Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Nick Sandmann , Master of the Mixed Catholic Values Messaging - Slotterd to Wear His Pizza Delivery Hat in Jeffrey Epstein Talking Spot at Republican Convention

Nick Sandmann, fresh from a rumored multi-million dollar settlement with CNN over CNN offering an opinion on his seemingly hate dance or non-dance (LOL?) on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial back in January 2019 when he and his fellow students were fresh from a Catholic anti-abortion rally - say the Catholics never have any anti-sodomy or anti-buggery rallies btw - they say Catholics do have this mixed message from his private boys only (what else) Covington Catholic High School in the take me from the taxpayers state of Kentucky.

Nick has all this seed money now to get a gubmint contract and increase it 100 fold in some sack the treasury, crooked corrupt Trump Deal. Hear he turned down a lot of offeres of special Pizza delivery spots, franchises from GOP members cashing out, holding onto to franchises since the days of George H.W. Bush in the exexutive offive building and oval office. Hollywood types back then too embarassed to admint the cash was coming from Republican dough, and or Pizza, get it, get it. The red pizza delivery hat and indicator that he still wants to be a player, looking for the right investment. 

The shame of pizza and or pizza delivery fell onto females somewhere along the GOP timeline (Hillary?). White male privilege is to deny ownership of the pizza game. Almost like the denial game the same white massas a few generations back denied the rape, torture and sodomy of the Slave ownership franchises before the North attacked the South in a hostile corporate takeover but not before pay back and Jim Crow.

My piece of advice to Nick is the quote that Jesus guy - something about gaining the whole world and losing your immortal soul. But people from the South are too polite to even admit they might not have automatic salvation based on skin pigment.

I would pray for Nick as a Cultural Christian but my prayers would be wasted on the Trump Cult members he is determined to take to HELL with him.

Have a nice day Nick.

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