Monday, September 2, 2019

Old Geezer Cited Again By Uncivil Moron Robots in the Age of PCBS

I have just been cited for hate speech by FB on a comment I made to a friend regarding Chinese Tariffs and quite frankly in my characteristic Sarcastic Manner. I have often said to dumb ***** to their faces and in forum and under my real name that Sarcasm - it takes intelligence to understand it or appreciate it. Of the comment sent to me and sited regarding Chinese Tariffs to a friend, I no doubt did have the door open to the world and not closed to friends. So I guess it is easier to share nasty comments among friends and that is okay with FB? That I made the comment over 24 hours ago, I doubt that a robot caught my hate speech, that some other robots in some other formerly behind the Iron Curtain countries caught it to read and report my comment(s). Two sore points in the comment, one using a comedic use of words regarding an Asian race setup and members of hell, one I heard in comedic/sarcastic since my youth and of recent usage too in recent memory towards our political enemies, or maybe it was the comment within a comment about our Fearless Leader having **** for brains. I apologize to my friend and or friends and will not be commenting in the future in this citizens' gulag of free speech known as ********. 

Big Brothers are alive and Well. 

Where is my bottle of Victory Gin? 

(I use the word "again" in the title as in this "brave" new world, my use of personal and I thought inoffensive insights or terms of comment are not suitable for monolithic "morality police" robots here now and in other high tech virtual town squares in the recent past - I again sin most grievously against the NEW PC (bow your heads!) - just another means to ween us old folks out of mainstream, albeit modern, thought and society and ignore our lifetimes of real life experience etc.? The HIGH TECHNOLOGY is our ALL.)


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