Thursday, July 4, 2019

Protecting the Betsy Ross Brand - 2019

The Donald and his crowd are trying to protect the 19th Century Centennial Meme Brand of Betsy Ross who may or may not have sewn a "first" American flag in the middle of the chaos of Philadelphia in the Revolutionary War years, where British Crown inbred military mismanagement along with a little help or push from the froggy French, that gave, by default Independence  to thirteen ragtag back water colonies on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. 

That as colonies, the stamp tax btw in a decade would have put together a data base or defacto American Doomsday Book for George III to raise our taxes through the roof to match our real wealth of lumber, fish, wheat, coal etc, hidden behind homespun clothing and feigned humble Puritan and Quaker social masks.  That real great wealth that in the end made possible and in fact paid for an American Revolution against the superpower of Britain btw.

As a child to me and others, the Betsy Ross House in the waterfront slums of Philly was a school bus stop, trip to run up and down a house of two fused together Trinity style houses with winding staircases in the corners of the room. That the usual PC painting of Betsy Ross shows Washington and his entourage of sycophant toadies in a room bigger than her alleged real house on Arch street. It was an in and out 45 minute school trip topped off with buying 10 cent flag pencils and 50 cent Declarations of Independence printed on parchment paper. Next stop Independence Hall to touch the Liberty Bell.

Back to Betsy Griscom Ross Ashburn Claypoole, who outlived or wore out three husbands, who ran an upholstery shop. She was into stuffed chairs and the occasional flag contract for the "Pennsylvania Navy". But she was white in terms of forming the meme and a 1876 Centennial tourist trap her grandson invented as "her" house on Arch Street. This it became starting in the Centennial Year and forward. And she was a WASP by injection, her first marriage to Mr. Ross, COE, being cause to having her expelled from her local Quaker congregation and connections etc. 

So I doubt that as a single mother on her own a lot of her life and running an upholstery business to survive, she was too poor and too Quaker in roots to have owned any slaves, and this is what this moron PC junkie and warrior Kaepernick and Nike are doing to her myth and her so called meme flag in the last week. 

Happy America's Birthday btw.


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