Saturday, October 5, 2013

Rep. Enyart to Tea Party "If you are a patriot behind that American flag pin, have the guts to show it..,"

The above quote by Rep. Bill Enyart (D Ill.) in response to Piecemeal GOP bills to fund this or fund that and screw all the little people who work for the government who live from paycheck to paycheck like most other Americans, but not the country club elites of the GOP / TeaParty.

"The only thing that bill does is give the politicians who sponsored it and who vote for it a claim while they wrap themselves in the flag to say they support the troops," Enyart said, pointing out that the underlying bill actually contained cuts to key veterans programs. "It's as phony as putting a flag pin on your lapel and claiming that makes you a patriot." 
Enyart also pointed out that hundred of thousands of other federal employees around the nation were currently furloughed. Like the military personnel at the heart of the GOP's mini-spending bill, they couldn't afford to miss a paycheck, he said. Enyart then called on his colleagues to vote on a bill that would "put the government back to work."

Rep. Enyart in a 400-1 vote was the only nay on another piecemeal bullshit band-aid bill to pay contractors to say mass for the Catholics on Sunday.

The New York Times in typical Sychophantic fashion with Boutique Journalists THOM SHANKER and JONATHAN WEISMAN made it sound like real chaplains in active duty uniform were being forbidden to practice their faiths.  Bullshit NYT!

The House also voted, 400 to 1, on a resolution saying military chaplains should be able to conduct religious services, despite the shutdown. Republicans accused the Obama administration of stifling religious freedom.

Representative Adam Smith of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services, said Republicans had concocted an issue that did not exist. 
 The lone “no” vote belonged to Representative Bill Enyart, Democrat of Illinois.


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