Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sarah Palin’s New TV Comedy – Victim Mom

I have finally come to the end of my esoteric study of the recent American phenomenon called Sarah Palin. It takes no genius to see that women on the right are starved for a viable image of what is allowed for success for females in this country and at that end of the spectrum.

If you want something a little less perfect than June Cleaver in the 50’s comedy show “Leave It to Beaver” and want that small town PTA president, part time small village mayor, and half governor of the least populated territory/state, then Sarah is your girl. You can use that term “Girl”. No PC problems on the right with calling a spade a spade either. Whatever.

She is not an enigma, she is just a long list of things women do in one income household’s in the heartland. She is “rural, female, military mom, special-needs mom, etc.” Nothing wrong with that. It is how the MSM has handled or mishandled this that has kept an artificial flame of novel celebrity alive long past its expiration date of fifteen minutes.

There are more important issues to be studied and written about. But why do that when you can meet a writing deadline with another “Sarah Palin” story. Just damn laziness and not Journalism. (Me? I am off the hook on that one. I am no journalist.)

Now that she is a walking talking Barbie doll for crackpot right wingnuts, maybe she should try acting. She doesn’t act now? No. She is the real thing.

Sarah should take a cue from her daughter Bristol soon to play herself, a teenage single mom, in an ABC program The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Sarah I envision could master comedy with the right limited number of one and two syllable sound bites in the script. She is accused of not having a sense of humor by some. She of course would have to be a crazy scattered brained “Lucy” type, an American Standard.

I think the ideal name for all the roles women have in today’s society but get little of the way of recognition, appreciation or equal pay for – the ideal name of Sarah’s show could be “Victim Mom”. That’s the way she selectively reacts to anything said about herself or her trophy family.

An Outrage Smackdown: Family Guy Defeats Palin
Palin is a master practitioner of identity politics, with an ironic twist. When it comes to social issues or the academic canon or civil-rights legislation, it used to be conservatives who would chafe at liberals playing race, gender or other such oppressed-group cards. With Palin, though, conservatives have a champion who uses group identity — rural, female, military mom, special-needs mom, etc. — as her seal of authenticity.
The above is an excellent rehashing of the same old Sarah story told about ten thousand times already in the press and media and being devoured in the forgotten heartland around the kitchen table.

Sarah is a niche product. A niche product which has a limited shelf life. The novelty wears down.

Palin, self appointed high priestess of Democratic political correctness, demanded an apology from White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as being quoted for the word "retard" in a memo describing some democrats. She then turned around and licked Rush Limbaugh's boots for his use of "retard" as some previously uncategorized form of poet license.

Sarah started to scold the TV cartoon comedy “Family Guy” for the use of Down Syndrome as part of a dating situation and as a side joke referring indirectly to Sarah and not her child. The context and sarcasm of the line and the punchline requires some timing and some wit in a show famous for such. Something no doubt missing in Alaska.

Thank God for
“a smackdown, from Andrea Fay Friedman, a Family Guy voice actress — who actually has Down (Syndrome). "My parents raised me to have a sense of humor," she said. "My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes." Ouch...
For a while there Palin was becoming Minister of Good Taste on every thing said in America.

My proposal of a new Urban Dictionary term and definition as approved by our self appointed Minister of Mayhem Sarah Palin.
Retard – a satirical term reserved exclusively for Rush Limbaugh.
Enjoy your fifteen plus minutes Palin family, it all sags in the end like Levi Johnston’s Playgirl gluteus maximus and then its back to shooting deer with or without a gov’ment permit.



  1. It's been over for a while now except she and the tea bag crowd didn't get the message or refuse to accept the reality of it! She has become a caricature..the woman of the new century? I prefer June and her pearls to this version of womanhood! I now offically wish her into the corn field..POOF!

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