Friday, August 28, 2020

"Say her name!" - Breonna Taylor - Vanity Fair

Brutally murdered by the state in Kentucky. (Trump Country)

Hatch Act - not a class act. He just stole the People's House from us. Criminal!

Trump Criminal Act of having Politics at the White House. A pox on Trump and his family and "administration" of thugs.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Gimme a Pigfoot and a Bottle of Beer - Bessie Smith

Gimme a Pigfoot

Bessie Smith
Up in Harlem every Saturday night
When the highbrows get together it's just too tight
They all congregate at an all night strut
And what they do is tut tut tut
Oh Hannah Brown from cross town
Gets full of coin and starts breaking 'em down
And at the break of day
You can hear old Hannah say
'Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer
Send me again, I don't care, I feel just like I wanna clown
Give the piano player a drink because he's bringing me down
He's gotta rhythm, yeah, when he stomps his feet
He sends me right off to sleep
Check all your razors and your guns
We gonna be arrested when the wagon comes
I wanna pigfoot and a bottle of beer
Send me 'cause I don't care, blame me 'cause I don't care
Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer
Send me again, I don't

Friday, August 21, 2020

Cucumber(s) in the Age of Trump.

  Cucumber(s) in the Age of Trump.
 No quality control. Quality trapped
      on the other side his H8 Wall.

What do Mrs. Joseph Goebbels and Mrs. Stephen Miller have in common?

What do Mrs. Joseph Goebbels and Mrs. Stephen Miller have in common?

Both had husbands who had other fools sign off on their bosses' Final Solution for hated minorities. 

Katie Miller (nee Waldman) as press secretary to Kirstjen Nielsen secretary DHS in on cabinet level meeting where a unanimous show of hands voted to separate kids from parents at the border "kids in cages", even though NO resources or logistical plan exited. They would just wing it. Stephen Miller, Trump advisor, insisted on Secretary Nielsen sign off on the policy.  Katie has since been passed along to become Press Secretary to VP Mike Pence.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Nick Sandmann , Master of the Mixed Catholic Values Messaging - Slotterd to Wear His Pizza Delivery Hat in Jeffrey Epstein Talking Spot at Republican Convention

Nick Sandmann, fresh from a rumored multi-million dollar settlement with CNN over CNN offering an opinion on his seemingly hate dance or non-dance (LOL?) on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial back in January 2019 when he and his fellow students were fresh from a Catholic anti-abortion rally - say the Catholics never have any anti-sodomy or anti-buggery rallies btw - they say Catholics do have this mixed message from his private boys only (what else) Covington Catholic High School in the take me from the taxpayers state of Kentucky.

Nick has all this seed money now to get a gubmint contract and increase it 100 fold in some sack the treasury, crooked corrupt Trump Deal. Hear he turned down a lot of offeres of special Pizza delivery spots, franchises from GOP members cashing out, holding onto to franchises since the days of George H.W. Bush in the exexutive offive building and oval office. Hollywood types back then too embarassed to admint the cash was coming from Republican dough, and or Pizza, get it, get it. The red pizza delivery hat and indicator that he still wants to be a player, looking for the right investment. 

The shame of pizza and or pizza delivery fell onto females somewhere along the GOP timeline (Hillary?). White male privilege is to deny ownership of the pizza game. Almost like the denial game the same white massas a few generations back denied the rape, torture and sodomy of the Slave ownership franchises before the North attacked the South in a hostile corporate takeover but not before pay back and Jim Crow.

My piece of advice to Nick is the quote that Jesus guy - something about gaining the whole world and losing your immortal soul. But people from the South are too polite to even admit they might not have automatic salvation based on skin pigment.

I would pray for Nick as a Cultural Christian but my prayers would be wasted on the Trump Cult members he is determined to take to HELL with him.

Have a nice day Nick.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fred Trump - Father of Donald Trump - Anchor Baby For A German Immigrant and Draft Dodger

Conceived in Germany and dropped in the Bronx - 1905 ?

He (Friedrich Trumpf) and his family returned to New York on 30 June 1905.[3]:102 Their son Fred was born on 11 October 1905, in the Bronx, New York. ~~ Wikipedia 


Mike Lindell - My Pillow - Dr. Ben Carson HUD - Pushing Trump To Approve Highly Poisonous Oleander Plant Extrat to Cure Covid-19

Nerium Oleander = Wikipedia

"Several compounds in nerium exhibit toxicity, and it has historically been considered a poisonous plant. However, its bitterness renders it unpalatable to humans and most animals, so poisoning cases are rare and the general risk for human mortality is low. Ingestion of larger amounts may cause nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and irregular heart rhythm."

Mike Lindell - My Pillow - Dr. Ben Carson HUD - Pushing Trump To Approve Higly Poisonous Oleander Plant Extract to Cure Covid-19.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Jared Kushner on Face The Nation Alarmed At Voter Fraud in New Jersey - August 16, 2020

Jared Kushner answering soft ball questions from the moderator on FACE THE NATION said that he has proof of how voter fraud is possible. His story is about somebody he knows in New Jersey of a recent bride that got two mail in ballots in the mail. One was addressed to her old name. The second in her new married name.

