Friday, August 17, 2012

Madison Wisconsin - Social Engineering Capital of the USA - A Koch Brothers Funded Experiment?

(Wisconsin Capital Building, Madison - Workers Protest against Modern Day Socially Engineered Slavery by any other GOP Name Tag)
Wisconsin seems to be a social engineering experimentation beach head these days with Scot Walker in the State House wanting to denude all workers rights back "into chains" and servitude and paid for on the Koch Brothers' dime.
I can almost smell the mutton grease from his "sanctified" hands and almost see the wine stains dripped from his "altruistic" lips onto his, Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison Wisconsin's recent pastoral letter of political "non-endorsement" to the sheep still in the pews regarding 110% Catholic Rated native son Paul Ryan (wink, nod).
No doubt that love of native son and country prevented a lacking in duty ignoramus like Field Bishop Morlino from putting Ryan under "interdict" for his public praise and adoration / idolization of the atheist philosophy of Ayn Rand in 2005.
Madison does seem to be a hot spot of social engineering as in the threat of "interdict" to members of St. Mary's Parish in Platteville Wisconsin as the result of human revulsion with the importation of PC Jesuit shock troops from Spain to put the laity in their place and get the stink of altar girls out of God's pure penis only sanctuary. 
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. What was it at last count, eight Spanish shock troops in seven Madison Diocese parishes? No Hindi, African or Filipino RC priest imports into Morlino's pure white Madison Diocese?
Collateral damage happened in the ethnic cleansing wars in the modern day Balkans, another social engineering experiment in Europe.  As whining parishioners of St. Mary's who have been striped of their school, taught a lesson, as punishment for their disrespect to the God/pope given authority of Bishop Robert Morlino - "Get over it!" as Anton Scalia, another social engineer, 2000 election, would say about such inconsequential matters.
Sounds like Bishop Morlino is perhaps running some theoretical socially engineered field exercise for the School of the Americas, on a consultant fee basis of course, and in a purely religious sense for some future military junta scenario in far Northern America instead of the usual South and Central America Scenario?  Where is the United Fruit Company when you really need them to hire unemployed cronies?
Bishop Morlino is strangely and officially connected to the SOA's socially engineered clone - The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia. Like leopards can change their spots by calling themselves turtle doves etc.
The intrinsic evil I fear in the Diocese of Madison Wisconsin these days is in fact Bishop Morlino, Paul Ryan, Scot Walker, the Koch Brothers among many many others staging social engineering experiments in rural and once peaceful Wisconsin.

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What ever happened to cheese?

St. Mary's Catholic School Platteville WI


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