Thursday, August 16, 2012

Zygote Nation - This is a Person? Where are my Rights Paul Ryan?

Zygote - Personhood along with Corporations?

We know that uber-Catholic Paul Ryan with his 110% Catholic Rating wants to give full citizenship and rights to a two celled piece of protoplasm (pictured above).  

What I remember from the Catholic catechism is that "Man is made in the image and likeness of God".

God is a two celled animal?

Corporations are not people!

Zygotes are not people!  

That has a soul?  

A sex?

I don't think so! 

Rights? What kind of dope do you smoke Paul?

*   *   *


  1. Hi Mike!!! I've been away traveling but I'm back and couldn't wait to visit and be visited.

    You are awsome as usual with your fresh and honest approach. Great to read always!

  2. What a strange coincidence Debra. I was reading one of your comments earlier. Good to hear from you.
