Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Email From A Friend - God's Dire Message To The United States In Notre Dame Fire In Paris - A Sign?

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Just received this from a friend:

"You into chain emails? It strikes me. I was in Notre Dame Paris in 1981 and lit three candles. One for my intentions, one for the greater intentions of my family and one for my aging aunt in Philly. I sent her a postcard with Nortre Dame on the face of the card to tell her of my gesture for her. Her first name was Mary and she was very religious. She died quite suddenly about two months later. Her intention was to have a peaceful death and that I think she had, passing away in an easy chair in the living room etc. The thought in a Catholic flavor is this. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The United States and or the RC church has the Virgin Mary as patron saint of the United States. Since it is Easter Week, the holiest in the Christian calendar, it occurs to me that the burning of the roof off of Notre Dame in Paris is a message of Divine disfavor to the United States headed by a man in a strange head piece or roof. Superstitious sounding? Perhaps. If you believe that Notre Dame's fire is a sign from God regarding the Evil now in habitation in the White House. If you think that prayer and divine intervention is necessary to save the soul of America and indirectly the America once known for it former good works to continue doing those good works again in the world, feel free to copy this, display this or pass along by email or social media to your family and friends. God be praised. Not man."


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