Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Bishop Sheen Being Evicted From His Crypt in Saint Patrick's Cathedral NYC - Bones Worth More in Illinois Religious Market Than NYC Market

Archdiocese of New York gives up fight over Bishop Sheen’s remains

Door to the bishop's crypt under the altar btw opposite a door leading to the sacristy and altar boy's changing room (wink, nod). Millionaire banker Eugene Kelly who started his substantial fortune in the gold fields of California in 1849 paid for half the original cathedral and got denied a crypt promised to him in the "private chapel", the original "crypt" under the Lady's Chapel, now rented out by the hour in the basement. Countess Annie Leary promised a spot there too but her niece ripped her off and never gave the archdiocese the $200,000 promised in her will in 1919 for said purpose. Miss Anna Leary cited over years for keeping two houses, in Manhattan and Queens, full of cats and dogs which the ASPCA had to clean out and destroy every ten years or so for neglect ("cruelty"). Miss Leary died alone and blind, aged 91, and in the care, in the house of her housekeeper in Hastings on Hudson in 1965 and worth half a million dollars and without a will. Oh the bricks and faux stone facades of St. Patrick's have a lot of tales to tell. Meow.


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