Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tornay and Estermann – Victims of Papal Politics and Abuses of Power? – Opus Dei

Cedric Tornay's Medal

Considering my timeline piece and the possible real connection of John Paul IIs rehabilitation of Cardinal Rigali back into JPIIs power circle, the response tells me that there is a worldwide hunger to find out about the possible faked “suiciding” of Cedric Tornay, the Swiss Guard scapegoat caught up in the greater politics of Free Masonry and Opus Dei within the ranks of the little people in the Vatican surrounding the Papal Monarchy.

One thing begins to emerge from reading.  That many young professionals are recruited by secret organizations such as the P2 Italian Masons and Opus Dei to spy on their superiors. They are often asked by important clerics such as bishops and cardinals to do this in the name of some greater glory of faith.  The truth is that pawns in these spying operations get rewarded with promotions or murdered or even arrested like the pope’s butler Paolo Gabriele, himself a member of the Communion and Liberation Catholic cult that surrounds the pope much like the late paranoid American billionaire Howard Hughes surrounded himself only with an army of Mormon bodyguards.

The power brokers are spying on each other in the Vatican in order to perpetuate power in the next papal election.  It is important that the next election delivers the right results.  Otherwise a lot of cronies backing the wrong horse will have to pay back a lot of Vatican Bank interest free loans on day one of a new hostile papacy of some other party.

Considering how Cardinal Rigali got rehabilitated and is now still actively serving on committees in the Vatican, the death of Alois Estermann, his wife, and Cedric Tornay is an important example of power politics played out in the lives of many, many victims, not unlike two million abused Catholic children over the last fifty years within the RCC.
And if you look at Rigali’s protégés, Monsignor Lynn of Philadelphia Child Endangerment fame, Opus Dei Bishop Finn in Kansas City and Predophile Bribe/Bonus payer Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York City in this one big Circle Jerk of power and abuse of power in the RCC, you see how unstable and sad the world has become on the global stage because of the cesspool of power in the Vatican and its extended power games worldwide.

From the Internet on Cedric Tornay:
...Neither version fit for Muguette Baudat. She noticed numerous discrepancies in her son’s last letter to her (released by the Vatican) and concluded the letter was either doctored or a forgery. When Tornay’s body was flown to Switzerland for the final funeral, Baudat literally stole the body from a Swiss morgue to have a second autopsy done by Dr. Thomas Crompecher, professor of forensic medicine at the University of Lausanne. Based on his conclusions, Baudat retained Luc Brossolet and Jacques Verges, the two French lawyers who had defended Slobodan Milosevic before the World Court at the Hague. At a press conference her lawyers released a seventy-five page report that disputed the Vatican’s version of the murders and asked for a new investigation. 
Brossolet and Verges claimed the second autopsy contradicted the Vatican’s conclusions on several points. First, Tornay’s service pistol used 9 millimeter bullets, but the exit wound in his skull measured 7 millimeters. Second, Tornay apparently suffered a fracture of a cranium bone, which was not on the bullet’s trajectory. His lungs contained a large amount of blood and saliva which could not have been caused by suicide, but could have been caused by internal bleeding due to blows on the head before he died. Third, the Vatican’s claim that Tornay had an egg-sized tumor in his head (which supported the “fit of madness” conclusion) was contradicted by the second autopsy, which found no tumor.The report also noted that Tornay’s front teeth were broken off, as if a gun had been forced into his mouth. Finally, graphologists and psychologists who examined Tornay’s final letter to his mother have also concluded the letter is a forgery. 
Despite these discrepancies, which may or may not be explainable within the Vatican’s or John Follain’s theories of how the murders were committed, the Vatican has thus far refused to reopen the investigation. Baudat’s lawyers are not accredited by the Vatican City State, so they have no standing to be heard. Brossolet and Verges tried to get accreditation, but were told by the president of the Vatican Appellate Court that “The case is closed.“ Baudat and her lawyers appealed to the pope, but there is no indication they have received a reply. It seems the mystery will remain unsolved for the foreseeable future. 
Alois Estermann’s predecessor, former Guard Commander Roland Buchs, gave a speech at Tornay’s funeral in Switzerland that Cardinal Sodano refused to allow him to say at the Vatican funeral. After noting that Tornay was well regarded by his fellow guards, and that “his first step as a young adult was to put himself at the service of the Church,” Buchs strayed from the Vatican story line even further by saying: 
”His act remains mysterious. Who can understand his last gesture? At this tragic time, may ’whys’ and ’wherefores’ remain in suspense…many questions remain unanswered. I think that God knows the real truth, and the precise reasons behind this tragedy. 
The last words will be given to Cedric Tornay’s mother. After attending her son’s funeral in Rome she remarked, “It struck me that the Vatican smelled of death.”

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