dragging).

Rome was not built in a year nor was it destroyed in a year to put a matrix on the idea. The idea perhaps fits the concept of the decline of a culture, our present culture, where the old myths centered around the old Roman state religion of Christianity do not meet the needs of modern culture such as now and with  ideas such as environmentalism.

End Time paranoia helps a religion get started out of fear. If you do not want to survive with me, please jump out of the lifeboat – the boat is getting rather crowded. It is the twenty-first century. The end of your world did not happen in the first century or the fourth, or the tenth of the twentieth centuries. Something missing in that success formula I think.

Mixing science perhaps with ancient myth, the idea that the Earth represented by a goddess named Gaia came into existence to give some metaphoric momentum to a new idea, or more accurately an old idea, about how man is or should be in balance with nature.

The man responsible with mixing ancient myth with modern science is James Lovelock. James Lovelock defined Gaia as:
a complex entity involving the Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet….

James Lovelock, CH, CBE, FRS (born 26 July 1919) is an independent scientist, environmentalist and futurologist who lives in Devon, England. He is best known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, which postulates that the biosphere is a self-regulating entity with the capacity to keep our planet healthy by controlling the chemical and physical environment.---(Wikipedia)
Green thinking in terms of new innovative ways to fuel our economy without nineteenth century petroleum robber baron technology are what is needed right now.

New ways of thinking is also perhaps a means to interject a balance into thought. This to reintroduce the idea of a feminine side, to balance wasted centuries of old male only perception in looking at a stark, male only, universe.

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