And waiting for the questioning the moderator on this.


Next topic how his kids, yeah right, to attend school soon.

Jared in regard to the Jersey mail in ballots. If your bride friend uses the one with her legal name, she will be okay. If she is a dumb f*ck like you and does not know what to do with the second unused ballot - if she uses it she would be committing a crime with a long audit trail to prove her guilt. So we scrap the whole mail in system to protect your dumb crony friends?

Where did you study Civics in high school - smoking joints in the little boys' room?


Hans von Spakovsky - Hertitage Foundation Election Expert on Mail in Ballot Fraud

Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Expert on Fox News telling how Washing and Oregon State's mail in voting system subject to fraud in misdelivered mail. OMG! Please don't move. Don't have your mail in forwarded to another state and commit a crime.

Look forward to Hans, son of a Russian immigrant btw, in his NRA smooth Wayne LaPierre salesman look to be broadcasting his conspiracy bullshit from now until the election.

Vladimir Putin personally thanks you for your vote for his good friend Donald Trump.

U.S.P.S. Aided Voter Suppression in Portland Oregon

Vladimir Putin personally thanks you for your vote for his good friend Donald Trump.

Владимир Путин лично благодарит вас за то, что вы проголосовали за его хорошего друга Дональда Трампа.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Postmaster's Wife Aldona Zofia Wos not using husband's DeJoy Surname - Former Bush Embassador to Estonia

Postmaster's Wife Aldona Zofia Wos not using husband's DeJoy Surname - Former Bush Embassador to Estonia and presently handing out Fellowships in the Trump Administration.

Aldona Zofia Wos (born March 26, 1955)[1] is a Polish-American physician and politician who has served in various positions at several U.S. government agencies and nonprofit organizations. She was the United States Ambassador to Estonia from 2004 until early December 2006, the fifth U.S. ambassador since the country regained its independence in 1991. From 2013 until 2015, she was Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Since May 2017, Wos has served as vice-chairwoman of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships, which is tasked with reviewing candidates for White House fellowships.

Postmaster Louis Dejoy - Warehouse Jockey Paying Southern States Minimum Wages While Sucking Up Rich Government Contracts - Outsource Parasite

Our Postmaster Louis DeJoy - Another warehouse jockey giving minimum wage employment in southern warehouses. - Paying minimum wage while sucking up rich Gvoernment Contract 2004 --- Louis DeJoy could not live up to Donald Trump’s vision of an executive .
“I’d be fired,” said DeJoy, CEO of privately held New Breed Corp., a $170 million logistics and distribution company with 2,200 employees nationwide — 400 in Greensboro.
“That attitude that you are the most important person is self-destructive,” he said, in reference to the TV show “The Apprentice.” His business relies on a team of people, many of whom have been with him for a decade, he said.
DeJoy, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., recently won a prestigious Ernst & Young entrepreneur of the year award for the Carolinas. He made headlines in 2004 as a heavy-hitting Bush supporter, along with his wife, Aldona, whom the president appointed ambassador to Estonia in August.
Critics accuse him for turning political connections into profit — about a quarter of his revenue derives from government contracts.
He does not hide his political affiliations, but DeJoy, 47, denies that his support for Bush — he and his wife each gave a maximum $25,000 to the Republican party and $2,000 to the presidential campaign in the recent election — has helped business.
His best government contract years were under President Clinton, when they made up about 95 percent of his business, DeJoy said.
The company folds and sorts mail bags and other delivery equipment for the U.S. Postal Service . It also manages logistics for nuclear, chemical and biological weapons protection gear for Marines in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.
He says the company made a big push to win corporate business since 2000 and that it has paid off. Boeing Co., Siemens AG and Verizon Wireless are some of its biggest customers, he said.
In five years he plans to hit $500 million in sales. At that point he would consider going public , he said.
He speaks frankly, with Reaganesqe “trust but verify” body language: one shoulder turned towards you, arms crossed, eyes directly looking at you while in his chair.
While he wants his two children to earn Ph.Ds, he sees education as just one element of what makes someone capable of succeeding in business and in life.
“Being humble enough to deal with setbacks,” is more important than school, he said. He says life is a series of failures and events that you learn to navigate. He should know.
It’s something he became aware of in turning around New Breed, founded by his father in 1968 as a Long Island-based trucking company.
In 1982 he went to work for them for a few months to help turn the books around, he said. It took about eight years . If the company were to survive it needed to turn itself into something besides a transportation company, he said.
Slowly he started picking up clients that he knew had high-growth potential .
In 1993, when the company moved to the Triad, it had 100 employees nationwide and
$10 million in revenue.
In its current incarnation, New Breed has become the back office for its clients, figuring out how to ship products faster and reduce inventory, he said.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Greenboro North Carolina Still a KKK Sanctuary City All These Years After Greenboro Massacre ?

