Thursday, June 7, 2012

Man-Up Timmy Dolan ! – Take It to the Streets with your Catholic Refusenik (Cath-nik) Religious Paranoia

Man-Up Timmy!

The blood of the martyrs from the Cristero War, the secular government against the clergy in 1920s Mexico, calls out to Cardinal Dolan to move more decisively now.  Every true Catholic must be ready to be martyred in a noble cause such as this. Yeah right. Go for it.

Current meme running through the Net is for He-Men Catholic Leaders like Cardinal Dolan to Man-up in their Catholic Refusenik stance on health care via the back door stealth approach against female healthcare and contraception medications and the threat to shut down 90% taxpayer funded “Catholic Charities”.

Man Up button (right) courtesy of the Book of Mormon gift site.  Mormons set the trends these days and the Cath-niks follow?

Here is what your own Cath-niks are writing about you and your refusal to grow a pair and take Obama and his illegitimate Kenyan Government (code for Negro President) on in the Streets.

Listen, you fools. YOU DON’T SHUT ANYTHING DOWN. You keep going exactly as you have been, and you force those dirty rotten SOBs to literally storm your hospitals and shut YOU down at gunpoint. And I’m not kidding.

Make them physically shut down your hospital by dragging you out at gunpoint. Make them physically shut down your schools. Make them shut down your university by force because you won’t cover abortions in your student health plan. Make them physically shut down your soup kitchens. Make them shut down your adoption agencies because you won’t hand a baby boy over to two men who like to jam various and sundry body parts up each others’ rectums.

In other words, STAND AND FIGHT.

"Every true Catholic must be ready to be martyred in a noble cause such as this."


  1. Re: the pic of Timmy..this thought comes to mind. If pigs had wings..
