Thursday, February 25, 2010

politica cagna in Vaticano

No doubt revenge is too harsh a word, but invariably a true word, for members of the Vatican “Gonne” Party who have waited a bit to stab Archbishop “Rino” Fisichella in the back one year after making human statements about the abominable Church reaction to a child’s rape and forced pregnancy and abortion in Brazil last year.

Fisichella’s public defense was for excommunicated en masse doctors and nurses performing a late term Abortion last year in Brazil for the sake of saving a nine year old rape victim in danger of losing her life if forced to carry the pregnancy to term.

Vatican official refuses to resign in abortion flap
The Vatican's top bioethics official has dismissed calls for his resignation following an uproar over his defense of doctors who aborted the twin fetuses of a 9-year-old child who was raped by her stepfather, the Associated Press reports.

Monsignor Renato Fisichella told the AP on Monday that he refused to respond to five members of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life who questioned his suitability to lead the institution.

Fisichella wrote an article in the Vatican's newspaper in March saying the Brazilian doctors didn't deserve excommunication as mandated by church law because they were saving the girl's life. The call for mercy sparked heated criticism from some academy members who said it implied the Vatican was opening up to so-called "therapeutic abortion" to save the mother's life.

To quiet their complaints, the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a clarification in July, repeating the Catholic Church's firm opposition to abortion and saying Fisichella's words had been "manipulated and exploited."
What I see in the press is that the abortion was of two fetuses in favor of saving a mere female child in favor of – I haven’t yet read of any sex tests on the fetuses. But no doubt two potentially healthy, valid male children were aborted in favor of saving this worthless uneducated female creature.

Fisichella’s remarks last year were not humanist but honest and human.

The insane “third sex” or fourth sex types or whatever they are, they are not human, running the “male” only Vatican apparently still approve of Rape over Abortion in the case of rape or to save a women’s life, any day of the week.

Our sympathies to a true human being Rino Fisichella over the women hating skirts running the Vatican.


  1. Vicious chauvanists! Joe has surrounded himself with an army of nutball's and whacko's! Bunch of creeps. What would the Lord say if he checked to see who was and how the store was being run? Watch our for the lightning bolts.

  2. I more envision a big earthquake to tear down the false temple. After that, a large portion of Christendom can start rebuilding and I am not talking physical structures.