Two criminal trials of several Klan and ANP members were conducted by state and federal prosecutors. In the first trial, conducted by the state, five were charged with first-degree murder and felony riot. All were acquitted by a jury that concluded that the defendants acted in self-defense. A second, federal criminal civil rights trial in 1984, was brought against nine defendants. The trial resulted in an acquittal of all defendants, when the jury concluded that the men had acted based on political, rather than racial, motivations.

Greenboro NC now the proud adopted home of U.S. Postmaster Louis DeJoy in the historic Irving Park mansion neighborhood next to the big Country Club. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Child of Immigrants Energy to Reshape America with Senator Kamala Harris (D - CA) on Democratic Ticket with VP Joe Biden

Growing up in Berkeley, High School in Montreal, Attorney General of the largest state California and Senator too, is what is needed to take power away from the chaos of the tired old Trump/Putin Junta - rejuvinate ENERGY straight into the Democratic Party with VP Joe Biden as next POTUS. This child of immigrants from Jamaica and India.

One can only hope that revolution is coming as well to Russia and is about to unseat that POS tyrant Putin and his evil regime there.

Good Bye Donny Trump - rich white trash!


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Christopher Columbus at the Foot of Broadway on the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian

(The American Architect, 25 Feb 1905)

Is that a snake or an alligator coming out of Chris Columbus's ass?

Sculptor Augustus Lukeman, artist of Stone Mountain Monument Georgia fame started out small in 1905 with a statue of "Genoa" represented by butcher, rapist Chris Columbus on the local New York City custom house. Ironically the old Cass Gilbert designed Custom House is now the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. Irony in that. Mums the world. Wink. Nod. You never heard this from me.  LOL LMAO

Smithsonian Photo    (click on image to enlarge)


Monday, August 10, 2020

Trump's Bedminster Country Club Klackers Show Up Sans Masks to Abuse First Amendment Freedom of Press 7 May 2020

These rich trash, trust fund babie(?), from Bedminster Country Club showed up at Trump's "new conference" / Mini Rally to applaud and boo journalists who showed up in masks.  Bedmister Country Club Gang showed up without masks, rude, vulgar people used to be the uneducated and poor -but no more under Trump/Putin junta -myth of "survial of the fittest" crowd until the plague does really get them - had to be given masks to wear and conform to New Jersey public gathering regulations like kindergarten kids - it is a real plague the way the fat cats and Trump have intentionally mismanaged the health and safety of the nation btw. 

Meaning of Klacker

Klaker is not only a person who applauds, but also someone who can disrupt the entire performance, reduce the level of acting, etc. They hire such people to eliminate their cultural competitors and nullify their popularity in their circles. Such clakers can shout loudly “yuck!” At the very climax, throw a tomato onto the stage or even into an actor. In general, the klakera know what to do and when to disrupt any public event.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Trump's Attack on Biden Catholicism an Abomination and Age Old Klan Cliche Utterance.

The New Klan (or)
Tea Party, Freedom Caucus, Trump Cult-GOP

I have always known the convenience of the Evangelicals Politicals and the Flop House Bed arrangement of the the Culture War - of politicizing and weaponizing Birth Control from the 1960s - with the bejeweled heirarchy of the Vatican, would fall out one day. That day has perhaps arrived. 

For suburban Catholics hiding in Mongomery Country Pennsylvania (my cousins among them) against the woes of living near the Coloreds in inner city Philly, you ain't white enough for the Klan with your ethnic prefixes of Irish, Polish or German "Catholics". You are still immigrants as equal to your black neighbors back in the old county, not the old country. 

That the Ku Klux Klan still hates *oons, *ykes, and KATHOLICS!

That Trump asserting that Joe Biden is "against God" in a series of false attacks made during a rally-style address to supporters gathered on Cleveland's airport tarmac. "Take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything," Mr. Trump stated from behind the presidential podium. "Hurt the Bible. Hurt God. He's against God. He's against guns. He's against energy." *

That a vote for Trump is a vote for the KLAN is a vote against your ultimate welfare and a vote for the second class citizenship for your grandchildren in a future Amerika ruled by White imbred slave masters and rapists and of course Vladimer Putin. 

I may not believe in religions, but I believe in a higher power and that power is just. ... and I will not let anyone attack anyone's religious beliefs in this great country of America. America is great now for something like that and nothing like this slimy from the past Tea Party, Freedom Caucus, Trump Cult-GOP forces  of the New Klan.


Monday, August 3, 2020

Sputnik Blackmail - 3 October 1957

October 3, 1957 - (on a secret telephone hotline)

Khruschchev: You being a good boy and holding back on space Travel Comrade Ike. 

Ike: I am dragging our feet as long as possible Comrade Chairman. 

Khrushchev: We still have those photos of you and those girls at the Soviet Embassy Party in London on VE Day.

Ike: You would not dare Nikita. I said I was doing all I could to delay America's entry in space. And anyway my experts assure me that the Soviet talk of progress in space is simply propaganda. 

Khrushchev: Just turn on the radio tomorrow comrade. (a burst of laughter in the Soviet telephone background. )

(telephone hang up sound)