Sunday, September 20, 2020

America in Distress

The best of us have not been aware for some time that the worst of us had no intention on doing a good job of governance. Easier to loot the treasury than serve the public and or common good. We are at a turning point. The ruling elites in America used to originate on the Mayflower etc. A lot of centers of power dying out and their progeny are not up to the old standard tasks of gentlemenly agreements and status quo. The Bush and Kennedy dynasties come to mind. The front office of the factory acts as if the back office/assembly line/factory shipped overseas still operates as if that factory was still out there in the back of the family property. And like a story from ancient Rome after the fall of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, now maybe a lot of two-bit tin god POTUSes will run the country into further dismay. Rome was a one town kind of empire/civilization. America has too many parts not to survive this current milaise of money thing thinking it can solve everything without humanity and or compassion or looking your neighbor directly in the eyes. We are all connected in both the common species and with the natural environment. Constantine's Byzantium survived a thousand years beyond Rome BTW - a fact often overlooked by the current Western POV. "History has the ability to surprise." The best is yet to come. lol

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